I personally saw it, thought something around the lines of “this looks like VS Code” (probably will take some getting used to), and disabled.

Curious if anyone is using it and your thoughts so far.

  • JackbyDev
    21 year ago

    No, I don’t. It wasn’t anything super important but it was something I needed and didn’t feel like taking the time to find it right then. I use IntelliJ for work and not for play so I don’t really want to take time to learn a new UI when I can be productive in the old one. If I was working on a side project for fun at the time I would’ve poked around more.

    • @ExistentialOverloadMonkey
      41 year ago

      You can press shift twice in any IntelliJ-based IDE and you get the Search Everywhere popup that will let you search actions as well as files, classes, functions, etc. It’s very useful.

      • JackbyDev
        21 year ago

        Oh nice, I didn’t know it searched actions too!