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Title: Choose your own adventure!

Option A: Stay up late. Panel depicts person sitting up at night behind a laptop with an energy drink.

Option B: Go to bed early. Panel depicts person sleeping restfully at eight o’ clock.

If you chose option A: panel depicts tired person holding a cup of coffee saying “I’m so tired…”

If you chose option B: panel depicts tired person holding a cup of coffee saying “I’m so tired…”


Edit: added alt text

  • @Isoprenoid
    8 months ago

    I’ll be a stickler, you need to make the same choice consistently over several nights. Just because it’s the weekend doesn’t mean you get to stay up late.

    Unless you like punishing yourself, then go right ahead.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      As someone with kids, my nights are sacred and I will gladly sacrifice my my health to maintain the small amount of personal time I get.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Hate to say it, but when you get older it’s no longer that easy. Getting 9 hours of sleep every night for years at a time is not the same as getting 6 hours of GOOD sleep. In my case it turned out to be restless leg, I was sleeping straight through the night but apparently was tossing all night long and I never felt rested. This went on for nearly 10 years before my doc was able to find something that helped. Now I’m back to doing well with 7-8 hours a night… Would love to be able to do well with 6 hours again but I think those days are gone.