Many of us write opensource code in a void: nobody ever looks at it, uses it nor reviews it. We are the only users and authors.

In order to improve, where can we get our code reviewed? I don’t mean professionally, just from like-minded individuals.

  • AtegonMA
    310 months ago

    with that there would need some way for people to have things to initially review to get the community started. Could do something like after the first 3 posts the point system goes into effect

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      True, it’s not a fleshed out idea haha. But starting with a few points would work.

      Could actually be a cool in it self, wish I had time for something like that.

      • @vrek
        110 months ago

        Something like c sharp acedemy would be kinda cool. Basically do some beginner projects with good code reviews you get a “belt”. That belt allows you to review the beginner projects as you work on intermediate projects. Then you complete those and get another belt that let’s you do advanced projects and review the intermediate projects others submitted.

    • subignition
      110 months ago

      Kinda sounds like a format similar to Stack Exchange might work