No one’s laughing at trump’s shit anymore. Anyone with at least a lukewarm iq and even a cursory knowledge of history can see his fascism. It’s just the system is rigged to give regressive areas more voting power
Eh, that’s not what he said. Sure, yes, he said those words, but if you watch the whole thing it’s clear he just can’t talk like a normal person. He uses words that cause outrage because they get people riled up, and then he goes on to say what he really means. Although who knows man, he’s a total liar, and nothing he says has any value anyways.
What got me about that video was the end. He said “We were doing so well. And we were coming together, and coming together, and it was a beautiful thing. And we’re going to do that again.”. So he personally acknowledged that we were doing well as a country, and more united, and then he came along and started tearing all that down. We’ve been going downhill ever since. His entire motto “make America great again” is built on a lie that he just acknowledged right here at the end of the clip. It was already great. It stopped being great when he wouldn’t shut his fat fucking anus mouth.
But I can’t even really evaluate the things he says without sounding like I’m contradicting myself, because the things he says are contradictory from one statement to another. Idk why I even bothered.
They don’t say shit in good faith my friend. His whole thing is to say stuff that makes his followers react and exhausts anyone trying to pin him down on anything. Contrary to what anyone thinks he isn’t fooling anyone. His rube followers are just happy he’s upsetting everyone and wont hold him to a single thing. Everyone else is just tired of his shtick.
The GOP is done veiling their ideas and power plays but it’s not like they are being honest. The political equivalent of yelling jibberish at the top of your lungs when someone asks you a simple question. Sad part is the media feeds on it somehow.
It does happen in slow motion, and every single time, some people see it happening. They march and wave their arms shouting FASCISM! whilst their neighbours call them hyperbolic.
If you read contemporaneous accounts, you can feel the frustration.
Or… I thought I could feel the frustration, until recently (eta: if you haven’t read They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer, please do as soon as possible). Now it’s doubly frustrating. I keep wracking my brain, wondering what I can do that they didn’t. I can’t stop this, so I keep saying ‘if you were a German in the 1930s, knowing what you know now, what would you do?’
I don’t know the answer to that. I know many Germans saw it coming and couldn’t stop it.
What the fuck can we do? Because it is absolutely coming.
e: oh, and worse, trump isn’t actually the problem. He’ll likely lose, then everyone will high five that we’ve defeated The Problem, but Trump is just their carnival barker. He could die tomorrow and the threat wouldn’t change. There’s a solid fascist movement in the US and elsewhere that will not stop with trump’s defeat. There are thousands of them in high levels of the US government , and they’ll barely miss a beat without trump. He barely matters, and I’m afraid when he loses, the fascist movement behind this will find a wide opening.
I keep wracking my brain, wondering what I can do that they didn’t
These internal questions are what led to me finally realizing how powerless I really am. I can’t even convince my close personal friends to re-evaluate the batshit crazy things they learn online, let alone change the trajectory of a nation.
What’s frustrating is that anyone can find a piece of evidence for their argument, and there are propagandists everywhere offering up grand narratives full of such evidence. So when someone is extremely concerned about children getting sex changes, and you say something to the effect of “that’s not really happening” they’ll just come back at you with a few examples and you’re like “yeah but a few examples isn’t a statistical trend and you’re blowing this way out of proportion” and then they call you a groomer. Like, I’m not okay with it, but also it’s not something that we need to be specifically worried about and build an entire political movement around. Like children get attacked by sharks occasionally (probably more often than they get sex changes), but there’s no mass political movement to shame parents who encourage their kids to swim in known shark habitats.
Unfortunately this is the state of discourse online these days. You can see it all over this and every site. Any time someone says something that someone else disagrees with, it’s only one or two steps before the baseless accusations begin. Just this morning someone called me a Nazi. No discussion or anything, just accused me of being a Nazi because of a position I took on a complex and layered situation. I couldn’t be further from a Nazi. But you know… Once they put you on the defensive, then you’re not discussing the issue anymore, which is what they want.
Yup, not to say that my country is doing much better or anything, but looking over at the USA it’s almost comical how extremely clear their decline into fascism and decay is. It’d almost be funny if it weren’t so serious.
Unfortunately it’s not hard to see a future where the rest of the world have to fight a war against some future form of christiofascist white supremacist USA.
Not next year or the year after of course, but within my lifetime for sure. People forget how quickly some nations go from progressive and democratic to straight up Third Reich.
It takes a shockingly short amount of time once the slow burn has laid the ground work over the initial decades. The slow burn we’re watching now.
Yeah but this slow burn is already like ten years old. The fascists demand retribution for us daring to elect Obama. As soon as they saw the light at the end of that tunnel, they said never again.
If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy. (David Frum)
Against Christofascists sure. I don’t see any actual white supremacy coming out of the USA. It is far too blended of a country now. Everyone knows someone, is related to someone, or involved with someone of varying races. Our friends, our families, and our lovers are all races. Sure, there will be little hate groups still, but white people are quickly losing ground to non-whites, and the government is very inter-racial. Whites are already a minority in California, and set to become minorities nationwide by 2045.
But the Christofacism is a very real threat, and the US military is a monumental behemoth of monstrous proportions. Woe to all if the Christofascists gain unchecked power.
Fascism isn’t something on the horizon. Look at what is happening in Idaho. Within a year or two half of the US states will have criminalized abortion, and all you hear from federal legislators is how important it is that we shovel more money we don’t have into other countries’ wars.
It’s over.
The only power you or I have left is in our immediate local communities, where you can still accomplish the general good.
My surviving jewish family were freed from a nazi death camp by the people you call fascists. Equating the two is holocaust trivialization and antisemitic. I literally link you to a well known mainstream Jewish historian and activist about this issue. Do you think David Katz is a “tankie”?
You call me scum equivalent to a nazi in response. Have words lost all meaning to you?
Nazi Germany actually had a more liberal view of abortion than the laws that a lot of Republican states are now passing (for reasons that you can probably imagine, but still)
Nazi Germany isn’t the only form of fascism, and had other individual freedoms even more restricted. Nazi Germany was a far-right, reactionary state that violently suppressed Workers and stripped their freedoms, just like American conservatives are attempting to do and are working towards.
The Nazi stance on abortion wasn’t “liberal”, that’s ludicrous. It ranged from being forbidden for parents of German blood to encouraged or even forced in other cases, it was all about their ideas of racial hygiene. Not even the GOP is that racist, or can you imagine them mandating abortions for mixed-race couples?
The only case where this might be true is even the ban on abortion for German couples did not mean a ban on abortions in medical cases. German (not just Nazi) law generally considers it, as is proper, self-defence. Honestly I don’t think a legal system which doesn’t consider it such can consider itself a legal system at all, Radbruch and everything.
They’re not even bothering with destroying things behind the scenes. They’re doing it right out in the open, because nobody has the teeth and cajones to stop them.
He’s not a distraction, but he is being used by more savvy conservatives.
You can take heart at the fact that he’s at least being stopped in his tracks when he tries to blatantly overthrow the country, which did not happen during other prominent fascist coups you might remember.
The January 6th riots were unsuccessful.
Trump directly asked a georgian election official to commit fraud, which the official refused to do
Trump and his team convinced conservatives to mail in forged election certificates that were discovered and rejected.
trump has fought against but been found liable for insurrection.
No political outcome is inevitable.
History moves slow the same way icebergs do. The events are so monumental that the speed doesn’t really matter.
There are dozens of groups actively campaigning against Trump and numerous popular protests, not to mention all of his current indictments. People are aware.
Hitler rose to power in an entirely different political situation with a different candidate in different economic, social, and technological circumstances.
Germany was at a historically low point economically, the US is doing well.
Hitler was voted in, trump was voted out.
There was low awareness of and global outcry against hitler, while today entire countries, including the US, protest against Trump policies.
Trump has been found liable for inciting a violent insurrection and even been taken off two ballots.
Receive said none of that would ever happen, trump would never face any consequences, and they were wrong.
People are seeing what is happening politically with trump, and they are also seeing these incorrect doom and gloom posts equivocating trump and Hitler encouraging everyone to shrug their shoulders and accept their fate.
This post is wrong and it’s cowardly, ignorant premise is wrong. It is not the same thing happening again, this asshole has already been voted out once and can be voted out again.
Stop resigning yourself to a world you don’t want and make a change.
Stop telling others they’re done for when they aren’t.
trump lost four years ago, before he was ever find liable for rape, treason and insurrection.
Make sure anyone who shows a glimmer of support for trump knows they’re supporting a rapist.
It’s funny, they say fascism happens in slow motion and no one expects it to actually happen until it’s to late.
I really feel like we’re watching it happen in America.
Everyone’s laughing at Trump’s stupidity while the systems to stop fascism are slowly destroyed behind the scenes.
Feels like he’s just a distraction from what’s actually happening.
No one’s laughing at trump’s shit anymore. Anyone with at least a lukewarm iq and even a cursory knowledge of history can see his fascism. It’s just the system is rigged to give regressive areas more voting power
You don’t even need any of that, he explicitly told everyone that he’s gonna be a dictator
Eh, that’s not what he said. Sure, yes, he said those words, but if you watch the whole thing it’s clear he just can’t talk like a normal person. He uses words that cause outrage because they get people riled up, and then he goes on to say what he really means. Although who knows man, he’s a total liar, and nothing he says has any value anyways.
What got me about that video was the end. He said “We were doing so well. And we were coming together, and coming together, and it was a beautiful thing. And we’re going to do that again.”. So he personally acknowledged that we were doing well as a country, and more united, and then he came along and started tearing all that down. We’ve been going downhill ever since. His entire motto “make America great again” is built on a lie that he just acknowledged right here at the end of the clip. It was already great. It stopped being great when he wouldn’t shut his fat fucking anus mouth.
But I can’t even really evaluate the things he says without sounding like I’m contradicting myself, because the things he says are contradictory from one statement to another. Idk why I even bothered.
They don’t say shit in good faith my friend. His whole thing is to say stuff that makes his followers react and exhausts anyone trying to pin him down on anything. Contrary to what anyone thinks he isn’t fooling anyone. His rube followers are just happy he’s upsetting everyone and wont hold him to a single thing. Everyone else is just tired of his shtick.
The GOP is done veiling their ideas and power plays but it’s not like they are being honest. The political equivalent of yelling jibberish at the top of your lungs when someone asks you a simple question. Sad part is the media feeds on it somehow.
That’s a very good assessment that I completely agree with.
guess there’s just a predetermined, genetic based, level of intelligence hey mate? scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds, comrades.
I’m not American, I dont get a vote, I laugh at trump, and all of America, to keep myself from crying.
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What does this add to the conversation?
I keep saying it, but no one wants to join my radical and poorly regulated militia so this will be everyone else’s fault.
Talk about fighting fire with fire!
It does happen in slow motion, and every single time, some people see it happening. They march and wave their arms shouting FASCISM! whilst their neighbours call them hyperbolic.
If you read contemporaneous accounts, you can feel the frustration.
Or… I thought I could feel the frustration, until recently (eta: if you haven’t read They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer, please do as soon as possible). Now it’s doubly frustrating. I keep wracking my brain, wondering what I can do that they didn’t. I can’t stop this, so I keep saying ‘if you were a German in the 1930s, knowing what you know now, what would you do?’
I don’t know the answer to that. I know many Germans saw it coming and couldn’t stop it.
What the fuck can we do? Because it is absolutely coming.
e: oh, and worse, trump isn’t actually the problem. He’ll likely lose, then everyone will high five that we’ve defeated The Problem, but Trump is just their carnival barker. He could die tomorrow and the threat wouldn’t change. There’s a solid fascist movement in the US and elsewhere that will not stop with trump’s defeat. There are thousands of them in high levels of the US government , and they’ll barely miss a beat without trump. He barely matters, and I’m afraid when he loses, the fascist movement behind this will find a wide opening.
These internal questions are what led to me finally realizing how powerless I really am. I can’t even convince my close personal friends to re-evaluate the batshit crazy things they learn online, let alone change the trajectory of a nation.
What’s frustrating is that anyone can find a piece of evidence for their argument, and there are propagandists everywhere offering up grand narratives full of such evidence. So when someone is extremely concerned about children getting sex changes, and you say something to the effect of “that’s not really happening” they’ll just come back at you with a few examples and you’re like “yeah but a few examples isn’t a statistical trend and you’re blowing this way out of proportion” and then they call you a groomer. Like, I’m not okay with it, but also it’s not something that we need to be specifically worried about and build an entire political movement around. Like children get attacked by sharks occasionally (probably more often than they get sex changes), but there’s no mass political movement to shame parents who encourage their kids to swim in known shark habitats.
Unfortunately this is the state of discourse online these days. You can see it all over this and every site. Any time someone says something that someone else disagrees with, it’s only one or two steps before the baseless accusations begin. Just this morning someone called me a Nazi. No discussion or anything, just accused me of being a Nazi because of a position I took on a complex and layered situation. I couldn’t be further from a Nazi. But you know… Once they put you on the defensive, then you’re not discussing the issue anymore, which is what they want.
Not an answer, but food for thought:
Oooh, neat! Thank you so much for linking this!
Yup, not to say that my country is doing much better or anything, but looking over at the USA it’s almost comical how extremely clear their decline into fascism and decay is. It’d almost be funny if it weren’t so serious.
Unfortunately it’s not hard to see a future where the rest of the world have to fight a war against some future form of christiofascist white supremacist USA.
Not next year or the year after of course, but within my lifetime for sure. People forget how quickly some nations go from progressive and democratic to straight up Third Reich.
It takes a shockingly short amount of time once the slow burn has laid the ground work over the initial decades. The slow burn we’re watching now.
Yeah but this slow burn is already like ten years old. The fascists demand retribution for us daring to elect Obama. As soon as they saw the light at the end of that tunnel, they said never again.
Against Christofascists sure. I don’t see any actual white supremacy coming out of the USA. It is far too blended of a country now. Everyone knows someone, is related to someone, or involved with someone of varying races. Our friends, our families, and our lovers are all races. Sure, there will be little hate groups still, but white people are quickly losing ground to non-whites, and the government is very inter-racial. Whites are already a minority in California, and set to become minorities nationwide by 2045.
But the Christofacism is a very real threat, and the US military is a monumental behemoth of monstrous proportions. Woe to all if the Christofascists gain unchecked power.
It’s too late.
Fascism isn’t something on the horizon. Look at what is happening in Idaho. Within a year or two half of the US states will have criminalized abortion, and all you hear from federal legislators is how important it is that we shovel more money we don’t have into other countries’ wars.
It’s over.
The only power you or I have left is in our immediate local communities, where you can still accomplish the general good.
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All of those are aspects of fascism. Restricting individual freedoms is a core part of fascism.
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Sad to see you got some downvotes, your takes here are very technically correct and aware of the big picture and actual facts of the mechanisms.
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I hate having to tap the “calling the USSR or other AES states fascist is antisemitic” sign
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My surviving jewish family were freed from a nazi death camp by the people you call fascists. Equating the two is holocaust trivialization and antisemitic. I literally link you to a well known mainstream Jewish historian and activist about this issue. Do you think David Katz is a “tankie”?
You call me scum equivalent to a nazi in response. Have words lost all meaning to you?
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Nazi Germany actually had a more liberal view of abortion than the laws that a lot of Republican states are now passing (for reasons that you can probably imagine, but still)
Nazi Germany isn’t the only form of fascism, and had other individual freedoms even more restricted. Nazi Germany was a far-right, reactionary state that violently suppressed Workers and stripped their freedoms, just like American conservatives are attempting to do and are working towards.
How liberal was their view of social equality in regards to varying races?
You DO see how disingenuous your example is, right?
The Nazi stance on abortion wasn’t “liberal”, that’s ludicrous. It ranged from being forbidden for parents of German blood to encouraged or even forced in other cases, it was all about their ideas of racial hygiene. Not even the GOP is that racist, or can you imagine them mandating abortions for mixed-race couples?
The only case where this might be true is even the ban on abortion for German couples did not mean a ban on abortions in medical cases. German (not just Nazi) law generally considers it, as is proper, self-defence. Honestly I don’t think a legal system which doesn’t consider it such can consider itself a legal system at all, Radbruch and everything.
I got banned from a web forum in 2015 for calling Trump a fascist. This shit should not have been any sort of surprise to anybody paying attention.
Read world news. This is in no way just America.
No but this post is about the US
They’re not even bothering with destroying things behind the scenes. They’re doing it right out in the open, because nobody has the teeth and cajones to stop them.
He’s not a distraction, but he is being used by more savvy conservatives.
You can take heart at the fact that he’s at least being stopped in his tracks when he tries to blatantly overthrow the country, which did not happen during other prominent fascist coups you might remember.
The January 6th riots were unsuccessful.
Trump directly asked a georgian election official to commit fraud, which the official refused to do
Trump and his team convinced conservatives to mail in forged election certificates that were discovered and rejected.
trump has fought against but been found liable for insurrection.
No political outcome is inevitable.
History moves slow the same way icebergs do. The events are so monumental that the speed doesn’t really matter.
What matters is how you vote.
It literally happened to Hitler. Difference is he was sent to prison for it. This generated a lot of attention for him.
The same thing is happening here minus the treason charges.
It’s playing out very similarly. As it has over and over again with fascism.
This is kind of my point with it happening slowly and people not seeing it.
There are dozens of groups actively campaigning against Trump and numerous popular protests, not to mention all of his current indictments. People are aware.
Hitler rose to power in an entirely different political situation with a different candidate in different economic, social, and technological circumstances.
Germany was at a historically low point economically, the US is doing well.
Hitler was voted in, trump was voted out.
There was low awareness of and global outcry against hitler, while today entire countries, including the US, protest against Trump policies.
Trump has been found liable for inciting a violent insurrection and even been taken off two ballots.
Receive said none of that would ever happen, trump would never face any consequences, and they were wrong.
People are seeing what is happening politically with trump, and they are also seeing these incorrect doom and gloom posts equivocating trump and Hitler encouraging everyone to shrug their shoulders and accept their fate.
This post is wrong and it’s cowardly, ignorant premise is wrong. It is not the same thing happening again, this asshole has already been voted out once and can be voted out again.
Stop resigning yourself to a world you don’t want and make a change.
Stop telling others they’re done for when they aren’t.
trump lost four years ago, before he was ever find liable for rape, treason and insurrection.
Make sure anyone who shows a glimmer of support for trump knows they’re supporting a rapist.
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At this point it likely doesn’t matter. The US has fucked itself so hard. They’ll either fall or spend decades trying to get back to where they were.