Hey. Just for fun, I wanna make a Tumblr blog where I introduce every POSIX utility listed in IEEE 1003.1 XCU. I know about the reputation of Tumblr and I think it is a neat thing to do, some kid may stumble upon the blog and know what POSIX is.

So I want every utility to have a Moe mascot, but I am

1- Not an artist; 2- Lack the funds to hire an artist;

so I was wondering, is there a way I can generate random moe girls? It’s just for ‘lark’ it does not need to be super detailed.

(Keep in mind that I don’t have any money or the access to international banking necessary to register on DALL-E or any paid service).


  • @Scoopta
    25 months ago

    This post has too many down votes for the quantity of anime in it