• @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      How fucking misogynistic do you have to be for a take like this?

      Women aren’t a bunch of bumbling simpletons. They aren’t “tricked into prostitution by OnlyFans”

      It can’t possibly be that women do things of their own free will! They must be stupid, infantile victims who need to be protected and guided at every moment by white knights such as yourself, otherwise they’ll do stupid things! Silly women!

      You know Rudyard Kipling’s poem, The White Man’s Burden? Where he says it’s unfortunate but whites have no real choice but to control the rest and prevent them from being savages?

      That’s what you sound like. The Man’s Burden. It’s unfortunate but women have to be controlled! Those poor delicate flowers need a white knight to guide them and keep them respectable!

      Your brand of misogyny is probably the most frustrating, because you actually think you’re right. You aren’t. You’re just treating women like babies who can’t make the right choices unless society/men tell them what those choices should be.

        • @[email protected]
          85 months ago

          I’m pretty far from a libertarian free market capitalist. I’m not sure how you’d infer that from a comment criticising your misogyny.

          But nice attempt at an ad-hominem regardless.

          And I also don’t know why you seem to think I’m German or why calling Germany a joke of a country would be a compelling counter-argument to being called sexist.

          Clearly your brain isn’t working. And yet you want to make choices on behalf of women lmao.

        • Flying Squid
          65 months ago

          I have multiple friends who worked in strip clubs when we were in college together. It helped them pay for their tuition. As far as I know, not one of them has ever worked as a prostitute.

          How can this be based on your claim? Are my friends special in this regard?

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          Hold up, back pain and being sore qualifies this as a horrible job and a pyramid scheme?

          Every day I drive to work I see prostitutes lined up on the side of the road whoring their bodies out for money. It takes a big toll on their bodies, I sure as shit wouldnt do it.

          But hey, SOMEBODY has to fix our roads, eh?

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      Can I/you pay the models on OnlyFans to have sex with them? No.

      Then it’s not prostitution. Porn stars are not prostitutes either. Sex work doesn’t make you a prostitute. That’s a very specific line of work and this ain’t it.

      • @[email protected]
        -165 months ago

        Oh if you’re confused about what I mean it immediately places people looking for a side gig in a position to make less money than they expect and get solicited for prostitution while exposing themselves online in a way that causes big issues in other careers

      • @[email protected]
        -195 months ago

        It is lmao only the tip top percentile makes any money, and guess what? Literally everyone who subscribes is begging for meetups and waving $1000. They’re all psychos with no sense of how easy it would be to fuck if they let go of their need to fuck with other people

              • @[email protected]
                -105 months ago

                ??? I use my imagination like a normal person. I don’t need to watch sex tapes of prostitutes or from dubious sources sorted by shitty silicon valley startups for surveillance purposes.

                As for personal experience when I was two years younger and stupid I was dating an autistic agoraphobic camgirl lol, only way for her and a lot of disabled people to survive, but anecdotes abt it being a shitty pyramid scheme aren’t the entirety of my issue with chaturbate/onlyfans/etc, nor is it opening women up to more serious & endangering prostitution, it’s a shitty startup and a cover for HUMAN TRAFFICKING THRU HOTEL NETWORKS.

                The ppl behind onlyfans and hotels etc are criminals. They will launder trafficking victims no problem. Already have. Children too.

                Just the tip of the iceberg really

                • Flying Squid
                  5 months ago

                  like a normal person.

                  I wonder what else you consider a ‘normal person’ doesn’t do when it comes to sexual activity?

                  Foot feitishism? BSDSM? Food play?

                  How about just plain old gay sex? Not something a ‘normal person’ would do?

                  I’m just wondering where you draw your line about ‘normal’ sexuality.