After two years of development, W4 Games is proud to announce the first beta release of W4 Cloud, our open-source backend for online and multiplayer games optimized for the Godot Engine.

W4 Cloud has been built around the same concepts as the Godot Engine: simplicity and flexibility.

As part of our commitment to open-source, we have made the initial public release available under the GNU AGPLv3 license.

Note that it seems this will only be free & open source initially, but will probably move to a paid model on release. W4 is a for-profit company, after all.

Edit: Removed some speculation, I misunderstood the “initial public release” part and assumed later releases would not be foss

  • @[email protected]
    74 months ago

    Is it confirmed this will move to paid-only/closed source? Theoretically W4 could still make the software available while charging for hosting and using with their managed servers?

    • @Kissaki
      54 months ago

      OP speculation. I don’t see them closing it off after an open source release, under AGPL, and linking self-hosting as an alternative on their cloud offer page.