Removing last will break my library.

macro_rules! list {
    () => {
    [ $x:expr, $( $y:expr ),* ] => {
	    let mut first = cons($x, &None);
	    let mut last = &mut first;
		let yet_another = cons($y, &None);
		if let Some(ref mut last_inner) = last {
		    let last_mut = Rc::get_mut(last_inner).unwrap();
		    last_mut.cdr = yet_another;
		    last = &mut last_mut.cdr;

This macro works as I expected because it can pass these tests.

    fn dolist() {
        let mut v = vec![];
        dolist!((i &cons(10, &list![20, 30, 40])) {
        assert_eq!(v, vec![10, 20, 30, 40]);

    fn turn_list_to_vec() {
        assert_eq!(list_to_vec(&list![1, 2, 3]), vec![1, 2, 3]);

    fn count_elements() {
        assert_eq!(list_len(&list![10, 20, 30]), 3);

However I got the warning “value assigned to last is never read.”

How can I avoid this warning?

P.S. Full code

  • @5C5C5C
    143 months ago

    If you put an underscore as the first character in the variable name, that tells the compiler that the variable may go unused and you’re okay with that. E.g.

    let mut _last = &mut first;