So I’ve got a friend at work; just turned thirty. He’s perhaps not the smartest tool in the shed, and whilst he does look thirty, I think if we were guessing his age by his level of maturity, we’d place him fairly squarely in the 18-22 age range.

Anyway, 30 has had this ongoing thing with this girl at work. She’s 19. He sees nothing wrong with it, and whilst that may be true from a legal standpoint…most of us think it a bit … untoward at best.

This post isn’t about him though. It’s about you. What’s your age cut-off, both high and low for dating?

  • @[email protected]
    -247 months ago

    It works fine in your twenties that formula. 30 dating 22, bit weird. 40 dating 27, umm somethings gone wrong here. A 50 year old dating a 32 year old? 60 dating 37? That’s gold diggers and thai brides, don’t do that

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Enh, a lot of it depends on how they met, who initiated and how, and so many other things.

      Like, I’m 40, I’m not looking for 27 year olds, but if I met a 27 year old woman that I got on really well with and she expressed interest first, why wouldn’t I go on a date with her?

      Now if I were a creepy weirdo hitting on every 27-year-old that I see because the “fit the formula”, then that’s not ok.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      (age/2)+7 is just the lower limit… anything below that is definitely weird, but above that it’s potentially not…
      btw, imagine those age gaps you just listed with a male as the younger one and the woman as the older one… not so automatically terrible that way, is it?

        • @stembolts
          6 months ago

          Party #1 is cool with it.
          Party #2 is cool with it.
          (Uninvolved person bursts from alley)
          BUT I’M NOT!

          Why should anyone give a shit what the uninvolved person thinks?

          You probably have some control issues of which you’re not aware. Do some thinking, explore why you feel the way you do. It could be enlightening for your self-development.