• @[email protected]
      294 months ago

      The People’s Front of Fremen, Fremen People’s Front, the Fremen People’s Popular Front, the Campaign for a Free Arrakis, and the Popular Front of Fremen

      • @towerful
        234 months ago

        But not the Fremans Front of Arrakis. Bunch of splitters

  • @[email protected]
    144 months ago

    Awe we going to awwakis? Jessica’s maiden name was nuts, you know…she used to hyphenate.

    …Jessica Atredes-Nuts

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Idk, in the book you can read the exact moment where he gives up and realizes he can no longer stop the Jihad. But up until that part he was big dickin’ the religious symbolism. How anyone sees Paul as a hero is beyond me. He used those people like his father told him to.

    • @[email protected]
      74 months ago

      Well, it’s a little more complex than that. he’s the good guy in macro scale. (if you believe his own presciece. Which is admittedly dubious due to the obvious conflict of interest. But Paul shows on numerous occasions that he can indeed see the future.) everything Paul did (and by extension everything Leto II did) was to guarantee humanity’s survival as a species. Paul essentially sacrificed billions of lives across the empire in order to ensure humanity wouldn’t go extinct. That being said he is definitely not the good guy to the Fremen. He and Leto II fucked that group of people over big time.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        He’s a coward. Rides the whole “messiah” thing to get revenge for his family, thinking he can avoid the bad parts, then it happens anyway. He glimpses the Golden Path but instead of going through with it he gets depressed and dies. If his son didn’t do the job for him, billions would have died in his Jihad and then humanity would have gone extinct anyway. I remember Leto II’s feelings towards his father were… complex in God Emperor.

        Anyway I’m very happy with Villeneuve’s adaptation because he did a much better job than Herbert at writing Paul as a Villain (Herbert famously regretted that his depiction wasn’t clearer which is the why he wrote Messiah).

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      Watched it today and could not stop myself from referencing life of brian, when paul said he was not the messiah.