The mine is Dome Keeper. I linked what’s coming soon to this fun game!

    • @[email protected]
      1210 days ago

      Cassette Beasts

      That art style, especially the “over world”, is really done well. Almost perfect implementation of HD-2D. I’m impressed.

        • @PsyhackologicalOP
          10 days ago

          What about keyboard and mouse support? I ask because some games are heavily reliant on controllers. For example Cuphead or I try to beat 100% Celeste,

          • @[email protected]
            10 days ago

            Edit: I thought I was in a different Sub talking about Sky Children of Light.

            A keyboard and Mouse on Cassette Bests hardly presents any benefits or downsides to a controller. I just like sitting back all the way in my chair and not having my hands up on my desk. Both work amazingly.

    • @[email protected]
      910 days ago

      I couch coop play this with my 6 year old and it is awesome! Music is a fun and super approachable for the younger crowd and older. I make him read to learn moves and stuff. It’s clearly for learning.

      • @[email protected]
        410 days ago

        I should warn others reading that the song in Harbortown “Wherever We Are Now” does feature the word “shit” in it one time. The music is beautiful though. I have it on my playlists.

      • @[email protected]
        410 days ago

        Good music is an understatement for me. I fucken love the music. Its studio quality and I can hear the care taken to make it (I have an audio engineer certificate). It took over my playlists for at least a month. And the way the vocals fade in and out during fusions or entering a building is perfect. The music never stops abruptly or sounds like shit. They had some real talent on all of the music side of things.

        • @PsyhackologicalOP
          29 days ago

          Good music is an understatement for me.

          Sorry! I just haven’t played it yet.

          Its studio quality and I can hear the care taken to make it (I have an audio engineer certificate). It took over my playlists for at least a month. And the way the vocals fade in and out during fusions or entering a building is perfect. The music never stops abruptly or sounds like shit. They had some real talent on all of the music side of things.

          I have Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO with Chord mojo 2, so I can get advantage of it! Thanks for describing this. I’m even more interested in it.

          • @[email protected]
            28 days ago

            I listen to it on a pair of studio audio technical headphones (nothing special just a flat frequency response). With the music being such a big part its a great experience. Definitely worth a play through. If anyone ever wants to battle, trade, or fight fusions just DM me for real.

  • Blaster M
    2210 days ago

    ∆V: Rings of Saturn

    A “realistic” asteroids game

    • @[email protected]
      610 days ago

      No matter what other games I start, I keep drifting back to ∆V. I need to get my thrusters checked.

    • @PsyhackologicalOP
      10 days ago

      ΔV: Rings of Saturn

      Yeah, I played for about 30 minutes, but I couldn’t figure out how to steer my spaceship, so I safely extract something and I don’t hit the asteroids. I will probably come back to it, though. ☄️

      • Blaster M
        10 days ago

        wasdqe - a, d strafe left/right on ship bearing, w forward on ship bearing, s reverse on ship bearing, q, e rotate left/right

        x to full stop

        shift to fire the main engine (like w but spicier)

        space to shot gun

        assuming en-us qwerty keyboard of course

        mouse: hold / tap right click to aim ship towards mouse pointer, hold left click to drag the speed bug and set speed towards your heading ot target

        click on an object to target it, automatically facing the ship towards the target and matching velocity relative to it

        middle click hold to open the cargo bay. Remember, never brake (s) with the door open unless you want to dump cargo out

        assuming right-handed mouse

  • @[email protected]
    1410 days ago

    Halls of Torment. It’s probably the most fun I’ve had with a survivor-like game since, well, Vampire Survivors.

        • @PsyhackologicalOP
          19 days ago

          Every so often it’s a tight squeeze through enemies, even though the build is fine.

  • @MXX53
    1010 days ago

    Cruelty Squad without a doubt.

    • @PsyhackologicalOP
      10 days ago

      Cruelty Squad

      The graphic is to say… interesting at least. Crazy - in one word. This game seems almost perfect by Steam reviews.

      Cruelty Squad is a tactical first person shooter set in the hardcore gig economy of corporate liquidations. You’re an emotionally dead combat-substance fueled grunt of Cruelty Squad, a depraved subsidiary company tasked with performing wetworks for its host conglomerate. Will you make the Corporate Arch Demoness proud or succumb to bitter tears of failure?

      Yeah, we need more like these. 🤪

      • @MXX53
        710 days ago

        Lmao. I think the art really sells the story, even if it is a little offensive. There is so much depth including an economy where you can trade and sell business stocks (before and after killing influential figures), and most importantly, fish and organs. I think the most stable place you can have your money is as either pancreas or liver as they are always about 1 dollar. It’s like bio crypto lol.

        I have played only about 30 hours, but I have not even scratched the surface of secrets that are there.

        • @PsyhackologicalOP
          29 days ago

          Yeah, totally normal description of the game. 🤪

          Try ANIMAL WELL if you want so many secrets. It’s not made in Godot, but it’s made with a custom game engine for this purpose.

          • @MXX53
            38 days ago

            I have my eye on that one. I have given myself a super restrictive budget for the next 2 years, but maybe after that I will pick it up. I love the way that game looks and as a wannabe game dev on the weekends, I am super impressed with what the dev has managed to create on his own. Absolutely amazing work.

      • @MXX53
        28 days ago

        Yeah when I first saw that I was surprised as well.

  • Rai0
    68 days ago

    A game I’ve been playing a bit recently has been Master of Chess. It’ll be the closest thing to becoming a grandmaster I’ll ever achieve. Master of Chess

    • @PsyhackologicalOP
      310 days ago

      Voices of the Void

      I couldn’t find it on the Steam, I found it on the

      You work as a scientist in the isolated research lab in the mountains of Switzerland. Your task is to gather signals from space, analyze them, process them and sell them to get points. You can get regular signals and objects like dwarf planets and stars, or you can get something “unusual” or “strange” The game has 40+ days and events, 150+ possible signals, some easter eggs and secrets.

      Sounds great! 🪐 Shame it does not have a Linux port yet, though. 🥺