“all I did was hound them relentlessly about electing a treasonous rapist for president! I don’t know WHY they stopped taking my calls…”
Don’t forget she was first cancelled for her tweet calling a PoC an ape
… but it’s not her fault, she was on Ambien past 10 PM /s
And at no point did she ever consider just shutting the fuck up.
for a party chock full of “tough guy” personas, the republican party as a whole sure does love to play the victim card for every single problem they caused for themselves
The republican party is the schoolyard bully.
LOL they wish. those clowns couldn’t bully a dog into a steak factory.
though they sure do bully each other enough
It’s genuinely sad that our political discourse has been manipulated by the GOP to the point that families are torn apart. They claim to be all about families and family values and shit, but they care only about destruction.
"They’re my kids. I still have Democrat kids, oh God, help me, and my mom too is still a Democrat,” she wailed. “We’ve gotta convert ’em, Roseanne,” offered the host.
“I have tried like hell — and my brother, my gay brother, my gay sister. They’re all, you know — I tried like hell and now they don’t even talk to me. I try to text them and they don’t take my texts.” Remorselessly, she sneers, “Whatever!”
“Roseanne, we still love you here at Newsmax,” replied the host.
The cult still loves you, even after the family we helped you alienate is gone
The only part about this I feel bad about is that she was actually funny in a unique way, and now I can’t watch her Portlandia episode without thinking she actually means everything in it… Though I suppose it’s just funny in a different, real crazy instead of pretend crazy way
She could have been a real powerful voice for working class and the very real problems they have thanks to both parties’ policies.
Instead, she jumped onto the crazy, bigot train.
“Am I the asshole?” -thought no asshole ever thinks
Hey it’s Roseanne, cosplaying as my BIL.
“Bil Cosplay” sounds like taking a sweater vest and pudding pops to a convention.
And ruffies. Don’t forget the ruffies.
She should lay off the Ambien.
I don’t know if they could have used a less flattering photo of her.
I think that’s just what she looks like all the time now
Honestly, this is one of the better photos I’ve seen of her. She’s not aging well. It’s probably all the hate
It looks like she’s trying to pass a particularly obstinate turd.
She has a comedy special where she complains about Qanon’s predictions not coming true and the crowd is just silent
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Comedian/actor who peaked in the 90’s that mostly just ‘old person yells at clouds and sometimes says racist things’ now
I never realized how good her tv show was until they killed her off.
Lady, get some medicine and talk to someone
Why does she keep letting the world know this stuff? Why not just shut up and make some money and friends again? Or even better, evaluate why they won’t talk to her, make changes, and then let the world know about that!