• @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    That is the left blinker.

    It turns on automatically whenever a car is detected in front of you.

    The high-beansbeams should be flashing as well.

    To proceed please press and hold the BMW badge for at least 20 seconds. Repeat as needed.

  • @[email protected]
    4211 hours ago

    Where I live this is basically every driver.

    Hell 1 day I had a van turn into me as I was crossing the road without indicating (for clarity I was crossing the side road) and started waving his arms at me in a panic like I should have known that’s what he was going to do

      • @[email protected]
        149 hours ago

        I have been in two car collisions in my life (neither my fault), and this was the cause of one of them. Person was in the left lane with their left indicator on, was at a complete stop with wheels pointing left waiting for cars to pass (I assumed), then turned right into me as soon as I was on their right.

        Fortunately, they admitted it to the police and insurance. It was kind of a blessing in disguise as it technically totalled my old clunker, even though it was just cosmetic body damage. But, the insurance adjuster asked if I wanted to keep the car or not, and I said yes. So he put the damages at $50 less than whatever the % was that would require me to give the insurance company my car for the payout. I didn’t need to repair it, and that money helped as a broke college student.

  • @[email protected]
    1411 hours ago

    Only if it’s blinking. That indicates your headlight fluid needs topping up - it’s the stuff that helps the auto levelling system work. Depending on the model, yould either need to drive slowly to an authorized dealer, or being the vehicle to a stop entirely and phone for roadside assistance. Just make sure you get the silicone based replacement - your pump and reservoir will thank you later.