It is probably due to a number of people stopping using their alts after some instance hopping.
Also a few people who came to see how it was, and weren’t attracted enough to become regular visitors.
Curious to see at which number we’ll stabilize.
Next peak will probably happen after either major features release (e.g. exhaustive mod tools allowing reluctant communities to move from Reddit) or the next Reddit fuck up (e.g. removing old.reddit)
Stats on each server:
Hexbear has been very active for 3 years before we even federated. There’s plenty of room for growth. We’re not going to become reddit (and that’s a good thing) but acting like it’s just going to die (or is already dead) is just ridiculous
Hexbear has become a cesspool. Not exactly a great example to aspire to. I actually wish we would become very much like Reddit used to be back in the day. I very much enjoyed that experience and want it back. I’m sure plenty of others do to. Im just disappointed that it seems much more likely that Lemmy fizzles than soars. I can’t emphasize enough how big and bad a deal the stripping of third party API access to reddit data is. I wish more people felt more strongly about this beyond posting pictures of John Oliver. Not sure if you are old enough to remember when high quality RSS feeds were a thing, but this direct access to data that users could custom curate was amazing. When you take control of how users consent data, you start to take control of the users. Lemmy has immense potential and at face value people are largely fed up with being manipulated and taken advantage of by internet giants, but most are clearly not fed up enough to leave their comfort zone. Spez and the others are well aware of this and happy to take advantage. It takes a ton of effort to keep something like Lemmy afloat. Just like a new restaurant, if after a few months it’s not taking off, it’s pretty unlikely to do so with more time. I hope I’m wrong, but the Spez nonsense was a huge gift to growing Lemmy, and in the grand scheme of things the effect was quite small.
Hexbear is an aggressively inclusive space full of thoughtful people who are passionate about making the world a better place and educating their fellow man. If every online space were more like hexbear we’d all be much better off
Oh yeah back in the good old days of /r/jailbait and /r/creepshots and /r/sexwithdogs
Lol… so inclusive wanting to bring down America, listing out a bunch of people you’d love to get rid of (anyone you consider bourgeoise), unyielding fanboying of China…
I think the overall Lemmy experience has gone downhill since hexbear federated. I also think seeing the propaganda posts constantly hitting the All feed will drive people away. Are there even any non-political hexbear communities? All I ever see are anti-is and pro-China posts.
I still can’t wrap my head around being so pro-trans rights (a fabulous thing), yet in the same breath simping for China. Not the most stellar LGBTQIA+ record there.
Everything is political. We have comms that we don’t consider political, but you would still consider them political because you would rather they cater to your politics rather than ours. We have [email protected] for example, but because it’s not a liberal comm you would consider it political.
You’re literally professing your support for trans rights and simping for the US in one comment so you must be mega confused
This sounds like treating politics like religion. No thanks.
Yes. America is the pre-eminent fascist violence force on Earth and must be brought down for the good of humanity
Not having America around to keep Russia and China in check sounds great for humanity 👍
Damn you really kept them in check when you bombed Iraq back to the stone age
You also really kept China in check when you moved your entire industrial capacity there
“What if they invaded, pillaged, and coup’d the countries WE were going to invade, pillage, and coup! Can you imagine the tragedy?! Better that us, The Good Guys, exploit these countries than The Bad Guys!”
Imperialist running dog.
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Amerikkkan crakkkers seething
If you can’t wrap your head around being trans and supporting China you need to stop consuming MSM and examine your assumptions.
I live in the US and it’s pretty bad for LGBT people here. I don’t feel the need to cheerlead US interventions because they have a coat of rainbow paint.
Good for you! They cloak not only in that, but in Human Rights and Democracy. Yeah, right, sure Sleepy Joe. :-) My gay daughter hates Putin and loves the war because Russia doesn’t accept homesexualtiy. I think that’s a very poor reason to go to war, especially when the raesons stated aren’t true. It’s colonialism all over again. Russia has all the raw materials and rare earth metals that the west covets.
> I live in the US and it’ pretty bad for LGBT people here. I don’t feel the need to cheerlead US interventions because they have a coat of rainbow paint.
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Paradox of tolerance, babyyy
Cuba supports both
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Yeah, it reminds me of the behavior found on 4chan. A lot of the things I’ve heard about hexbear - someone made a mega post about their userbase and how it’s filled with trolls, just lines right up with 4chan type mentality and pushing contrarian ideologies that are meant to put people in an uproar - like ragebaiting.
And then all hear from hexbear users is this creepy rhetoric about how they’re free thinker with ideas or some shit. Sounds like what Jehovah Witnesses say to get people to join their cult.
how come everything I hear about hexbear sounds like 4chan though? Like there even seems to be mimic of the 4chan lgbt board mentality coming from hexbear users.
Nah Hexbear fucks actually
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Now is the time of posters.
It’s less of a cesspool than every other lemmy instance I’ve visited which is filled with Reddit-tier libs
reddit back in the day had a huge jailbait sub
You did the thing and riled them up.
i mean, yeah. if you insult someone, they’ll typically defend themselves
You think collectively antagonizing, using “libs” in a derogatory form and calling others “imperialist running dogs” constitutes as defense and not toxic behavior?
Calling out imperialist running dogs isn’t toxic. Just like being aggressively anti-racist isn’t toxic. If a person upholds capitalism, which is by nature exploitive and anti-egalitarian, they are toxic and deserving of rebuke.
So as long as they don’t ideologically agree with you it’s acceptable to be toxic towards them, because their “wrong ideology” makes them toxic?
Are you also aware that most of the proletariats unknowingly uphold capitalism? Considering you say they’re toxic are you against the proletariat or are you a fake socialist trying to create a class divide, the ones who agree with you and the ones who don’t, within the proletariat?
if you asked questions in good faith, you’d know that the community is also aggressively welcoming to such people, even when we disagree. but you don’t so you won’t.
It’s bad faith to automatically assume someone being critical is doing it in bad faith.
Those are good questions that you could get good honest answers to if you wanted. Other hexbearians are much more articulate than me.
We are aggressively welcoming to anyone who’s genuinely just trying to learn.
Think about this in the context of, idk, race science or something. Let’s say you have someone who is openly a big fan of Charles Murray, owns a copy of The Bellcurve, gets the whole nine yards. Would you deny that such a person is necessarily toxic?
Actually, without any other context, I would. I would label them as misguided. Just because they believe in what I believe as the wrong thing doesn’t mean they’re automatically toxic. If they’re unwilling to even consider alternate perspectives or decide to just be antagonistic then they’re toxic.
“insult” sure.
He effectively called a porcupine spikey.
What’s funny about hexbear is the users reflexively rise to the fight every single time, they can’t just scroll past.
Taiwan #1
yes, it’s on purpose - we actively discourage lurking and encourage engaging with bad takes. the more you complain about it, the harder we go at it.
“bad take” really depends what side of the echo chamber you are on.
Y’all respond to criticism like kim jong un is standing right behind you lol
Also we aren’t in hexbear right now
obviously whether a take is bad or not depends on your politics. it’s so obvious I’m surprised you’d bother pointing it out.
this isn’t criticism. it’s just a snide aside.
again, obviously.
We are in a Federated instance. So we can participate, as long we follow Da rulez.
But you miss your
echochamber, don’t you?
Right, being in a federated instance isn’t lurking. Glad we agree.
And no I don’t, I’ve had a few meaningful discussing with some true leftists but most of y’all only have a knee jerk reaction available to criticism. You end up pushing near-allies away for lacking your dogmatic devotion, seemingly to xi? As you have a bunch of photos of him saved?
you’re saying calling something a “cesspool” isn’t insulting?
Wonder how the porcupine got its spikes . . . Must be its authoritarian personality!
rent free
Nah more like accidentally stepping in shit in the street, but you do you.
Taiwan #1
We are active!! This post is about lemmy activity and you’d rather not see activity here?
A libertarian infested hell site that was most well known for just being 4chan lite and actively harbouring pedo communities?