Ah but that’s where all this gender fluidity/ambiguity gets interesting. OP might be a trans-dude, so “she” (apologies for the hypothetical deadgendering but it’s illustrative) would technically then be straight with no risk of butt defects (unless they did that of course) but with some risk of birth defects as he could then have been impregnated by his dad.
I think OP is implying that since this person is posting on 4 chan, this person likely already has a birth defect causing some sort of mental deficiency.
What do you think OP is?
My reading tells me OP is a dude.
Ah but that’s where all this gender fluidity/ambiguity gets interesting. OP might be a trans-dude, so “she” (apologies for the hypothetical deadgendering but it’s illustrative) would technically then be straight with no risk of butt defects (unless they did that of course) but with some risk of birth defects as he could then have been impregnated by his dad.
Do we have a c/brandnewsentence 😂
OOP could’ve been trans.
Who posts greentexts on 4chan.
Yup, here’s my flowchart:
That’s it.
I think OP is implying that since this person is posting on 4 chan, this person likely already has a birth defect causing some sort of mental deficiency.
seems a bit rude to normal disabled people
You can take that up with OP I guess?
with the exception of /tttt/, but we don’t talk about that place