What when I yell “parkour!” while sex?
parkour + sex = sexercise
Not sure, but I tend to yell “fuck!” whenever I parkour.
We’re all a lit bit Michael Scott inside
When someone asks how I am going, I just remember his book
Somehow I manage
Since nobody else is going to post it
“fuck” is basically a homonym for “fuck”, but “parkour” doesn’t have a homonym to make this example equal.
Now that I have over-analyzed this joke, you are now allowed to enjoy it as you desire.
Username checks out.
I mean, yes, at a high level it does, considering the context in which you used it (the surrounding words).
You mean that?
Fo sho fo sho I mean that shiz
If you’re having sex with a partner it could be an instruction or encouragement. Like if you and a buddy are running from a bear and yell “run”. Or parkouring away from a bear and yell “parkour”. Or-nah.
Or like when you and a buddy are fucking a bear and yell “fuck”.
This one.
Yelling basketball everytime you shoot
No, “fuck” is a general exclamation. I can’t think of other examples, but it’s closer to yelling “oh my god” during a church service or something. Parkour is not a general exclamation people use. Fuck is. Like if something happens you might yell “fuck” even if it’s not sexual.
Another example is yelling “damn” at a “dam”, but that’s not really a good example because it’s more of a pun.