That’s about 11 cups of coffee. Should be okay.
I calculated the LD50 times average adult weight divided by 100mg per cup before, and I think the result was over 100 cups.
wtf is that product, op can’t be the only one misunderstanding it
It has “energy” and “caffeine” on the front, OP didn’t read
that’s fair, I more meant the sheer amount of it though
This honestly makes so much more sense from an environmental standpoint. Why waste so much in terms of resources shipping hundreds of millions of pounds of sugar water every month so picky babies that refuse to drink water will pump more money into the coca cola empire so they can get type 2 diabetes as fast as possible. Instead just ship this little cup thing at 1/18th the weight and save so much gasoline, road wear and tear, etc.
Who am I kidding, they’ll just put this into plastic bottled water that’s been shipped from 3 states over
It’s a water flavoring. Most are just that, water flavoring. Few squirts into a water bottle make water more “palpable” for some. There are different types of this water “enhancer” that contain caffeine. This is one of those kinds.
Looks like Mio, you add it to your water to get flavoured water. I guess like Tang or Kool-Aid but modern and typically zero calories or something like that.
I’m guessing this one has caffeine and for some reason they chose not to mix it with water.
I like it. Use the filtered water at work, some of this when I want flavor/caffeine.
The black cherry flavor is honestly great. And if you happen to have a carbonator at home try it carbonated…
ld50 150 mg/kg
Anon almost definitively survived, but they got on a fucked up ride
So ~10 200 mg for anon would be lethal?
LD50 just means half of a test population dies at that dosage. Anon took just over 1/10th of LD50 so there’s a nonzero chance things did not go well
Study I read stated that 57mg/kg was the lowest recorded ingestion leading to mortality. Anon’s organs lost a few steps but they’re likely fine enough
So more like ~1/4 towards potential death level amount. Bro is never gonna touch caffeine again after riding this out
Assuming all that caffeine went into their blood and nowhere else they’re only about 2x above where it starts being lethal. Should be fine, maybe
Where’s the greentext?
We have to pretend for this one.
I got you, fam:
Did u do that in paint. Didn’t even use the text as a mask just strait up replaced the black with green. And its the wrong green.
Absolute hero
Absolute hero
OP had so much caffeine, his text turned black
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