Hey, i want to learn how to use the godot game engine to act upon my game design dreams.
Only Problem is i never used a game engine. I have limeted experience creating games in dosbox with python.
And i am looking for fun beginner challenges that i can finish within around an hour! what do you think i should do in godot to learn the fundamentals?
For example: Create a character that needs to jump to win. Challenges of that sort. Hope to get some achivable, creative promps :)
Character2D must enter an Area2D to win.
Create a 2D scene with platforms to be able to jump on to get into Area2D.The default script of Character2D should be enough, so should not take too much to make.
sounds reasonable enough :D
Did you end up doin it?
When you have any kind of game where you can make progress by unlocking things, make it so you can save it and load. Make it so you can save at least in two slots (or infinity by letting the user chose a file).
This will teach you how to store wins&unlocks, and that you must clean out any wins/unlocks from your character sheet.
Test case: unlock a fearure with save A
Load save B, check if it’s unlocked (it shouldn’t be).
Source: old gamedev.
Ill see to add that to my first or second project. this is one of the videogame fundamentals, that i as a player rarely think about
If you want something in 3D space:
Make a character in an open area, you can walk and jump
Create platforms you can jump on
Make a coin/sphere/mass on top of one of the platforms
Make it so if you touch the coin, you see a “you win!” Message or similar
Put multiple coins and have a counter for each collected
I did something like this in UE4 as a beginner, hoping it’s not too different in godot. Put a 60 second timer on this and you have yourself a mini game!
perfect challenge
Make a physics based dice rolling app for a role playing game that rolls any number of polyhedral dice in a virtual dice tray, and provides the sum total of the roll at the bottom.
Make it so it runs on a phone, and you can roll the dice by shaking the device.
Do GTA 7
ok. release date will be 204x xD
Have you made an idle/clicker game?
It will teach you timing and menus.
i think in the sense of these small learning challenges i will approach to make a game you win by clicking ten times. i dont wanna start doing a full game. But gain a skillset to create a game in summer for a jam.
I’d try going to itch.io and joining a game jam. They will usually give you a theme to work around and it’s a great way to learn stuff. Every time I try to do one I try something new.
id love too. But i assumed i need some base skills before i attempt this. I am actually looking forward to a game jam in summer thats why i wanna learn godot.
I think you could manage it. A friend of mine did it with zero programming experience.
Also, check out GDQuest if you haven’t.
Make a game where there is a countdown and you have to stop it as close to 0 as possible. Something like this Mario Party minigame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoNduqVEdTU
For extra fun, make it so the display says ??? and the player has to count the remaining time himself. The duration can also be randomized, sometimes 5 seconds, sometimes 3, sometimes 12. Good luck.
Make Minesweeper.
- Board size should be configurable on both axes
- Number of bombs should be configurable
- First click should always be ‘safe’
- User should be able to mark unsafe tiles as bombs
- Game should detect a win and a loss
It’s a surprisingly simple game to make, but it’s great for learning arrays and user input and Godot’s GUI system (the board can be a grid container.)
honestly reading that, id assume that must be somewhat hard to make ^^" But ill trust your word of it not beeing so. Perhabs after i am familiarised with godots script ill give it the go.
It’s not too challenging at all - just break it down and take it one item at a time.
- Make scene that is a single tile. (It doesn’t need to do anything at this stage, just be a square.)
- On your main scene, make a grid container and a way to populate the grid container with instances of your tile scene
- Make your tile able to do all the things a tile should do (respond to user input, hold a ‘revealed’ / ‘unrevealed’ / ‘marked’ status and display that status, etc.)
- Make a function that’s called when starting a new game that places bombs randomly on the grid (use an 2d array or nested dictionaries to hold this information)
- Make the tiles reference that array to determine their own status
- Make the tiles able to display the adjacent bomb count when revealed (if a bomb is a ‘1’ in the array and a safe tile is a ‘0’, this is as simple as summing the values of all tiles in a 3x3 area centered on the one clicked)
- etc.
Make Minesweeper
Similar (I don’t know how much more difficult/different it’d be to implement):
Somebody recently made a newer version (free on Itch) called Dragonsweeper. I never really understood the appeal of Minesweeper, but this version makes it click for me (aside from more elements, the math and piece logic allows for more deduction). That, and it probably helps that you can make informed guesses (particularly further into a game) as the mines are not the main focus.
Their version is highly engaging, though does not currently include configuration or even a replay (after win) button.
It’s got me thinking that I want to make my own version, half as an excuse to make polygonal* art.
The first-step oversimplified version of this would be like normal minesweeper, though you:
- sum the value of cells (not just checking if full/empty)
- allow marking with numbers, not just a flag
- have mines be a value of 100 instead of 1
- add smaller-value tiles and a system to pace their removal (some freedom, can still lose here)
- re-sum neighboring tiles when a tile is removed
*= I have done 2D in-engine, 3D via blender+vertex colors, plus general material/shader tinkering.
Make a dice roller game/app.
Idle/clicker sounds like a good idea.
On a tiny bit more advanced one, i would recommend something with a little bit of world persistency, like an exploration game with multiple rooms were the player has to place/retrieve objects. I found myself struggling with learning the benefits and limitations of the scene system and i think this could help.
More generally, I think a 2D platformer game is a good one to try : not too complicated, especially if there are no fights, but still requires to get used to most basic elements.
hmm, trying to make it a small doable task for me. I think recreating super mario bris 1-1 is a classic game dev beginner thing, isnt it? collect coins, go to the under ground, have to jump and stuff.
maybe not my fist project but it is on the list ^^
A version of the mario classic is definitively a good idea, and you’re also right in keeping it for later and trying more simple stuff first.
@SorryforSmelling Make a door in 3D - up to you to decide how the interaction with it works - do you press a button to open it, does it open automatically, …?
Then add a mechanic for the door being locked or unlocked, and a key that the player must pick up in order to unlock the door.
Why this challenge? Because it’s a fairly small and self-contained thing, that can nonetheless involve a lot of different engine features. Try to make it really nice to interact with!
this sounds like a good entry for 3d i feel like. at least it sparked an idea on what i could do
anything with portals 😂
I’m late to this thread, but, if you want a challenge, here’s an idea…
Make two simple games… like, maybe Pong and Asteroids, but, set it up so that the player can swap between the two games at will (maybe by pressing the TAB key, for example). However, both games should still be actively running even when not actively being played. Maybe, for fairness and an additional challenge, if one of the games isn’t actively being played, it still updates, but the updates are at half speed.
Is this a solid game idea? Probably not… but it would be a fun challenge to see if it can be pulled off smoothly.