Renowned climate scientist James Hansen warns that limiting global warming to 2°C is no longer possible due to underestimated climate sensitivity and reduced sun-blocking pollution from ships.
His study suggests warming could hit 2°C by 2045, increasing extreme weather and accelerating ice melt. The research challenges IPCC models, arguing for a higher climate sensitivity estimate.
Hansen calls for carbon taxes, nuclear energy, and geoengineering research.
He warns of an Atlantic ocean current collapse within 20-30 years.
Spoiler Alert: Look around you. Humanity is not going to address this issue. Enjoy your life and if you have kids, let them know their futures and their kid’s futures etc are going to be progressively bleaker.
when i was a kid it was 6°C by 2100, but we have reduced this trajectory to 2.9–3.4°C
may be, but with the feedback loops fully contributing then, the 6°C goal will be delayed a few decades.
and by the way, the political was to stop it at 1.5°C by 2050. nobody ever assumed 6°C an acceptable outcome.
I’m just showing that we are lowering the projection curve due to our efforts. 2 degrees is too hot by far but progress is being made, we aren’t just ignoring the situation.
my point is: the curve isn’t lowered, an unprecdented maximum for Homo s. will be reached. “we” are just stretching the curve on the time axis.
Yeah… I dunno about that. The 2C was in An Inconvenient Truth, unless my memory has completely failed me. I think that’s when we hit the point of no return, and the “dominoes” start falling.
You dont know the future and you dont know what hope is left. Stop being such a defeatist. Either do something positive or go smoke some weed or something…
Nope. But I know humanity and I’ve picked up a history book.
Again, look around you. Look at world politics. We’re moving in the opposite direction of addressing climate change. As long as money is our prime motivator, we will keep acting in direct opposition to the wellbeing of our planet. And, another spoiler alert, money is going to be our motivator for the foreseeable future. Probably forever. We will only address the issue when it seriously affects every man, woman, and child on this planet and by then it will be far too late.
Humanity was always going to destroy this planet on a long enough timeline. It was inevitable. I’m not a defeatist. I’m a realist.
Agent Smith was right
None of this you can actually backup with proof. Its just your gut feeling because you are afraid to get up and take responsibility. You just need a excuse for your inaction.
No, but it’s easy to predict given that the trends of the last several decades can show where we’d be in the next and the trend is: global temperatures are fluctuating more violently than the year before and occurrences of extreme weather are increasing. Additionally, nothing has been done during that time to reduce the impacts globally.
It’s scary but, let’s face it: we’re a virus that’s killing our host.
Only the people who sit on their ass all day are the virus. Just be honest and confess your just to lazy to even try and make a difference.
I choose the second option. Can I borrow $20?
Let’s split the bill. I’ll chime in 5