Surely the King’s special move is also Castling? It takes two to tango!
Technically Castling is ONLY a King move, the rook doesn’t have a special move
The rooks special move is the corydon currus. The rook sacrifices itself to let out a pawn in each orthogonal direction.
I was thinking Stale Mate
TIL about il Vaticano
It is sadly not permitted officially but if enough people keep trying eventually it will become legit
I’m gonna make a chess engine just to add this move
The king should get an AoE attack if surrounded by 3 or more opposing pieces.
Isn’t the king’s special move also castling?
The queen’s gambit. Once per game, the queen, who had been disguised as a pawn up until then, reveals her true self. A queen and a pawn may swap places.
This also means it’s possible to get a pawn to the opponent’s home row by turn 4, thus gaining a second queen.
Only allowed once per game and the pawn must be chosen ahead of time. Enforced by the honor system.
I like this a lot. The Queen could even start off the board and replace the pawn.
Castling is clearly a king move, not a knight move
does il vaticano only work with two encircled pawns or does any piece work?
choirboyspawns only
Out of curiosity, does Il Vaticano reference history?
it’s a reference to how, when catholic priests get involved with some sort of scandal, the church will just send them somewhere else and wait for the problem to go away, and nothing really changes.
If the knight moves to a square where it forks 8 pieces at the same time, it will capture all pieces in one go. If the king is among the pieces, the game will end in a check mate.
It’s very difficult to do. No one has managed to do it.
Surely it’s impossible as the space you moved from would be empty?
The highest anyone has ever done is a fork with seven pieces. I’m sure that someone will discover how to do it with eight pieces soon enough. We’re so close!
I like the idea of that being a special move given the other side has to setup the 8th piece. That’d be silly, except that’s kinda how en passant works so c’est la vie.
Surely the pawn’s special move is becoming a queen or knight, right?
It should function like il Vaticano, but with two knights encircling two captured pawns. The Maypole.
This meme is so legendary it’s actually been reviewed in KYM:
Queen: Sum denique
No pieces can interact with the queen for 3 turns. Any piece that crosses the queens path during this phase is removed from the board.
The knight can buck its rider off, causing it to capture an opponent 2 spaces away along any file, but the horse is out of play, leaving a pawn at the original position as the displaced rider. Since the king has experience in battle against horses, it is ineffective against them for capturing, but you can still demote to a pawn.
“That’s called castling.” -Tomar