I was there when the first cheezburger was has’d. Cats were lol’d. Things have changed since then.
Can somone please send me a screenshot of this. Preferably with a red circle so I knlw what to look at.
I gotchu fam
Way too high resolution and way too little compression… Also who actually crops images perfectly like that? Get a grip…
The plastic mug obviously symbolizes a cheap method of gathering stuff together and distributing it around. The plastic itself symbolizes materials which hurt the environment.
All of this is true because it rhymes.
I wrote a report on this in college. Anything can be a meme by definition. It’s the act of sharing images, from one to another, that is what makes it a meme. Because it’s memetic. The origin of meme.
Reciting newton’s newton’s principia mathematica could be considered a meme, as long as it’s shared from one individual to the next.
This is the original, but the “my brother in christ” part was the n word.
Sooo not the original then?
I don’t want to share an image with the n-word in it.
eh, this is the version that went viral
This completely fucks up this painting because it is not a pipe it is an image of a pipe but it is a meme and one that makes me irrationally angry at that.
It’s not a meme, it’s an image of a meme!
To be honest, I’m so sexual-relationsing old that I remember when the word meme actually meant something before it was appropriated and adapted for use to refer to the digital images we share electronically after adding text over them.
I too read the selfish gene back in the days. Not when it was new but before internet memes were a thing
Am I right or am I right?
New challenge: put the last text you wrote on the last picture you downloaded.
It’s funny because it’s true
The nuance that makes this false is that the water will eventually get bored and seek another job.
“Are you talking personally or the guy in the photo?”
That’s the pitcher I use to refill my humidifier! Does the meme represent the dichotomy between humidifier in winter and lemonade in summer?
The jug represents the simple pleasures of youth. Common to households across America, it would regularly be used to store a variety of sweetened beverages, from lemonade to iced tea to concentrated orange juice. The emptiness of the bottle signals the hollowness of nostalgia as we can only cling to the imagery even as we long for the sweetness within.
This meme reminds us that memes themselves are a throwback to a bygone day. In analyzing the symbolism, we seek to recreate the moment of blissful innocence. But we are bound by the chains of memory, able only to see but never touch the essence of the thing before us.
The text mostly just obstructs the image. You can ignore it.
The text mostly just obstructs the image. You can ignore it.
Really? I interpreted the text in this meme as a rich commentary on the nature of textual interpretation.
- Consider: “is the glass half full or half empty?” In this image the answer is unclear, obscured by the text.
- In the same way, language interposes itself between us as thinking beings and the objective world.
- Together, these point to the nature of subjectivity in interpretation: is the jug half empty or half full? We cannot even reach the empty/full dichotomy (which is so necessary for the expression of our subjective interpretations) because of the obscuring nature of language.
I bet you excelled in your Literature classes.