Why would Humane delay an OTA update to give access to the device just because a small group of users are using an access certificate? You are punishing the entire class just because one student kept on talking.
I don’t trust this company. They have been lying to their users from the very beginning.
100% faking that. Yesterday the esims got remotely disabled, the server shut off so it’s impossibile to push any OTA update.
If they really wanted, the fact that a loyal customer that paid almost one year of subscription had access to a certificate is completely irrelevant to publishing said OTA update
They say they were going to put out the update, but hadn’t announced anything… yeah I totally believe them.
100%. Even them saying “But (using a cert to unlock the device) is crossing the line.” is the sort of arbitrary moral line-drawing that tech bros are prone to, where they think they deserve to dictate what people can do with their products/ code. The same as LLM companies saying it’s wrong to train on their output, while training on everyone else’s.
Paywalled, anyone got an archive link?
Thank you
a device that can capture photos and videos, support some large language model or another, and be used to interact with the world without having to pull a phone out of their pocket.
Bodycam + Echo/Nest + projector, sounds interesting… too bad they had to make it so expensive, and locked down.
Wonder if there are some cheap secondhand ones out there.