This sounds like he’s daring us to never go there again. Works for me.
When I was young the USA seemed like this magical far off land where everything was cool and Disney and shit. Even as I got older it seemed like a good place to visit, amazing geography, great food, now I’m going to have to explain to my kids it’s some kind of fascist hellstate and that’s why we’re not going to Disney.
Never go to the magic kingdom. Went last year… The crowds were crazy, you MUST sign up and use their fast pass phone app to get on any rides if you’re lucky… Waiting in line without it takes 2 hours per ride. I got on 4 rides because of this, and was outright denied from getting on popular rides…fast pass app users only. And there are only so many fast pass slots… People literally walked around hitting refreshing their phone all day hoping for a slot to open
It sucked, don’t come here
The Japan one is far better than the American ones anyway. Highly recommended.
He had to wear lifts in his shoes to appear taller when he campaigned for that role he didn’t get.
That short bitch has no concept of time. I also hear he can’t read analogue clocks.
3.3 million is the baseline. Let’s compare next year.
Yeh. This is the dumb shit that their bases eat up. “Let’s look at data from the last 12 months, see they didn’t even boycott.” Ffs
They probably won’t annoucce the new figures or do some creative accounting, just like their GDP. Will have to look at data from Canada side.
Good of him to put on the public record the 3.3 million customers from 2024. That way we will have a very clear baseline of comparison for 2025.
The fact that a Canadian who is visiting Florida is likely spending hundreds to thousands for each trip, Florida will lose a lot of money as this continues.
And he assumes it’s only Canadians who will boycott the US. Europeans and the British are doing the same. 🤜🤛
At first I read that as hundreds of thousands for each trip, then wondered how behind the curve I was. Then realized I was further back than I thought for not reading correctly.
Disney sounded fun when I was a kid, as a middle aged adult I’d rather go to places with less large carnivorous reptiles and smaller crowds. In Canada in the 80s took forever to figure out the difference between Disney World and Land, I just figured Land was the only place. Also didn’t help there is a Hollywood Florida I learned about then too.
DIsney is like $150 USD per day pass now. That is CRAZY.
The National Post is American owned media pretending to be Canadian, infiltrating Canadian culture and politics.
Also, the article is about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis citing 3.3 million Canadians visiting Florida in 2024, and trying to play them off as 2025 statistics.
Almost all “Canadian” news media are now American News media.
They went on a buying spree of Canadian news outlets over the last 5 years or soAll the more reason to increase funding to Canadian owned and operated media.
I’m honestly not really sure what they’re trying to say because the statement tries to say two things at once.
“That’s not much of a boycott in my book. Maybe they wanted to get a glimpse of what a Stanley Cup-winning hockey team actually looks like,” DeSantis said to applause.
Is it 3.3 million Canadians visiting isn’t a large percentage of tourists or that many of us did visit despite the boycott? They’re also omitting how long or how much was spent there, which may be fairly significant.
An estimated one million Canadian “snowbirds” – seniors and retirees who winter in southern states such as Florida and Arizona – inject billions in tourism spending during their months-long stays in the United States.
- Can’t get the Globe and Mail to load right now, that’s the snippet for the article in google.
Trump took office on January 2025. Boycott started in February 2025. Ya, you really got us with those 2024 numbers. “Mike drop” indeed.
All that does is highlight how much they have to lose. Canadians were 20% of their tourism in 2024. Let’s get that down to zero.
GF who visits Disneyland annually now no longer wants to go over the US government and Disney policy changes. Woops
the governor briefly mentioned Florida’s tourist numbers from 2024
Sometimes I wonder if I died and I’m in the bad place, or maybe I’m in a coma and my brain is running through dumber and dumber situations to try and wake me up.
There’s no way pee e pole can be this stupid, right?
Does someone need to sit this guy down and explain the concept of linear time to him?
Just checking in, the state whose economy is grossly overreliant on tourism is openly saying they don’t want tourists? That they’ll misuse statistics to publicly insult tourists?
I’m sure that’ll work out great.
What are they going to do about it? Not go! LOL! Now be good canadian cucks and go bring money to florida and then leave fast as just looking at you makes desantis so sick he wants to throw up.
“Canadians didn’t travel back in time to prevent their past selves from going to Florida” is… an interesting boast, to say the least.
Right? “Oh if you’re boycotting visiting the US than why did so many of you visit last year before the boycott started, huh?”
If they weren’t afriad of losing money they wouldn’t make their papers publish articles mocking resistance
Yup. That should do it. Taunting Canadians has worked so well so far. Keep it up.
There were news reports a few months ago that real-estate agents were getting over whelmed with Canadians selling property down there.
I really hope that Canadians start selling their red state assets en mass. I used to live in Florida and about 30% of the snowbird’s cars had Canadian plates. I got out of Florida, and Canadians should too. That place just doesn’t deserve us.
The US out here speedrunning their own destruction.
That’s the plan