I’ll take things that never happened for 500 Alex
This reads like a shower argument I have when alone
Trust me, we don’t.
In a normal society, there would be high pressure against this kind of behavior, and people would need to be tested at least once a year to stay educated. You don’t really have free will if you can’t make rational choices.
Well-spokenness does not equate to truthiness.
Joe Rogan is a caveman, but I hate this mentality.
I’ve had a ton of horrible experiences with doctors. Misdiagnosis, given bad medication, bad medical advice, etc. A common trait all of them had extreme arrogance. They all thought they had all the answers, and that modern medicine was infallible.
If you had an issue they couldn’t put a clear label on fairly quick or weren’t responding to treatment in a textbook way, then that was somehow your fault. Either you were lying, or exaggerating, or it was all just in your head.
I’m not alone in this experience. Basically every American with any sort of complex health issues has had a bad experience at the hands of someone who claims to be an expert. That’s on top of the medical establishment letting bad medicine go on for years, because they are extremely reluctant to admit they don’t have all the answers.
Obviously, none of that makes Joe Rogan any sort of intellectual or trusted authority on anything except bro science. How you can’t expect people to have unflinching trust in doctors when doctors let people down so often.
I gave up on getting tested for ADHD. They would not even run the tests! I don’t really care if I have it, I just want to be sure, so I know what to do about whatever is wrong with me.
Keep trying. It took me 15 years before I found a therapist who took it seriously.
I’m sorry to hear that! My PCP referred me to testing based on a very short conversation and ultimately just because I wanted to be tested and know. I hope you can find a better doctor!
I think on this particular example, the focus was less on the medical doctor aspect and more on the PhD. The woman has achieved the pinnacle of institutional knowledge in her field by fostering her intellect while dog breath across the table talks down to her about muscly podcast man who told everyone to take horse dewormer for COVID.
I agree using “doctor” as an indicator of intellect can fall short, I think that is tangential to the point her husband was making. Also, good husband stepping up to bat when the coworker starts mansplaining to his wife…
Um… if you look at the post again, you will find that the doctor in question is a PhD, admittedly in neuroscience, which does produce results used by medical doctors. But there is no indication the woman in question has ever, or will ever, practise medicine in a clinical setting. For that matter, there is only the inference from the mention of a US podcast that she is even American, mmm?
But, then, I infer from your userrname that you are male, and from your post that you are American. So I am not, at this point in history, terribly surprised if you have jumped to a wrong conclusion about the actual content of a woman’s doctorate.
Signed, another woman with a doctorate that has nothing whatsoever to do with practising medicine in the USA, although you’d never know it from the number of Americans who immediately tell me their symptoms upon introduction. (Ah, yes! I think Napoleon died of something similar on Ste. Helena. Or possibly he was poisoned. But then French history is not my field, either.)
I think any of us who have worked in academia can say something very similar about the other kind of doctor. I do feel like it may be a situation where it’s just that the more vocal ones are ruining it for everyone, but we’re getting heavy into anecdotal data at that point.
It sucks, but the anti intellectual crowd does legitimately have a lot of places to point some fingers.
Doctors sadly are drilled to produce results in an industrial manner. Strange edge cases are relegated to research, but if a doctor has to work off many patients, a patient who needs thought or patience is just irritating.
Doctors sadly are drilled to produce results
Really? How?
I’d say it’s currently an issue of the medical system being vastly overwhelmed. We don’t have nearly enough staff to handle the many health crises in the country, and it doesn’t help that many preventable cases get ignored for a long time (out of fear of overpaying) until they require far more extensive treatment.
As such, doctors don’t really have a choice but to rush their visits and take overbooking.
Sounds like we need to rethink how we educate doctors - considering we need more.
Yeah, doctors aren’t perfect. Does that mean that my doctor, who says that you should get vaccinated, is on equal footing with RFK Jr., who says you shouldn’t? No.
I don’t have “unflinching trust” in anybody, but I’d trust a board-certified doctor before I trusted somebody like RFK Jr.
Seriously though. I don’t think I’ve actually been helped after having gone to the doctor my entire life (I’m 24 for reference).
So, you’re 24 years old and healthy? Color me shocked.
What would you do, say, if you broke your leg? Would you go to a doctor? Do you think that they’d be able to help you?
Good for hubby.
Doctors and PhD’s are not necessarily intellectuals.
Who said that they were?
While hilarious…that’s what’s breeding the rise of the shit show of anti-science. We can’t just call morons morons anymore. They go back to truth social, find all the other morons and pretend like they know better.
We need to be better at explaining to people what their education equates to. If you stopped taking hard sciences when you graduated high school you don’t have a good to great understanding of those subjects rather you have the absolute basic understanding.
absolute basic understanding.
Even if you aced science in highschool, I’d argue that’s not the case. AP sciences, maybe, but after seeing the current basic curriculum…oh hell no. Worse if you went to a Christian science school.
College taught me I didn’t have a basic understanding of anything really, and there will always be someone out there who knows more. College research also gave me the critical thinking and research skills to wade through most of the bullshit we are being fed daily.
The kids who stop at highschool or go into a trade really don’t get that level of problem solving and critical analysis.
I think that’s a more personal situation. My public school in elementary and middle school/jr high stressed critical thinking skills and utilized programs to teach them. The average kid there had those skills going into high school. If you could read/do math outside your grade level there was a class room in my elementary school they sent ypu for critical thinking exercises while everyone else learned to read or do math.
I learned a lot of great scientific facts and rules in high school. I could predict things that would happen in the real world, like a projectile’s motion or a chemical reaction.
But it was in college, and media that I sought for myself, where I learned about how research is done, how important it is to prevent the million distant cognitive biases we have including subconscious ones, and basically HOW we even determine what is objective truth in the first place.
There aren’t simple “f=ma” equations for that shit. It is all complex messy human activity that requires oversight and continuous improvement forever.
What about me I’m not educated technically to anything beyond high school level education and even I understand that the Earth isn’t flat, time dilation is a thing, an atom doesn’t look like a small solar system, and perpetual motion machines are impossible.
Mostly because I actually paid attention in science class.
Also if the Earth wasn’t one centimeter closer to the sun we wouldn’t all burn up, but that’s based on simple observation that small hills exist.
The key is not to be intentionally ignorant. These people aren’t stupid because they’re uninformed, they are stupid by choice.
And I would argue that you still have the basics of a science if you stopped with high school. I hit the 200/300 levels for biology in college. I have a degree in poli sci and international relations. I have slightly beyond an entry level grasp of biology and a basic grasp of chemistry because that did stop with high school. if you asked me how to prove most of what I understand to be true about chemistry I could not because my level of expertise isn’t that deep.
We have a lot of people in America who think basic/entry level = a good grasp of science.
I schooled another man about my wife’s competence. A doctor’s a doctor! - title of this as a moderately upvoted repost on reddit with mostly positive, supportive comments
Thank you to all the good men who defend their wives like DH did for me! We love you! - title of a less upvoted and commented on reddit repost the next day
OP: My husband’s nazi coworker was blatantly sexist to me at a company dinner - “where do you live dumb cunt imma swat your house,” “men are people too, not everything is nazis, feminist bitch” brigade, “why are you dividing the movement for equality” Civilized Discussion and Debate, redditcares messages in her inbox
Pride of Ignorance. Its something we should bully out of people. Nobody should be so proud to be so dumb. Its fine to be dumb, but nobody should revel in it.
Try being a woman and talking to a mechanic or anybody working at an auto parts store.
Or try being a woman working at an autoparts store
Owch. Yeah, that’s hard mode.
Legit, I’ve used why wife as a honest detector for mechanics, ended up finding a mechanic for life (he had the chance to quote us to replace half used brakes way too early and instead was honest and just blew the dust off for free, told us it wasn’t necessary)
When you find an honest mechanic, you gotta hold on to him tight. Bring him snacks and remember him on holidays. He is precious and rare.
I recently did. I didn’t realize she was a mechanic at first but it was a lovely conversation that touched heavily on being women in male dominated careers.
But yes I fully agree
i was more successful selling cars to women than men and it was because I presumed the person who told me they looked into multiple cars and chose this line actually knew what they wanted in that car.
Thank you
There is nothing admirable about letting a fascist rant about hate and nonsense, while the ape of a host goes “never thought of it that way, interesting” while legitimizing the nonsense
W husband