Hi there! If I buy a computer on Amazon from a trusted brand like Apple or Lenovo, will they keep my name and address and connect that information to the serial numbers of the computer’s parts? I’m especially worried about this when I visit various websites that track serial numbers from my PC while browsing or when using gaming platforms like Steam. Would it be wiser to purchase it from a physical store using cash, or a second-hand computer from ebay instead?
They usually require you to register to use warranties, I think.
No, you don’t have to register to use a warranty. There’s federal consumer regs in the US that doesn’t allow this.
You don’t have to register - a warranty exists regardless of registration.
If course you’ll have to give your name and address to use the warranty.
Maybe I’m thinking of some companies who say they’ll double your warranty time if you register your warranty with them.
Best buy does not. Worked there. They just know you bought it and in many cases have the serial
You can pay with cash to not link it to yourself.
If you buy from them then you’ve essentially registered with them. They have your serial number and it’s tied to some sort of an account which is what any individual company would ask for to register.