Well, lots of words are sort of derogatory in programming right? Hackers hacking things together, rubber duck debugging (you have a bug? Go talk to a toy!), git blame and probably more
Edit: forget git blame, git itself is already slang for idiot. As Linus Torvalds once said, he created two successful projects, both named after himself
Sure, but those words have been coined by the nerds, or those that don’t try to sell you anything at least. The guy very much wants to sell you vibe coding and LLMs and whatnot.
Andrej Karpathy is absolutely a nerd to me. He’s not about selling you LLMs but about teaching you how to build your own (I recommend checking his videos out, they are one of the best resources on LLMs)
Interesting that the term was coined by someone who presumably intended it to mean a good thing. I assumed it to be an entirely derogatory term…
Well, lots of words are sort of derogatory in programming right? Hackers hacking things together, rubber duck debugging (you have a bug? Go talk to a toy!), git blame and probably more
Edit: forget git blame, git itself is already slang for idiot. As Linus Torvalds once said, he created two successful projects, both named after himself
Sure, but those words have been coined by the nerds, or those that don’t try to sell you anything at least. The guy very much wants to sell you vibe coding and LLMs and whatnot.
Andrej Karpathy is absolutely a nerd to me. He’s not about selling you LLMs but about teaching you how to build your own (I recommend checking his videos out, they are one of the best resources on LLMs)
Anything can be derogatory if you try hard enough
And reflog!
Oh! It was reflog, sry.