So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.

    • pensa
      8 months ago

      Why SpaceX? I hate Musk and do not support any of his other… anythings. However, rocket go zoom then land without boom is fun to watch. I am genuinely curious why SpaceX is bad.

      I completely agree about everything else you mentioned.

        • pensa
          8 months ago

          For fucks sake.

          I clearly said I do not like musk. I even went as far as saying I hate him but still that’s the first place you went. What the fuck?

            • pensa
              8 months ago

              I did not say NASA was better than SpaceX, or the other way around. You are putting words in my mouth. Don’t do that.

              Here is a link to a comment that discusses exactly what you are saying, and it was posted before your comment. So maybe read first then comment.
    [email protected]/t/568410/What-are-some-companies-that-deserve-to-be-boycotted-to#entry-comment-3161709

            • @[email protected]
              78 months ago

              SpaceX has only had 2 mission failures out of 274 total missions. Since 2017 SpaceX has had a 100% success rate which is a vast majority of its total missions. The recent explosions have been test rockets and expected to blow up, it’s how they learn and innovate so quickly. NASA takes billions of dollars and 10+ years to successfully launch a rocket on the first attempt. It’s just 2 different approaches to design and innovation.

              • @[email protected]
                78 months ago

                Nah dude. You don’t understand. A guy we don’t like is tangibly related to the space program. Fuck all them scientists and engineers. They’re all evil. Every. Single. One of them.

          • @[email protected]
            -178 months ago

            Some people can’t get over the fact that spaceX is a net positive for humans. Just as Tesla helped push other manufacturers into the world of EVs. They just hate musk to the point that anything he is associated with is bad.

            • @[email protected]
              188 months ago

              everyone was moving to EV’s with or without tesla. if you want to credit anyone go back to the Prius way back in the late 90s. They set the trend, Tesla jumped on that trend.

              • @[email protected]
                28 months ago

                I can’t say that without Tesla EV would be as popular, mainly because at the time when Tesla started was 9 years after the GM EV1 was a failure. I don’t think other companies would have seen building EV as a good investment, but who could know?

              • pensa
                -48 months ago

                I’m not defending musk. So tired of that qualifier in this thread.

                The prius is not an EV it’s a hybrid and nobody thought they were cool. Even tree huggers like me. Tesla made electric cars cool until everyone found out how poorly they were assembled. Then the other manufacturers, seeing that electric cars could be profitable, started tooling their assembly lines. You have your history completely backwards.

                The new Prius Prime is cool af in my opinion.

                • @[email protected]
                  98 months ago

                  I’m not defending musk. So tired of that qualifier in this thread.

                  did not say you were.

                  The prius is not an EV it’s a hybrid and nobody thought they were cool.

                  it sold incredibly well and proved that there was a market, and yes it was a hybrid as the technology wasn’t there. do tesla get kudos for waiting for battery technology now?

                  You have your history completely backwards.

                  do you think that the prius came out after a tesla? you need to explain this one.

                  The new Prius Prime is cool af in my opinion.

                  it doesn’t matter what you find personally cool for what it’s worth, then or now.

            • @[email protected]
              118 months ago

              Tesla made rich people like EVs instead of making EVs viable for poor people. Tongue off boot please

              • @[email protected]
                48 months ago

                EVs are still going to be the wrong answer to the problem. Sure, more efficient than combustable, but still vastly less efficient than good public transport systems, walkable/bikeable cities, etc. If Elon really wanted to save the planet, he’d be building bullet trains.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Tesla did help get the economy moving faster to EVs which is a net positive.

                I think the way things turned out, anyone could of had that effect Tesla just happened to be in the right place at the right time though.

            • Neuromancer
              -38 months ago

              I don’t get the crazy musk hate. I mostly ignore him but I love that he created the market for electric cars.

              Being an adult means you can look at situations in more complex terms than Elon bad.

              I think he’s a man child. I dislike his attitude like the Wikipedia name change. That’s just douche material.

              I love that he funded Tesla and now we have a viable electric car market.

                • Neuromancer
                  08 months ago

                  It is true. Tesla paved the way.

                  Who said celebrate him. I said I’m glad he did it.

                  I get you have a binary view of the world. As you mature you may outgrow that but the world is wildly complex.

                  We wouldn’t have modern electric cars without musk. It took someone willing to take the risk and the big 3 weren’t doing it.

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                Hey it’s got the best lawyers alright? It’s an amazing legal team, one of the most powerful in the space industry.

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  SLS has been a politician mandated thing long before Mr “words I have the best words”

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              There was a very long investigation, pretty sure it hasn’t even concluded since they don’t have their license yet for their next test flight.

              And why wouldn’t it count as a succes? You don’t see learning from design flaws as a succes? They clearly learned and iterated on the design

              • pensa
                -18 months ago

                If you read all the comments by givesomefucks you will see that they ignore context and make wild assumptions repeatedly. They are on the hate musk train and not addressing the topic.

                You: SpaceX?
                givesomefuck: musk is terrible, musk blow up things, musk stole my girl/boyfriend
                You: Okay, but what I was asking was…
                givesomefucks: musk is the worst human ever, EVER!!!

                Dude or lady is triggered. I get it musk is a douche of the highest order but givessomefucks has let it cause them to miss context and make wild assumptions. Sad really. I wish we could talk about things without whatever bullshit their on. My original question was only answered to the extent of musk is bad.

                • @[email protected]
                  -18 months ago

                  I just worry there could be GPT-4 instances here that’ve been instructed to make these conversations turn nasty

            • Neuromancer
              18 months ago

              They don’t.

              That’s the difference. NASA wants every launch to be a success.

              Space x is willing to blow some shit up to test an idea.

              I prefer the nasa method for rockets. Too much risk just blowing shit up in my opinion.

              • pensa
                -28 months ago

                I disagree. I think NASA still innovates but they do it on things like propulsion and earth sciences.

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  SpaceX created the first successful Full Flow Stage Combustion Cycle Engine, so they’re also innovative in the propulsion department.

                • Neuromancer
                  18 months ago

                  They are slow but it is by design. They want things to be safe. Some say they over engineer things but I think when we are talking about people, that is needed.

            • @[email protected]
              -28 months ago

              They literally don’t innovate in the same way. Like you said, if NASA blew up anything there’d be an investigation, making it impossible for them to iterate rapidly, meaning they are unable to innovate in the way private companies can.

          • pensa
            48 months ago

            They can’t because when they fail the public and then congress wants to cut their budget. NASA can no longer innovate and maintain funding.

            I hate that I have to put this qualifier but this is NOT an endorsement of musk.

      • @[email protected]
        468 months ago

        why SpaceX is bad.

        For example they “decorated” our night sky with thousands of their satellites. Never asked permission. Astronomers around the globe are pissed because their work & results gets worse. Other people who own satellites are pissed because they don’t behave up there.

        • pensa
          188 months ago

          I have read about the interference with astronomy and am not for it. It didn’t occur to me when I asked.

          Thanks for answering my question.

        • @[email protected]
          128 months ago

          I would like to point out that they did ask for permission. Though obviously they didn’t ask for permission from every government in the world, nor did they ask the astronomy community.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Providing global Internet is worth it. That said, I’d much rather see it done in a non profit way, and definitely not under the muskrat’s control.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            Except the carbon footprint of Starlink is estimated to be 30x greater than terrestrial alternatives.

            More than half of all satellites in space are already Starlink at around 5,000, with 12,000 planned in the near future and up to 42,000 as a later expansion.

            It’s just not sustainable.

          • Carighan Maconar
            -18 months ago

            But hold on, isn’t it about providing global internet in way X versus way Y? So it’s more about the specific way, which is fucking everything up.

            • @[email protected]
              -18 months ago

              Regardless of what it’s “about” what it “is” is internet access available around the globe.

      • PP_GIRL_
        238 months ago

        Private companies have no business being in space. It sets a dangerous precedent for the future.

        Any good publicity for SpaceX is ultimately good publicity for Musk, who’s made himself the face of that company too.

        • pensa
          8 months ago

          Thank you for being the first comment that is not simply “musk bad.” I’m not being sarcastic. I seriously appreciate you answering my question.

          You make a good point about private companies in space and I agree with it completely.

          • @[email protected]
            -28 months ago

            Really? We want all of the galaxy other than the surface of Earth to be the sole domain of government activity?

            Armies marching on the moon, but never a McDonalds, because that would be horrible?

      • @[email protected]
        148 months ago

        Really? “Yeah, boycott that jerk!! But not the silly rockets, I like em!”

        Uh, no. Just, no.

      • HMN
        88 months ago

        Destroying environments? Wasting money and fuel on false-promises (the Elon way)? I’m sure there’s a tonne of other reasons.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Space. They’re killing radio astronomy, endangering optical astronomy and threatening everything else in orbit, from telecoms, to earth observation, to the ISS.

            They’re also spreading rare earth metal everywhere when the satellites burn up and wasting a lot of energy to get them up there when we’re facing an energy crisis.

          • HMN
            8 months ago

            Just one? I’ll do you a few better…

            • The Falcon 9 rocket put a hole in the ionosphere

            • Falcon 9 makes use of kerosene, which puts black soot into the atmosphere (if they used solely liquid oxygen or liquid hydrogen the only thing left would be water vapour)

            • Serious damage at a Texas base (caused craters and debris to scatter around remote cameras)

            • An explosion on the launch pad during a test caused damage

            • Boca Chica…

              • Massive amounts of dust, which contain toxic shit

              • Destroyed the launchpad (scattering large chunks of concrete into delicate marine and coastal sanctuaries nearby)

            Edit: fixed up formatting

      • SpaceBar
        8 months ago

        Because Musk is a vocal ass and so many on Lemmy can’t distinguish the good some of his companies do from the jerkoff owner.

        Nestle does evil and is run by evil. Tesla is pushing the automobile industry in the direction it needs to go, but it is majority owned by evil. It’s not as simple as a keyboard activist response, so I’m looking forward to the downvotes as I point this out again.

        Good luck ever trying to defend Tesla and Space X on Lemmy.

        • @[email protected]
          88 months ago

          Why would you want to defend those companies? Literally what the fuck good do you think they’re doing? How does it outweigh the huge government subsidies they take away from non-garbage companies that could do the same things but without being as awful?

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          Tesla is pushing the automobile industry

          When they were new and people still believed their promises, they could push the real car makers.

          For a while. Long ago.

          Nowadays everybody learns how bad these cars really are and how shitty this company acts to their customers after the warranty.

        • pensa
          08 months ago

          Oh my fucking god. I am not defending shit.

          I asked a fucking question and the only answer I got was “musk bad.” I posted very clear qualifiers in the original comment and every other comment stating exactly that but somehow a whole bunch of y’all completely ignore that, repeatedly. It’s a critical bit of context that completely negates any defenses of any thing.

          Then you go on to mention Tesla which was not mentioned in the comment you replied to. So it’s obvious you’re reading what’s written throughout the comments. It also makes obvious that you’re only picking out the parts you want. I never, not once, in any way defended Tesla.

          I DON’T SUPPORT MUSK. I DID NOT DEFEND SPACEX OR TESLA. How else can I make it clear? What the fuck is going on with people missing the key bit of context?

          I asked a question about SpaceX and someone else mentions Tesla. Somehow a bunch of you fuckers read it as I’m defending both SpaceX and Tesla.

          Fucking fuck!

        • @[email protected]
          318 months ago

          A really shitty tech company.

          Oracle hires more lawyers than they do developers then they do things like “oh? You’re using this product in the cloud with the license you purchased? But you didn’t purchase the cloud license”

          They also buy technology and proceed to violate whatever license it has, like ZFS.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Stands for One Rich Asshole Called Larry Ellison, not officially but I like to think it is. It’s a corporation built around a database engine.
          They have a well deserved terrible reputation based on their commercial practices, including but not exhaustive, shipping full fledged software with functionality locked behind paywalls, buying and demolishing established open source companies/projects, suing the shit out of their customers for license violation (see above), price gouging their customers who often have no other choice than to run their products.
          The engine itself is nice and reliable but the business practices of Oracle drives a lot of companies to settle for the competition, at least, those who can afford to leave.

      • Beemo Dinosaurierfuß
        78 months ago

        Why not?

        They own iShares which has some of the biggest ETFs on the market.
        Although I don’t know if their competitors are any better.

        • Neuromancer
          18 months ago

          I didn’t know they owned an etf. I always say them as more of a hedge fund where they didn’t have a product for the average person to boycott.

    • IWantToFuckSpez
      218 months ago

      And 3M. They both dumped a shit ton of PFAS/PFOA into the ground at every one of their factories around the world.

    • @[email protected]
      158 months ago

      And teflon and other chemicals used in large quantities while delaying the inevitable reports of danger they pose.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    448 months ago

    Autism Speaks. It has a pro-eugenics mindset, so you’d think everyone would be boycotting it, right? Nope, in fact it’s partnered with the Jim Henson company.

  • Chetzemoka
    8 months ago

    United HealthCare

    Oh wait, you CAN’T boycott them. The ultimate monopoly.

    • Rolivers
      68 months ago

      Wish I could. I use linux whenever possible but gaming, hdr and some drm features won’t work on Linux any time soon.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        Gaming is most of the way there, except for some anti cheat engines. There’s usually still some performance hit though

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        I’ve been on Linux exclusively for a decade now and I am super excited to get an HDR monitor when it gets implemented (there was some major work being done by redhat and others).

        In the meanwhile, I am still having fun with games, hdr or other fancypants features won’t vhange that.

  • @[email protected]
    288 months ago

    As far as which companies “deserve” it, it would be quicker to list the ones that don’t.

  • DeadNinja
    268 months ago

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned in the 224 (so far) comments… but another bad guy worth hating is

    Hewlett Packard.


    “Hey, you need to have our proprietary ink cartrige in your HP inkjet printer plus scanner to print AND to scan as well. The scanner won’t work when you are out of ink”

    Is just plain fuckery.