Which sci-fi titles (movies, books) do you consider comforting, cozy, something you come back to from time to time? For me, I guess it is The Matrix. Still holds up to this day, gets better with every re-watch, and gives me a sense of peace when I need it.

    • @[email protected]OP
      38 months ago

      I can see that. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie felt really comfy. I read the book, but it did not draw me in, for some reason. Any particular novel you like, other than obviously The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?

      • Bebo
        28 months ago

        Try listening to the audiobooks narrated by the author himself. It’s amazing IMO.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        I felt the same way. I got about 2/3 of the way through the book and just did not GAF about a single character, so I tried the movie and it was much better. I haven’t read any of his others.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        My wife and I have a Valentine’s Day tradition of getting Chinese takeout and starting the series.

        We have a child named after a character.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      I’ve heard of this. is it scifi? it always sounded like a YA novel title.

      oh shit is there a film version?? I can’t read

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        It’s what the Han Solo movie should have been.
        The adventures of a lovable rag tag crew doing whatever’s needed on the fringes of settled space to keep their transport ship flying for another run.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        10 episodes of a prematurely cancelled show due to the incompetence of Fox plus a movie called Serenity which wraps up what should have been the rest of season 1. It’s about a crew that does odd jobs in a Rimworld/space cowboy-esque theme.

        I just watched it again for like the nth time. It’s still so good. It has Nathan Filion, Jewel Staite, Morena Baccarin and the fantastic Summer Glau!

        The show is great, although i have noticed how it has a pretty high amount of shots of Summer Glau’s feet. Just Summer Glau walking and the camera panning to her feet, over and over, almost every episode. It doesn’t even make sense because the spaceship is made of metal grates and sheets, not carpet.

        I’m guessing the show runner was into feet. But other than that, the show is pretty wholesome.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            For real. I always skip show intros, i find them a pointless waste of time and resources that I’m just going to skip anyway, but this show and Game of Thrones are the exceptions because of the cool songs. I am not familiar with Trème though.

    • QubaXR
      68 months ago

      Same author (Andy Weir), different book: “Project Hail Mary”. Almost a spiritual successor to “The Martian” and gives you cozy feels AF.

    • @[email protected]OP
      28 months ago

      I loved the book. Tried enjoying the movie three times, I think, then finally realized that the book is way better.

  • @[email protected]
    98 months ago

    Murderbot of course (Martha Wells), also The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers. Also her novella To Be Taught, If Fortunate

    • FuglyDuck
      17 months ago

      okay. So. Murderbot hit a space for me. I read it in the middle of the pandemic. the wry, humor of it was just beautiful. the plot and story was engaging. The whole thing was beautiful.

      incidentally, the librarian that turned me onto it (a very reliable source,) was kind of acting like how I imagine Gordon Ramsey might act when suggesting going out to KFC. Kind of discretely. kind of like maybe they were dealing weed. And maybe also, kinda like they felt guilty about that.

  • livus
    98 months ago

    For me it’s The Expanse.

    And also pretty much anything by Philip K Dick.

    • @[email protected]OP
      28 months ago

      Huh, surprised you mention Philip K. Dick. I read a lot of his short stories and found them anything but comfy. Rather, depressing and gloomy.

      As for the Expanse, I just read the Leviathan Wakes, and yeah, I really enjoyed the vibe

      • livus
        28 months ago

        He can be pretty funny. “Beyond Lies The Wub” for example.

        But it’s the novels that I find comforting. He was an ideas guy not a craftsman, but the characters’ inevitable descent into confusion, paranoia, and relationship angst, as he more or less tells the stories despite them, gives it all a certain consistency that I enjoy for its familiarity.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Great pick. I read that over the summer and found it both excellent and uplifting! It really showcases a shining example of humanity we should strive for

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Yeah. I did actually listen rather than read. It was amazing. Rocky’s tunes made him come to life. “Why are you stupid. Question?”

  • @[email protected]
    88 months ago

    On the topic of The Matrix, I’m surprised by the number of people who think that Matrix 1 2 & 3 are the only Matrices. In my opinion, The Animatrix is better than both sequels combined, by a lot, and most people seem to have never heard of it. If you’re a fan of The Matrix, watch The Animatrix!

    • @[email protected]OP
      38 months ago

      I remember watching it back in the days. Some of the “parts” were a bit too weird (especially the animation) for my taste, but yeah, I enjoyed it overall.

        • speck
          28 months ago

          I’m aware of being the exception, but I liked it and view it as the real sequel to the first movie. It’s an appropriately tongue in cheek satire. The director knew what she was doing

  • @Muffi
    88 months ago

    Anything written by Becky Chambers is like a comfy blanket for your soul. She puts so much humanity and empathy in stories about aliens.

    • wjrii
      17 months ago

      I get that OP is almost more thinking of people’s “comfort food” works that serve that need for them personally, but Becky Chambers is very specifically writing to inspire that kind of feeling from the get-go. Life can get hard, bad things can happen, but good things too, and people (including pan-sexual bird aliens) are just living in the future the same way they do now and most of them are trying to be decent.

  • @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    Pretty much any of the Wayfarers books by Becky Chambers, not so much for familiarity or nostalgia but because that’s intentionally part of their vibe

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    The 1973 BBC Radio Dramatization of Asimov’s Foundation. It’s about eight hours long and the voice work is quite good. It’s comfortable for me to listen to and come back to, very digestible. One complaint: I’ve yet to find a version that had properly equalized sound levels, so the comfortable listing volume for their speech throughout the work is suddenly jarringly loud when they switch to the machine-clacking “encyclopedia” segments that serve as segues between parts of the story. Other than that, I have no complaints: It’s a fairly faithful adaptation of the original work, and does not suffer from the fatigue and dating many other works do (in my opinion, audio balancing notwithstanding).

  • Valen
    68 months ago

    I’ve found myself rereading Old Man’s War multiple times.

  • @[email protected]
    58 months ago

    My favorite all time movie is Interstellar but I wouldn’t call it comforting or cozy

    I loved Orson Scott Card’s Ender and Alvin cycle

    YSK Card had some problematic words regarding LGBT community at some point but made amend since. I read the books before hearing about that, and that’s something I wish I had known of. You might want to check his words before giving him your money.

    I guess one cozy and comforting show would be some old stuff from my youth like Stargate SG1, X-Files or Sliders maybe? Something that I would put on a screen like an old friend and doing something else in the meantime.

    • @[email protected]OP
      27 months ago

      I read the Ender’s Game (and watched the movie after that) recently. It was pretty brutal at times, but I liked it.

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      The first couple seasons of Sliders are really comfy. It starts fast, episodes are self contained, and the world is usually in a slightly better state at the end of each episode. Often it’s thought provoking too, but not in a Black Mirror doom and gloom way.

      SG1 is great and can have the same feeling, but it takes a couple seasons to get there. Definitely worth watching in my opinion, but if you want an immediate hit of comfort it may not work unless it’s a rewatch.

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    For me it’s definitely a book that often doesn’t get much love: Spin by Robert Charles Wilson. I read that book like ten times by now in both English and my mother tongue. Such a defining book for me since I first read it in my youth and it gave me a lot of food for thought regarding what it means to live a meaningful life. It is not really hardcore sci-fi after all but more a kind of coming-of-age novel that happens to take place in a sci-fi setting.