    605 months ago

    Something something rm -fr / to remove the french language pack

  • katy ✨
    535 months ago

    the people who troll or make fun of linux beginners are the same people who wonder every year why desktop linux isn’t more mainstream

    • @[email protected]
      155 months ago

      And 80% of these are on Lemmy, I mean put up a question or comment that how Linux is not helpful is simple tasks such as giving permissions to program without using command prompt , will get you downvotes/ you are idiot comments heavily.

      • KptnAutismus
        25 months ago

        never had anything quite as bad, there are a lot of people commenting “JuSt SwiTcH tO LiNuX” and never answer when you explain how you’ve tried to switch but sim racing, CAD and many other things are way too complicated to get running reliably.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Yeah this is the is the biggest reason I dislike Linux forums in a broad sense. Snobby elitist pricks.

    Don’t even get me started on arch Linux forums… my favorite is when someone says is something like “this is super fucking simple you just follow this guide: [insert wiki link that is basically a scientific dissertation on the history of arch]

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      I also feel like a lot of those people are there just to be pricks. I don’t think they really know much at all so their input was unwarranted in the first place.

      The arch wiki is a very good resource and I use it for all Linux distros. But like most repositories of its kind, it gives you the how and not the why.

      That’s what most people want from another person, they ask “how” but I think they mean “why”.

    • @[email protected]OP
      105 months ago

      I think the most annoying people in Forums:

      “Well I use Debian, and I use only native packages! I update manually because I need to resolve those dependency problems! Go to hell with your Flatpaks and telemitry, I want freedom! Also I will never use Wayland because Mate doesn’t support it”

      People thinking they can give advice, while they are clearly using outdated software, not scaleable maintenance effords, etc.

      I had this in the KDE forum. Literally 2 dudes telling me no system could auto update, while my system does, today.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        people hating on flatpak is a clear indicator of people who don’t prioritize an easily useful system.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      If you truly understand a subject you like helping newbs, not insulting them. It is people who know just enough to sound like they do but are desperate to look like experts who are the biggest pricks.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      The contrast is very strong with the Arch Wiki, which does a genuinely good job - for a set of short articles - at explaining how that whole machinery works. Yet, if you don’t understand something from there - good luck finding a person to explain what to do.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      Interestingly enough the Arch Linux subreddit is or was way more tame in comparison to its forum
      at least I always quoted the relevant paragraph in the wiki alongside a link since I believe it did a better job at explaining it than I could
      and if it wasn’t in the wiki I added it into it beforehand

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      I have had a mostly positive experience with the Arch Linux forums, though admittedly, I have never asked anything myself over there. I just turn out to find useful answers to rare problems that are hard to find in other platforms.
      Maybe the real problem is the difference in expectations.

    • @[email protected]
      -45 months ago

      It’s the same on Lemmy. Linux people live in a fantasy world…it’s like ya I’ve done some things on Linux but is it the best OS for most people? Nah. Not even close.

    • @[email protected]
      315 months ago

      Also it’s just wrong advice, since you explicitly need --no-preserve-root for it to work… /s

      Jokes aside, please don’t troll anyone with things, that can have severe consequences. Yes, they should have a backup. Yes, they should know how to restore from it. Yes, they should have tested it prior. Yes, you shouldn’t blindly trust people online.

      But even then: Assuming my backup works and I can easily revert the damage. Maybe I need to complete an assignment until tomorrow and just lost 1-2 hours because my PC was busy doing the restore? There’s always a high chance of collateral damage

    • @[email protected]
      245 months ago

      Some people are really bad at empathy. They don’t actually, like, imagine the pain and confusion in the other person if they did unwittingly damage their computer. They’re thoughtless. That’s a lot of words to say “They’re kind of stupid.”

      And some people do imagine the pain of the victim, and do it anyway. Those people should probably be on a watch list before they start killing small animals or shooting up a school.

        • macniel
          115 months ago

          it may be a joke answer, but then there are those described by the commentor who take joy and glee from it.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            Yeah, but it’s posted in Linuxmemes, if it were posted anywhere else I would warn people about running the command.

    • Punkie
      105 months ago

      Having moderated forums back in the day, I can answer to some of that motivation.

      First, some people are just bullies. A sense of tribalism forms around bullies, who feel the need to act out and repeat the abuses they have endured. Hazing stems from this, too. Cruelty masked as “you should know better,” advice. Given too late.

      Some have a smug sense of superiority, and want to keep it that way. Less smart people means they stay king of the mountain. Others are scared their own lack of knowledge will cripple them if they don’t keep the potential competition down. Insecurities drown out any sense of empathy.

      Some people hate themselves so they punish others in retaliation. Like, trying to erase past cringe by making others hurt to even the score.

      A few are sick of “the same fucking newbie questions again and again and again,” but still hang out in newbie forums for some reason.

  • @[email protected]
    275 months ago

    I asked for help on the Discord server of LinuxServer.io and they were literally talking shit about me to each other while I was in the chat because I didn’t understand their utter garbage documentation for a Docker I was having trouble with, even with a CS degree.

  • @naonintendois
    215 months ago

    I trolled myself by “learning” that I could delete all files in a directory, including hidden files, with rm -rf ./*. The mistake being that I (more than once…) accidentally put a space between the . and /.

    • Bonehead
      195 months ago

      And that’s why every rm command should start life as an ls command and then change the command and options while not touching the target directory. Takes a little longer, but saves so much hassle when you do fuck up.

      • NaibofTabr
        85 months ago

        This is the best advice in the whole thread.

        Check what you’re doing before you do it.

      • @naonintendois
        55 months ago

        Rm was updated to actually log a warning in the -rf / cases, so that’s less likely to happen anymore. Still not a bad habit to use ls though

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      I forced myself to use trash (from trash-cli) when I lost my first server install from this.

      Nowadays, I’ve removed the alias from rm that asked me to use trash, and am still using trash if there’s a chance I might want to keep something.

  • @saintshenanigans
    145 months ago

    Tech forums in any sense.

    If you’re tired of seeing the same questions, why are you here? You can just ignore them. But treating a newbie like an idiot for not knowing better just discourages people from getting into your thing and keeps you from meeting cool new people.

    ESPECIALLY because a lot of these questions come from kids that literally haven’t had the chance to learn better yet. Just kindly point them where they need to go. It takes just as much time as telling them off.

  • @[email protected]
    95 months ago

    that being said… what’s a good website i can at least go to and learn some linux basics and progress to more advanced stuff? i’d at least want to check that out before i start bugging people…

    i had the opportunity to take a class back in college but 18 yr old me couldn’t handle a 7am class and know-it-alls in the back always interrupting the teacher and trying to show off in class…

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      The best places I learned from were installing gentoo in a vm and separately linux from scratch for the more advanced stuff. Though I learn more from doing than reading personally

    • Kühe sind toll
      35 months ago

      There are enty of books you can read. If you’re really interested in learning I suggest you may start learning how to write bash.

      For the rest I really would say, that just try doing stuff. Try to set up a docker, or other stuff. Also you can go to already solved Problems and try to understand what the problem was and what they did to solve it.

      Also: Just start trying to support people. Google(or any other Search Engine of your liking) is very useful for this. Even if you just find out what exactly the problem is, that helps.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        thanks. i have a laptop i deliberately installed debian on… but that’s about it lol

        i’ll take you up on the support suggestion too… i recently had to figure out why a unix server went down at work. luckily we had a set of scripts and commands archived from the manager that supported it before he left. all i did was just run them with a little bit of logic and context applied, but it forced me to poke around a bit and seeing what each command did. i was careful enough not to break anything but i found it quite interesting

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      My favorite thing in the world is when the top search result on Google leads to a post from someone telling me to use Google.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        Lol I once searched for a specific issue I had.

        I found a Github issue for the exact same bug. Perfect!

        It had only one reply. “This has already been answered here. Search the other issues for the answer.”

        It was the second issue ever for the repo. The first issue was entirely irrelevant. The half a dozen other issues that came after also were irrelevant.

    • @[email protected]OP
      45 months ago

      Thats often true though.

      In Linux community stuff at the beginning I was really annoying. You need to learn to search the internet first. Lemmy may be different because its free internet (unlike Reddit or Stack*) so duplicate questions may help.

      Especially in the GrapheneOS Discuss there are people asking the most basic questions, not getting that its Android and those things are the same anywhere.

      • Possibly linux
        -15 months ago

        Then why don’t you look it up for them? They may be lazy or they may not know what to look for

        • @[email protected]OP
          55 months ago

          I like to give them the keywords. But why should I be the working monkey for lazy people that makes no sense

          • Possibly linux
            25 months ago

            Because they may just not know the answer. It will take just a minute to make someone’s day

        • @[email protected]
          55 months ago

          Or alternatively, if someone asks a question that you don’t want to answer, don’t post a reply. Just like you (general “you”, not the user I’m replying to) don’t give a shit, they don’t give a shit that you don’t give a shit.

        • @[email protected]
          05 months ago

          This tends to be my issue. When things are brand new to you, you may not even know what to begin searching for.

          Even a link can help point someone in the right direction.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      It is a shame when mayus and minus are alteRnaTed and there is no Freaking hidden Message… NOt that I’m OBseced with it anyway.

      /s just a little joke to add to the actual thread

  • @[email protected]
    75 months ago

    There is certainly a lack of perspective and empathy between those who spend their time concentrated on computer maintenance and those others who must perform other important tasks in their lives.

  • @[email protected]
    65 months ago

    Either that or you insult them for not knowing the answer already, tell them to google it (then why does this forum exist?) or get mad because they did know that their question had already been answered in a forum post in 2019.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      Before you ask a question, you must read the 10 page essay on how to ask questions. Asking questions is serious business after all, we can’t have people doing it incorrectly.

      • deaf_fish
        45 months ago

        Your sarcasm is on point but there are a limited number of people who can answer some questions. They get flooded and are answering questions on their own free time. So some people get left in the dust if they don’t follow the rules.

        It sucks but I don’t see a way around it.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Written in a typical rude condescending hacker speak.

      Let’s call it for what it is - it’s more of a frustration vent than a guide. And this approach will certainly not make these people read through.

      There are always way more polite ways to put it, like:

      “Most of the questions you face about software are replied to by unpaid volunteers taking spare time to help you - thereby, the more effort you’ll put into properly filing the issue, the quicker you’ll get a response. Here are main points that we may need in order to help with your problem, and a way to obtain all information required”