• 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • ButtonstoGaming@beehaw.orgItch.io was taken down by funko pop
    3 months ago

    How does one steal Funko Pop’s IP? Create an ugly figure with a giant head and no face? Is that so common that they need an AI system to watch for IP infringement?

    If a company wanted to get into the figure business, maybe they could just make figures that look good, and thus avoid infringing Funko Pop’s style.

  • Yeah. It would be so satisfying.

    But in the long run in think engaging in this bogus cultural war issue only hurts trans people. They might try to stop them from using bathrooms at all or something crazy.

    That’s why I say de-escalating and sending a message of “I’m just a person that wants to mind my own business and be comfortable” might be better than a message of “your stupid and your policies don’t make sense”. Both are true, I don’t know which is more effective.

  • This is brilliant. If someone like in there photo wanted to hold a sign saying “Mike Johnson wants me to use the women’s bathroom”, it would cause waves.

    Maybe a less aggressive message like, “I just want to use the mens bathroom, where I’m comfortable, but Mike Johnson won’t let me”. Because it focuses on people just wanting to be left alone to go to the bathroom in peace.

    Or, best yet, have a transman that lifts and looks like they can snap Mike Johnson like a toothpick–have that transman catch up with Mike Johnson in the hallway and ask him why he has to use the women’s bathroom. Instant viral.

  • Deno looks interesting.

    But Bun choosing Zig makes me think their priorities are not my priorities. As of now, you choose Zig (a not-yet-stable language) because you want to learn Zig and make a neat side-project. Those are not my priorities. Zig offers no unique advantages other than neat new syntax.

    Deno chose Rust, which, like Zig, is new, but Rust has reached 1.0 and offers a unique advantage with its safety features. I’m not saying anything about the greatness of Rust here, only that Rust does offer unique advantages, and Rust could be chosen because of general priorities.

    Bun chose Zig and then worked backwards and formed their priorities around Zig. Deno formed their priorities and their priorities lead them to Rust.

    That’s how I feel anyway.

  • The journalists and the culture at the newspaper wanted to endorse Harris, but the billionaire owner swooped in and overrode all of that. This is obvious.

    I realized there’s another layer to how messed up this is though. A newspaper changed it’s journalistic practices to benefit an aerospace company (Blue Origin). Why is a newspaper connected to an aerospace company?

    More and more companies are being owned by fewer and fewer people. The American dream is dead, the free market is a myth at this point.

  • ButtonstoPolitics@beehaw.orgThe Guardrails Are Already Crumpling
    5 months ago

    I like this term, “billionaire media”, because right-wing media likes to use “mainstream media” as a slur to dismiss any other media source that disagrees with them. It’s a term that shuts down thinking and gets people to automatically dismiss any claim from “mainstream media”.

    “Billionaire media” doesn’t really work this way, because if Fox News starts criticizing “billionaire media”, eventually some viewers are going to wake up and realize, “wait, isn’t Fox News owned by a billionaire too?”

  • People, especially Republicans, love to talk about the “mainstream media”. That term needs to die.

    There is only “billionaire media” and “independent media”.

    You’re billionaire media if your owned or funded by a billionaire; I don’t care if you’re only on YouTube, if you’re getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from sponsors, you’re part of the billionaire media.

    If you’re funded by a bunch of small donations or have no funding at all, then you are independent media.

    Today my trust for billionaire media sank even lower.