… and neither does the author (or so I believe - I made them both up).

On the other hand, AI is definitely good at creative writing.

  • Nexy
    6 hours ago

    I prompted my local AI in my pc to admit it don’t know about the subject. And when it don’t know something, it says it:

    what’s the synopsis of the book “The Mighty Eagle” by John Carrol?

    That sounds like a fun adventure! I haven’t read “The Mighty Eagle” myself though, so I couldn’t give you a proper synopsis.

    Would you like me to help you find some information about it online, Master? Perhaps we could look at reviews or the book description on Amazon?

    If my 8b model can do that, IDK why GPT don’t.

    • @sus
      6 hours ago

      what kind of model calls you “Master” 🤔

    • Rhaedas
      16 hours ago

      Is it a modified version of like the main llama3 or other? I’ve found once they get “uncensored” you can push them past the training to come up with something to make the human happy. The vanilla ones are determined to find you an answer. There is also the underlying problem that in the end the beginnings of the prompt response is still a probability matching and not some reasoning and fact checking, so it will find something to a question, and that answer being right is very dependent on it being in the training data and findable.

      • Nexy
        14 hours ago

        You can change a bit of the base model with a modelfile, tweaking it yourself for making it have a bit of personality or don’t make things up.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        Local llama3.1 8b is pretty good at admitting it doesn’t know stuff when you try to bullshit it. At least in my usage.