• JackbyDev
    4 months ago

    I’m not doing “a bunch of research”, I just read the thread and the linked issue and I’m annoyed by people’s condescending comments about something it seems like they didn’t actually read. We shouldn’t shit on people for things we believe they did wrong, especially when, if you read the linked issue, it wasn’t their fault.

    I use VS Codium (basically Code), but I don’t use it’s git integration other than maybe the occasional merge conflict resolution.

    • Anticorp@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      If the user didn’t read that, that’s on them. They used a feature they didn’t understand, which is part of a version control system that they also didn’t understand, and didn’t bother reading anything. If you still think they bear no responsibility for their actions then we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

      Since they don’t actually have a git project tied to their files, “all changes” means “files created”. If they did have git configured then it would mean “changes since the last commit”, and it wouldn’t delete the files.

      Edit: I will concede that it’s probably not immediately apparent to someone not familiar with the system that uncommitted files will be deleted if you use the revert button. But that comes back to understanding things before you go around clicking buttons that say the action is irreversible. At a minimum, they bear responsibility for not knowing what they were doing, and still charging ahead full steam.

      • JackbyDev
        4 months ago

        I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume most people would think something that says “discard all changes” would run git clean -f instead of something like git reset or git reset --hard.

        The message is better now, regardless. Running this in Codium I get “Are you sure you want to DELETE 2 files? This is IRREVERSIBLE! These files will be FOREVER LOST if you proceed.” Which is way more clear than something like “discard ALL changes” without even giving you any sort of summary about what those changes are. Especially given the logic from the linked comment on the second issue,

        1. Oh what is this? Yes, let’s initialize, git sounds awesome, people use it.
        2. Oh what is this? All my files appear in this list… but they didn’t before. It looks like its touching my files, I don’t like that, how to I get them out of here?
        3. Oh what is this? Discard all changes sounds a lot like what I want to do. 💀

        Given the “change” they just did was to click “Initialize Repository”.