it assumes computational costs are significant expense for scrapers compared to proxy costs
The assumption is correct. PoW has been proven to significantly reduce bot traffic… meanwhile the mere existence of residential proxies has exploded the availability of easy bot campaigns.
Canvas fingerprinting would work.
Demonstrably false… people already do this with abysmal results. Need to visit a clownflare site? Endless captcha loops. No thanks
The assumption is correct. PoW has been proven to significantly reduce bot traffic.
What you’re doing is filtering out bots that can’t be bothered to execute JavaScript. You don’t need to do a computational heavy PoW task to do that.
meanwhile the mere existence of residential proxies has exploded the availability of easy bot campaigns.
Correct, and thats why they are the number one expense for any scraping company. Any scraper that can’t be bothered to spin up a headless browser isn’t going to cough up the dough for residential proxies.
Demonstrably false… people already do this with abysmal results. Need to visit a clownflare site? Endless captcha loops. No thanks
That’s not what “demonstrably false” even means. Canvas fingerprinting filters out bots better than PoW. What you’re complaining about too strict settings and some users being denied. Make your Anubis settings too high you’ll have users waiting long times while their batteries drain.
Hard disagree, because:
The assumption is correct. PoW has been proven to significantly reduce bot traffic… meanwhile the mere existence of residential proxies has exploded the availability of easy bot campaigns.
Demonstrably false… people already do this with abysmal results. Need to visit a clownflare site? Endless captcha loops. No thanks
What you’re doing is filtering out bots that can’t be bothered to execute JavaScript. You don’t need to do a computational heavy PoW task to do that.
Correct, and thats why they are the number one expense for any scraping company. Any scraper that can’t be bothered to spin up a headless browser isn’t going to cough up the dough for residential proxies.
That’s not what “demonstrably false” even means. Canvas fingerprinting filters out bots better than PoW. What you’re complaining about too strict settings and some users being denied. Make your Anubis settings too high you’ll have users waiting long times while their batteries drain.