They would lose any magical powers they may have had in the book, but anything they are, rather than can do, will stay. For example people from the His Dark Materials world would keep their daemons. You can take them out at any time in the story’s plot, but for all other people consuming the media, it will be shown that the character suddenly disappears, with the rest of the plot being affected accordingly. People will notice this happening. The character is not under any sort of control by you once you have taken them out of the story, although they will appear next to you to start with.

  • @[email protected]
    225 months ago

    Rincewind. It’d be nice to have a lightning rod for bad luck nearby to absorb any that might be headed towards me.

    • Sam, The Man
      105 months ago

      Oof in that same vein, we could use a Samuel Vimes sort wandering around dispensing justice…

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        I was thinking Vimes, but I’m not sure I could handle the guilt of taking him from young Sam.

  • @[email protected]
    215 months ago

    God from the bible. The whole book will just be a bunch of ancient stories nobody should care about anymore. Would be interesting to see what the world would be like without Christianity.

    • gregorum
      5 months ago

      The same or worse, because other religions would’ve taken Its place instead

    • livus
      65 months ago

      Bizarrely, God is the main antagonist in the Old Testament in terms of plot.

      So the stories would be more boring but also a lot calmer.

  • magnetosphere
    165 months ago

    Corny as fuck, but here goes… Superman. Very powerful, very ethical. His abilities are specifically not magical, but a natural product of his Kryptonian physiology reacting to our sun.

    The world could use someone incorruptible who has the strength to back up their words.

  • livus
    85 months ago

    Wait so when they appear next to me does that mean they are now real IRL instead of in the piece of media?

    If so I’m going to pick Neo from The Matrix.

    Single handedly destroys the need for sequels and gives me a Keanu-esque friend.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Boromir. Right before the arrows start flying. We would just sit at a bar drinking after I’d calmed him down, and we’d read how the hobbits got taken by Orcs anyway and that Sam and Frodo are pretty much doing their own thing.

    (We would also have the “Seen Been”/ “Shaun Bonn” discussion, time permitting)

    Skip ahead to the last book where the King Steward of Gondor sits on the throne, and then I’ll pat Boromir encourangingly on the back, and shove him back into the book so he can connect with his dad again.

    I also might throw in some AK-47s for that last battle in the last book, but depends how much I’ve been drinking honesty

    • JackGreenEarthOP
      35 months ago

      You can’t return them to the book, taking them out is permanent.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Oh. Well, still Boromir before the arrows. At that point he’s basically written out of the story anyway.

        I can find him work petitioning the Tolkien estate to include firearms in their final battle, which they will likely refuse because they are dicks. I guess he could go on celebrity panel shows, but I don’t think he’d be that funny.

        Pulling him out of the book really might do more harm than good. He died with courage. Now he just mysteriously vanished when he was needed the most. Probably the King Steward of Rohan would be suspicious on his son’s disappearance, and would reject any plea for aid fr the Fellowship. Might doom the story.

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          I am terribly sorry to brung this up, but you’ve now suggested twice that Boromir is connected to the king of Rohan which isn’t the case. I believe you mean to say Steward of Gondor because Gondor has no king and Gondor needs no king.

  • @[email protected]
    75 months ago

    Caillou, because unlike everyone in his universe I’m not afraid to punch the shit out of a 4 year old.

  • Ogmios
    55 months ago

    Shirley Fenette from Code Geass, because she deserves so much better.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      This raises further questions, since it seems his humanoid form is a facade provided by his magic powers. Do you get him in non-corporeal form, or do you get him like that episode where he became human?

  • @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    JFK from right before he was shot. Timed so that the shot happens anyways. Then just let him hang out and absorb the last 60 years for a bit. Then cease to exist or something because him disappearing in the middle of a parade on live television would change history pretty drastically, likely causing me (and most others younger than that) to never be born.

  • @RandomVideos
    25 months ago

    One of the black holes from this game, assuming it keeps its ability to send people to a different galaxy since its a passive ability, not an active one.

    People would probably not notice anything wrong with the game

    If you use the size of the pancakes to measure the size of the black hole, you would find out that they are small, allowing me to escape in time