• @[email protected]
    863 months ago

    Who’s out here censoring tits? The OP? That’s dumb, you can swear on the internet.

    Someone else? Maybe go get a fresh screenshot.

    • @[email protected]
      163 months ago

      I already found a LoRa for multiple breasts once so… Yeah…

      Disclaimer: I only use AI for personal and shitpost use. I do not use it for anything professional, nor for profit, nor for online clout. I also only use “open source” models, and open source generators.

          • oce 🐆
            3 months ago

            Don’t = -1
            Never = -1
            Not = -1
            -1 * -1 * -1 = -1
            ~ They don’t have to explain themselves for nobody.
            So it’s the same comment.
            Let me know if I have made a mistake.

              • oce 🐆
                43 months ago

                Formally yes, but I believe that’s an (American English?) informal way of speaking where “nobody” actually means “anybody”. Similarly to how “I don’t need no man” means “I don’t need any man”.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 months ago

                  Of course, but I don’t never need to be told nothing like that from nobody when I’m commenting in a pedantic language thread! /s

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          With how much communities can quickly become echo chambers, even more on community with strong opinions, there’s always going to be that one person that takes offence.

          So better be safe than having to proactively explain.

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            That’s kind of the point. If someone is offended by something, fuck 'em.

            You don’t have to explain yourself for nobody.

  • @[email protected]
    403 months ago

    I miss the internet where we tricked our friends into looking at a picture of a man’s gaping asshole with zero consequences instead of the one where you have to put a little manual strike through “tits” just in case somewhere an algorithm will autoban you for it.

    Honestly who keeps doing that crap because things aren’t that locked down fuck sake.

    • HonkyTonkWoman
      53 months ago

      A family member had this “infamous” email chain. The subject was good, not spammy or obvious, but generic enough to be innocuous.

      Length was perfect. Layers of FWDs, pages of them. Enough that you scroll to the point that you’re about to give up, but can’t.

      At this point you’re not really even paying attention to the email, you’re just sadistic enough to have to reach the end of the email…

      That’s when you look back at the email & there’s a woman goatse’ing you with an apple up her butt.

    • The Menemen!
      33 months ago

      I miss the internet where we tricked our friends into looking at a picture of a man’s gaping asshole

      Tbh, I don’t miss that. Neither do I miss spacedicks.

  • @[email protected]
    393 months ago

    Why is the word tits censored? Also I am going to see these women with five boobs to evaluate the claim.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      Yes, I’m also curious of where the results of such devilry are posted.

      To avoid them.

      But there are so many AI adult image sites.

      Which one?

  • Jo Miran
    313 months ago

    Listen here sassy missy, we need to advance AI. The human workforce is not going to replace itself you know.

  • @[email protected]
    283 months ago

    Cities asking residents to use less power is largely due to the fact that most cities have no direct policy power to regulate electricity use. Electricity use is primarily the domain of state/provider policy. Cities asking residents to lower power usage is thereby an ask for residents to collectively work to avoid brown/black out situations for the collective good. Messaging like this without a similar ask to the tech/industrial community would still be short sighted at best.

    • @[email protected]
      433 months ago

      Yeah we just found out (we as a city knew, just without confirmation) who the ‘mystery’ business is that’s building a server farm on the outskirts of city limits. And they’ve got a 10 year tax break from the city on the land.

      I’ll turn my AC down when google turns their Power Plans to Eco for those servers

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    A couple of years back, the official Twitter account of some police force (Maryland?) made a post during a heat wave that was like, “dear criminals: it’s hot as balls outside, can we call a truce and postpone crime for a few days so none of us has to be out there in it? Thanks”

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      263 months ago

      Depends on the person and what they were acclimated to as the norm in an area. I start to get increasingly disfunctional starting at about 75f, once it gets to 80f it is difficult for me to focus on tasks that aren’t directly related to cooling myself down, and 85f+ my day is a wash

      • @[email protected]
        133 months ago

        Medical conditions also play a role in it. I’m on medications that make me wicked susceptible to overheating. I start melting at 75°F if there is even a mild amount of humidity. And that’s at home where I can dress comfortably.

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        You gotta condition yourself to it. Don’t start at 80F, but work your way up to it over spring.

        • @[email protected]
          43 months ago

          This is the way to go. Without conditioning I’d die when running at 30C. But with gradually rising temperatures you get accustomed to it. There are nicer things in life but it’s absolutely possible

        • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
          3 months ago

          I’ve spent years trying to figure out how to acclimate it never works, I really wish it would I just don’t think I’m built like that. My solution has been to move to colder places which is having mixed results with the planet heating faster than I can move

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            Are you a hairy person, by any chance? I am, and trimming my body hair added like 8F to my heat tolerance.

            • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
              13 months ago

              Body hair, I have effectively none barely even leg hair. My head hair does grow in very thick though and this season I’m experimenting with shaved sides see how much it helps

      • @[email protected]
        53 months ago

        What different people can handle is wild. I mowed yesterday through 98° weather. It was miserably fucking hot, but I wasn’t impaired.

        However, when it’s slightly below freezing and we get half an inch of snow? Everything shuts down for a week and no one can function.

        • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
          93 months ago

          Yeah and I thrive below freezing lol. My mood improves, I have more energy, I get very excited and active, bonus points if it has been overcast for months I love that shit. Honestly I think I have SAD the opposite direction of most people

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            I have a problem with the cold. Mainly that I never know how much I need to wear.

            Like a good Northerner, I layer my clothes, and if I wear too many, I end up sweating. It’s terrible to have a sweaty body while my hands, feet, and face freeze. If I wear too few clothes, then I’m just cold all over.

            I can’t seem to regulate adequately. I’m always either too hot or too cold.

            If it’s hot out, then I’m just hot all over. It seems worse, but it’s actually much easier to cope with.

            I just want to be a consistent temperature.

            Cool weather, like between freezing and like 20C/68F, I’m pretty golden. On the low end, a light jacket with a sweater, and on the higher end, just a light sweater or something and I’m fine. Anything below zero… I’m generally uncomfortable.

    • credit crazy
      73 months ago

      Maybe if you’re down south but us northerners start sweating at 20c

      • Acclimation just takes practice. Its not like southerners are genetically different. And plenty of southerns have the same problem because they’re willing to pay like $500/month to keep their houses an icebox in the summer and don’t spend time outside in the summer…

        • credit crazy
          13 months ago

          While Tru but at the same time southerners have all year long to acclimate to hot weather meanwhile people up north have to go to work in the cold winter half the year and only have the summer to acclimate to hot weather

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Yeah, that’s my default summer daytime temperature. But, a lot of that is because I don’t want my hvac unit running 24/7.

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          I was talking to a bud the other day and we realized that hooking up AC to a solar panel might be a good idea. You usually only use AC if it’s sunny and hot so the solar panel would be in perfect conditions. I don’t think I’ve heard of people doing this, beyond people who just run their house on solar. I wonder if it would be viable or feasable to hook up the hvac to solar and a battery.

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            Considering AC is the largest electricity consumer in almost any home that has it by a large margin, if you are running your AC off solar then you might as well run the rest of your house off solar. It would be very little extra work.

    • tiredofsametab
      13 months ago

      It’s 26.7c @ 62% humidity in my office right now. It’s fine (the aircon will kick on monetarily to bring the humidity back down). However, had you asked me this years ago, I would have thought you were insane. I lived in a much cooler place and people had the air on all summer set down to like 22c. I’ve gotten used to my new climate (well, more used to it, anyway), and it helps that I don’t have to go spend all day in an office whose temperature I don’t control.

      • Yeah, there was definitely a point where I’d have thought the same. Then I started shifting the setpoint up little by little. It’s something that takes time. But if you spend a lot of time in a place that keeps it way too cold all day, it’s harder to adapt. I guess you could just intentionally overdress, so you are a bit warm despite the cold temperature, but that seems like a waste.

  • @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    Well, the only different is who use AI to generate trash are rich, and who need power is under-privi people.

  • @[email protected]
    03 months ago

    Not a fan of disinformation so I’ll post this here as well:

    I run ComfyUI locally on my own Laptop and generating an image takes 4 seconds, during which my 3070 Laptop GPU uses 80 Watts (the maximum amount of power it can use). It also fully uses one of the 16 threads of my i7-11800H (TDP of 45W). Let’s overestimate a bit and say it uses 100% of the CPU (even though in reality it’s only 6.25%), which adds 45 watts resulting in 125 watts (or 83 watts if you account for the fact that it only uses one thread).

    That’s 125 watts for 4 seconds for one image, or about 0.139 WH (0.000139KWH). That would be 7200 images per KWH. Playing one hour of Cyberpunk on a PS5 (assuming 200 watts) would be equivalent to me generating 1440 images on my laptop.

    “Sources”: https://www.ecoenergygeek.com/ps5-power-consumption/

    • themeatbridge
      323 months ago

      Sure, but neither will be fixed with voluntary action. Both will point to the other as a reason to do nothing.

      We need legislation and regulation to require energy efficiency and clean energy production. If that means kWh get more expensive, then that is the true price of energy. Cheap, deregulated energy is writing checks our grandchildren will have to cash.

      • DMBFFF
        73 months ago

        100 sq meters of solar cells per house (with batteries and inverters) should do a lot of good.

        • @[email protected]
          83 months ago

          How big is your house? My roof is covered where it’s practical and efficient to do so and I only have about 10 sq meters.

          • @[email protected]
            83 months ago

            For energy generation, being close to the point of usage prevents waste from energy transport. For energy storage it’s probably more efficient to do this at larger scale, which means centralized systems.

            So I think it’s more complicated and depends on a lot of factors. Stating “Centralization is more efficient and less wasteful” as a hard fact is misleading at best.

          • @[email protected]
            53 months ago

            Though the rooftop solar isn’t optimal from an efficacy standpoint, it has other selling points. You have residential solar and a battery? Congratulations, you don’t have to worry so much about power outages. This is particularly a selling point for rural living, where outages happen more often and last longer.

            The abstract “it’s greener” is a less potent sales pitch than “your fridge, heating, and a/c can still work even if the grid is gone”.

          • BlanketsWithSmallpox
            23 months ago

            It could just be the same thing. Total houses in community. Apply solar cells to already owned government land or near where the current plant is anyway like most already have been doing. Just scale up and add wind in. Salt batteries all over. Bam.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            The beauty of solar is it scales up/down without much fuss whereas you can’t just run a coal fire plant for your home. We can build what makes sense for each community/home.

            • @[email protected]
              -13 months ago

              Sure, but it’s more efficient to have the number of panels necessary for the community (neighborhood, city, etc) than having everyone get what they need for their individual peak…

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                Depending on the housing density, probably but not always. Again, we don’t have to determine this from the beginning. We can adapt the scale and approach to each circumstance. I imagine buy and large having one central array of solar panels feeding several properties/communities makes the most sense. But how many properties (and their average draw) per sq/km or sq/mi very much impacts what that translates into.

  • mozz
    -333 months ago

    AI isn’t yet slurping any significantly obscene amount of power from the grid, although as it gets more ubiquitous that will surely change. The individual data centers are massive things but they are outnumbered by orders of magnitude by all the rest of it

    The big villain in senseless datacenter power usage is cryptocurrency

    Plus most of the rest of it, of course, acres of racks burning through the world’s resources to run the world’s ten millionth pink slime news factory or Youtube click fakery cluster, or whatever

    But AI isn’t yet adding its useless weight to the groaning pile in any significant way

      • mozz
        123 months ago

        This is a pretty good article about it, with this being the relevant graph:

        Like I say, it’s going to become a significant thing, and I’m sure for the tiny fraction of all the world’s data centers that are operated by Microsoft specifically it already is, but it isn’t yet, on a global scale.

          • mozz
            23 months ago

            Not really. The primary sources for the chart are actually in the image, and there’s a link in the Verge article if you’re able to read academic papers.

              • mozz
                23 months ago


                I still do not understand the joke then

                • @[email protected]
                  43 months ago

                  The verge put out a really terrible PC building guide about 5 years ago which hurt their reputation. So the joke is just that the verge isn’t trust worthy.

                  But that was 5 years ago and they corrected their mistakes since.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Fair, but it’s pretty much on track to be the new crypto of energy usage. We’re just a few years out for it to get fully ramped up

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        In other words, 17 million households can all turn off the AC when they are not home and the savings can run like 100 chatGPTs

      • NostraDavid
        3 months ago

        Doing a rough comparison: 500k KWh * 365 / 240 billion KWh= ChatGPT uses ~0.076% of the power that Crypto uses.

        Just to put Crypto into perspective.

        PS: The 500k is from the article (which states it’s per day), and the 240 billion for crypto is the first result I saw from Google, so take with a grain of salt.

        edit: I only just now saw which space (?) this is from. Please don’t bully me, I’m only here for the discussion (which so far has been civil).

    • @[email protected]
      133 months ago

      it’s also completely useless, and even it’s hyped up by the same people who sticked around crypto when it was a thing

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        It’s not completely useless, it just not the silver fucking bullet that the cryptobros promised it was. It can do a lot of cool shit, but we keep trying to make it do things it’s really not equipped to do.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          They’re talking about “AI”, not crypto, the crypto bros part of their comment is about it being the same people that jumped on the crypto wagon and defend the energy waste.

          • @[email protected]
            83 months ago

            I was using cryptobros as a proxy for the people that hyped AI. I feel like that venn diagram is a circle.

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                And if I use “I feel” instead of a more concrete assertion, it’s clear from context that I don’t have any data to back that up off hand and am implicitly making a wider assertion that the people they hyped crypto are the same or akin to the people who are hyping AI.

                Feel free to disprove me.

                • @[email protected]
                  03 months ago

                  Not on me to disprove your, cough… argument…cough.

                  Learn how standards of evidence work. “I feel” you got some reading to do.

        • @[email protected]
          33 months ago

          for the “value” it provides (automated spam, new wave of deepfakes and tailor made propaganda, facilitating layoffs with genai as a failed replacement, and most importantly of all hyping openai stock) any amount of resources spent is a massive waste

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            Eh. I’ve built multiple apps in very short succession thanks to GPT. I don’t really care if people think it’s useful or not, I know it is.

              • @[email protected]
                3 months ago

                While I appreciate how much you must have looked into my profile to find that, I was actually referring to the startup I worked at in South Korea for half a year. The impact I landed there paved the way for me to get my current job at Meta.

                (RuneScape bots are something I write on the weekend to wind down from work)

                • @[email protected]
                  13 months ago

                  Who exactly is replenishing their storefront shelves in this conversation? And with profiles?

                  You should probably start asking ChatGPT to proofread your comments, too.

            • Flying Squid
              13 months ago

              I’ve built multiple apps in very short succession thanks to GPT

              You’re being made obsolete by your own tool and you don’t even realize it.

              • @[email protected]
                23 months ago

                It’s so far off being able to make software, it’s smart but will never be that smart… Well if it does we’re all done for.

                It’s a fantastic tool for getting a layout for your code however.

                • Flying Squid
                  -23 months ago

                  How far off is it from being able to make code well enough that your immediate manager, with basic coding skills, can just do it? Because that’s going to happen to a lot of people and soon.

          • @[email protected]
            -23 months ago

            Mate you’re babbling like an old man too. Spam has been automated for a long time. Deepfakes are indeed a problem I agree, but again Photoshop has existed for a long time. Tailor made propaganda has existed as long as civilization has existed. Companies in tech space hand their staff layoffs and hiring in cycles, AI was just the latest excuse. And OpenAI isn’t even publicly traded.

            Stop talking shit and touch grass.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      Rather than merely wagging the finger at each weekly villain, we should work towards policy that internalizes the cost of energy.