• @[email protected]
    2029 days ago

    I just want to say for the record that if anyone is on trial for brutally beating a KKK member and I’m on the jury I will never ever convict you. That is not a crime.

    • Spot
      9 days ago

      On the jury, being shown some video evidence…

      “It doesn’t look like anything to me.”

    • @[email protected]
      499 days ago

      I would never say something like that on record.

      Unrelated fun fact: having that kind of record come up in voir dire would immediately get you kicked off the jury.

      • @[email protected]
        419 days ago

        If a lawyer can find this they deserve to kick me off the jury. Although I will say I’ve never been picked for a jury I think I’m Kryptonite the most lawyers.

      • RBG
        219 days ago

        Damn OP njm1314, too bad you used your real name and are super easy to find!

      • @[email protected]
        8 days ago

        Unfortunately jury nullification also has a very racist history. Not to say it can’t be used for good now!

        • @[email protected]
          5 days ago

          As long as it still exists, use it for good I guess.

          We can’t change the system in a day, but we can use the tricks that racists use to nudge it in the proper direction.

          And if they don’t like it, sure they can go ahead and remove those tricks. Only makes our system more fair and straightforward, which is a good thing.

    • JackbyDev
      158 days ago

      You probably wouldn’t end up on the jury without lying during jury selection then.

  • @[email protected]
    499 days ago

    Parts of CT are KKK strongholds.

    I have a friend who used to live there and he told me his town had some prominent klansmen there, and there were rallies a town or two away.

    • @[email protected]
      138 days ago

      In the past they’ve been socially aware enough to keep it to themselves. Since Trump became a thing they’ve gotten bold.

      I live in New England so I’m close-ish to where this happened… I’d like to throw something on them like wine to stain their ghost costumes but who knows if thats legal and i dont want to end up in jail since i have responsibilities to people other than just me.

      Is tossing glitter on them not assault? I want something that sticks and makes it so they don’t want to wear that outfit anymore. Glitter that’s fine enough never comes out… because it’s micro plastics. I normally avoid glitter but feel this might be an exception. Any other ideas non-violent ideas to make them feel unwelcome??

      • @[email protected]
        118 days ago

        Wine is probably a civil matter, right? They’d have to take you to court under their real name to recover damages.

      • @[email protected]
        78 days ago

        A super soaker full of pink clothing dye. I doubt if these ‘manly man’ would like pink clothes.

        • Githyanki
          28 days ago

          Just shout “Happy Holi” and you can try and claim religious exemption.

      • @[email protected]
        48 days ago

        I want something that sticks so they don’t want to wear that outfit anymore… any other ideas non-violent ideas to make them feel unwelcome??

        I’ve got just the thing for you. Vegan milkshakes. Well, any milkshake will do, because the point of throwing a shake is to get them soaked in a liquid that will smell awful if it bakes in the sun. It might stain clothes, and it will certainly be uncomfortable. You should probably use a chocolate shake with the klansmen, it’ll stain their bedsheets real good.

        The best part about it is the physical harm inflicted is minimal, while the social harm, humiliation, is pretty significant. This is important because humiliation is the achilles heel of fascists, since their world view is based on imagery, and this action disrupts it.

        The other good thing this does is it can be used to make a potential agitator leave so they can clean up.

        This, unfortunately, is assault (or some other illegal activity), so keep that in mind.

  • Queue
    379 days ago

    +100 points each for hitting them, Deathrace 2000 style.

  • @[email protected]
    348 days ago

    I don’t normally pick at the physical appearances of people just for the sake of it, but I’ve noticed that Trump attracts a certain type of follower. Take a look at the people in the background of the next Trump rally and tell me what you see.

    Those people and these people are the same. Just a bunch of trashy hillbillies. These klansmen are not the fringe supporters of Trump’s cult, they’re the ones down in the front. Like wax statues melting in the sun, their eyes glazed over enraptured as word salad pours out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

    And don’t say “well that guy wearing the klan outfit is just a troll, the other people there are not associated with that!”. If you’ve got one Nazi in a bar full of people, you’re in a Nazi bar. If you’ve got one klansman at a Trump rally, you’re at a klan rally.

    • @[email protected]
      -328 days ago

      Other than the presence of the Klan, those are normal people. This is exactly the kind of elitism they talk about encountering.

      • @[email protected]
        358 days ago

        oh don’t mind him that’s just Freddy, he don’t like 'em colored folk and gays, he’s a good kid, I knew his momma

        Are you fucked în the head? “other than the presence of the Klan, those are normal people” what in the shit does that mean? Why the fuck is the Klan present there? Why is nobody chasing them away? How the shit are you doing anything in your life and you see goddamn nazis next to you waving the swastika and you don’t stop to think “yo, maybe I shouldn’t be here”? How do “normal people” end up mixed with Klan members and just roll with it, motherfucker? HOW?

        • @[email protected]
          -128 days ago

          Because the comment I replied to called all Trump rally goers hillbilly trash in a general sense. Yeah the people in this picture have an issue. Calling everyone who supports Trump hillbilly trash is exactly the elitist take the far right feeds on.

            • @[email protected]
              -48 days ago

              Okay. Find me the picture of klan robes at a Trump rally. If you want to color the entire movement you need that evidence. Not 5 people in the middle of nowhere.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 days ago

                  No sir. I’m not seeing that with “Nazi Flag at Trump Rally” and CPAC isn’t even on the radar of the average voter. Most people have their interaction with Trump at his rallies and via conservative news. I’m not saying everything is okay. The man brought back 1800’s xenophobic myths on the national debate stage. But again the average voter isn’t thinking about it that way. They’re engaged with it in a fearful way because that’s how Fox News gave it to them.

                  And you guys are still massively missing the point. This is a third of our country. Alienating them plays into the hand of extremists. They need to see they’re wrong. Not be shunned out of a society that killed their jobs, left them in broken towns, brought them the opioid crisis, and ignores their needs. They are the epitome of believing government is broken because the Republicans broke it. And you can’t fix that by calling them trash. You have to find a way to bring them good governance again. Get them back into mainstream stuff.

                  This entire flipping thread has been nothing but a project in othering. And you can’t do that to 33% of your country without severe consequences.

              • @[email protected]
                7 days ago

                People like the ones you’re responding to struggle to fully comprehend that they’re literally attempting to characterize half the country.

                A different thread wants to put them all into a “magat map.” Putting aside the dubious idea that mapping the locations of a group of people they’re referring to as literal vermin isn’t gross to begin with, you would be mapping the location of half the population of the United States.

                Harris is losing momentum according to polls and Trump is slowly but steadily rising. It’s on average every other person you meet. Disparaging them does nothing except fuel the the charges of elitism, as you note.

      • @[email protected]
        8 days ago

        Normal people don’t hang out with klansman, we beat the shit out of them.

        These people are far from normal. They’re downright weird.

          • @[email protected]
            25 days ago

            As a German I have a solution:

            If we see a Nazi, we punch them. And with see, I mean specific symbols, clothing or other specific identifiers.

            If I’m on a trump really, I should be able to punch the people in KKK outfits, the ones with swastikas, and the ones with old flags representing nationalism. And I should also be able to call the rest of them out.

            I like this solution. It’s a pretty straightforward one.

            • @[email protected]
              15 days ago

              That’s the problem. There is no evidence of specific symbols at Trump rallies. The commenter above has conflated the people in this picture with all Trump voters.

      • @[email protected]
        118 days ago

        They are going to exercise… their right to vote!

        I’ll be leaving now. You can stop throwing things.

    • @[email protected]
      68 days ago

      Well, I count five of them. CT hasn’t been a swing state since Reagan. I wouldn’t be too worried about that changing this cycle.

      But just like with other big blue states, like California and Illinois, you often see the perennial losers go full freak mode as a form of coping. Its the same way you see folks in Austin, TX or Miami, FL going full hippie-bumper-sticker on their cars and bikes. Folks sometimes think being louder is a substitute for being more popular.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        8 days ago

        These are likely the craziest nutjobs Connecticut has to offer. None of them have many friends or families, obviously. Kids probably all are scared of these people.

      • @[email protected]
        27 days ago

        No this is honest. I travel a lot for work and I feel like I see more Trump signs in CT than I did in KY. Not to say that there aren’t more Trump supporters in KY, but they are a LOUD minority

    • @[email protected]
      8 days ago

      Unless you shoot them first. Edit: please don’t shoot anyone. This is not a call for violence

  • @[email protected]
    309 days ago

    I’m not sure what’s worse - the KKK member or the person standing unashamedly next to them showing their face

            • @[email protected]
              48 days ago

              Putin says things like that because he knows it influences people in ways he desires. There is an absolute massive industry the Russian government created to push their stuff. It is meaningless when it comes from him, because he doesn’t actually endorse anyone, he is stirring shit.

              The KKK are, A. in the US and voters, and B. endorse candidates they feel most suit their ideology. So a US presidential candidate getting an endorsement from the KKK, vs Putin saying he likes one, are two different things.

              • humble peat digger
                18 days ago

                Noone in their mind wants kkk endorsement. It’s 100% setup . And Trump s campaign rejected the endorsement

                • @[email protected]
                  18 days ago

                  It doesn’t matter that he didn’t accept it. The KKK’s endorsement is the KKK saying that you are the candidate that is in their favor. Simply being in the favor of the KKK is a black mark.

                  What is 100% a set-up? The KKK endorsement? No, they really did endorse Trump, as an organization. Are you talking about PD standing there, with that sign? Sure, he went there to do that. Was he an agent of the government, or some influential organization? No, he is just an internet troll, that doesn’t meet the requirements to be an agent provocateur. Further, what he did, did not make it seem as though the group, he had infiltrated, did something they had not, in order to malign them with the general public/government of review. He stood there, with a sign, that said something that is true.

            • @[email protected]
              18 days ago

              Oh, wait, you actually called Professional Douche and agent provocateur… PD is just a guy who publicly trolls people, he doesn’t like, on YouTube. He isn’t a government operative sewing disinformation. It is probably pointless to talk to you, if you genuinely think this.

    • Queen HawlSera
      78 days ago

      I know some former Christian Scientist is laughing his ass off knowing that no cult lasts long if it remains tied to their leader.