You’re walking home late at night from the bar because you’ve had 11 shots of tequila but you still made the conscious decision not to drive for the safety of others. You’re crossing a stroad. Someone “in a hurry” decide to run the red light and hits you at 70 km/h (because of course they were speeding, why wouldn’t they?), doesn’t see you because you’re hunched over while you’re walking and it’s really dark and the person is driving a giant SUV with shit visibility.

Cars are one of the largest source of fatal pedestrian accidents in a major city. How much more likely are you to get into an accident if you’re drunk and is less able to pay attention to cars breaking the rules and putting you in danger? Walking safely in most cities is a task you need to be sober for because you have to walk super defensively.

  • Flax
    12 hours ago

    If you’re crossing a road and someone runs a red light, I don’t think your sobriety is relevant.

  • @[email protected]
    8 hours ago

    Technically it’s dangerous to get drunk at all, alcohol is a carcinogen (sure is fun though). Of course being sober doesn’t protect you from cars either so ¯\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    I think drunk drivers make it unsafe for every pedestrian regardless of their soberity. I see kids, adults, and seniors all crossing a busy intersections in a relatively small town every morning. Nearly every day i see a near miss fron a driver turning right on red and nearly hitting a very visibile pedestrian crossing in the crosswalk while they have the right to cross. And most of these drivers arent even drunk or impaired, many of them are texting though.

    Most often, the driver is looking up the road to ensure the traffic lanes are clear but many forget to also ensure the crosswalk is clear. What really bothers me is when most drivers almost hit someone, including seniors or children, they honk and throw their hands up as if that pedestrian is the asshole. At least the honk might give someone just enough time to avoid being hit.

  • Skull giver
    210 hours ago

    Based on my experience with drunks around roads, the cars generally aren’t at fault. People do real stupid shit when they’re drunk, like taking a highway tunnel instead of walking the extra 500m for the pedestrian tunnel. You can have all the protection you want, but if you’re to drunk to walk straight and end up in traffic there’s nothing to protect you. Same shit also happens with train tracks every now and then. Hell, I’ve even read stories about traffic deaths when drunk people and bikes collided (especially if the person on the bike was elderly).

    If you’re drunk enough that you can’t navigate the streets about as well as when you’re sober, take a cab or the bus or have someone pick you up. That’ll also help in case you run into health issues because of excessive alcohol intake.

    As a bonus for drunk accidents: because of the delayed response you may walk away from certain crashes with fewer injuries because your body doesn’t tense up to attempt to distribute the impact. On the other hand, you’re much worse off with other accidents.

    • @[email protected]
      -28 hours ago

      Walking drunk is safer than taking a cab unless the cab is electric. When you walk drunk, you risk your own life and maybe one other person. When you take a fossil cab, you risk everyone’s lives forever.

      • Flax
        12 hours ago

        … Who’s lives are equally at risk anyway because of some eejit in a factory pumping loads of carbon into the air

    • Dem Bosain
      29 hours ago

      95% of all fatal drunk-driving accidents happen in the bathroom, or something…