I begun learning programming a few years ago, and it feels like I barely progressed. I know the basics and a bit of advanced python(I have learnt to use a few libraries), html and css plus a tiny bit of c++, but not much outside of those. I enjoy programming and solving problems using code, and it’s an enjoyable hobby of mine. But I feel like all I do is extremely basic and I want to advance but it feels overwhelming seeing the countless of things I could learn.

I wanna know what are ways I can actually apply the things I have learnt/will learn on somewhat worthwhile things, because the main problem right now is that I don’t really have anything to do with the things I’ve learnt other than silly projects that don’t really last more than a day and aren’t that complex. I also want to advance my knowledge as previously stated since I feel like I know too little for the amount of time I’ve been learning to program.

For context I’m still in school but not too far off from higher ed, and I have a decent amount of free time on most days(~2-4 hrs).

Thanks if you reply

  • a1studmuffin
    41 hour ago

    To take up a career in programming is to be professionally confused on a day-to-day basis. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times, but this is the advice I give younger engineers: accept that confusion, and try to channel it into curiosity instead of letting it fester into stress and anxiety.

  • @Zikeji
    116 hours ago

    This consternation is definitely common. It’s hard to apply skills to something with no long term impact of benefit. I’ve improved my skills by finding stuff I can help on in the communities I participate in.

    It’s natural to be overwhelmed, so deciding on a project does scope what you can learn, but a hard part is architecting the foundation of that project.

    Introducing new features to an existing project is a great way to get your feet wet - it has multiple benefits, for one of you do take a position as a developer in the future, you likely won’t be architecting anything initially, primarily improving on existing projects. So participating in OSS projects is a similar mechanism to that - you have to learn their codebase to a degree, you have to learn their style and requirements, etc.

    Even if you don’t ultimately contribute, it’s still a learning experience.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago

    Its a tough problem. You have to find something that you want to exist; like an app or a website or a game. For example, try making a GUI for managing SSH keys. You know, like the ones github makes you create in order to clone and push to a repo. Make a visual representation of those keys (stored in the .ssh folder), and tools to add/delete them.

    Along the way you’ll find tons of missing things, tools that should exist but don’t. Those are the “real” projects that will really expand your capabilities as a developer.

    For example, I was coding in python and wanted to make a function that caches the output because the code was inherently slow.

    • but to cache an output we need to know the inputs are the same
    • hashes are good for this but lists can’t be hashed with the built-in python hash function
    • we can make our own hash, but hashing a list that contains itself is hard
    • there is a solution for lists, but then hashing a set that contains itself is a serious problem (MUCH harder than hashing a list)
    • turns out hashing a set is the same problem as the graph-coloring problem (graph isomorphism)
    • suddenly I have a really deep understanding of recursive data structures all because I wanted to a function that caches its output.
  • @[email protected]
    86 hours ago

    Try to replicate software/apps you use everyday. Not to improve them, but to figure out how they work. In addition to learning how they work, you’ll learn the problems the original devs had to solve, and one way to solve them.

    • @[email protected]
      44 hours ago

      In addition to your comment, I would add to include apps that don’t sound “as interesting” or different from your usual picks. Along the way, it helps to be willing to refactor if you see a different way to implement it. This can help turn a routine task into a more interesting challenge.

  • @[email protected]
    56 hours ago

    Leetcode is a great way to polish your skills. When I was your age, I read programming books and made projects I cared about, it’s turned out very well.

    I’ve helped a few others learn programming, practice and working on any project at all always help more than anything.

    • @fool
      15 hours ago

      My friends Leetcoded and Codeforced quite a lot. Advent of Code is up there too, with the interesting caveat that Advent of Code also teaches you refactoring (due to the two-part nature of every problem).

      However, when I was younger I had contempt for the whiteboard-problem-esque appearances of these, but everyone is different.

      If you look hard enough there is always a project at medium difficulty – not way too hard, like a huge project you feel won’t give you returns – not way too easy, like some cowsay clone. Ever tried making a blog? You can host for free on most Git pages implementations (codeberg, github, gitlab…).

      As for programming books, consider trying security books like Art of Exploitation – in the same strain, CTFs can use a decent amount of code, and they’re fun in terms of raw problem-solving. I started with the Bandit wargame, which does Linux problem solving from any machine that has SSH.

      I’m not by any means a l33t hax3r but I found them pretty fun in my learning journey.

  • @fool
    4 hours ago

    Obligatory Linux comment (Lemmy moment):

    Windows is used often for its compatibility and defaultness but Linux is interesting in the sense that everything is patchable, everything is tinkerable and configurable. The low resistance to tinkering makes lots of Linux users tinkerers – including tinkering via code.

    I’m not saying wipe your hard drive or even dual-boot. Maybe an older computer or VM could help, depending on what you have. But just in the past week I’ve screwed around in low-to-medium-difficulty Linux projects that configured my lockscreen with C, that implemented mildly usable desktop GUIs with TypeScript, among others – just not-too-committal stuff that has a return value I literally see every time I lock my computer.

    Windows equivalent projects can be harsher on the beginning-to-intermediate curve (back when I first tried out Linux Mint, I’d been struggling to make a bookmark inspector in Visual Studio – ended up Pythoning it instead) – not to say that Windows fun is by any means out-of-reach.

  • Rimu
    26 hours ago

    You could try to find an open source project to contribute to? That’ll get give you a nice big codebase to grapple with.

  • @[email protected]
    67 hours ago

    Join in on your school clubs and research projects, or start some with friends!

    There are many great competitions where previous programming experience would come in handy.

    One competition that takes place in the U.S.:

    NASA Student Launch

    It actually IS rocket science! Student Launch is a 9-month long challenge that tasks student teams from across the U.S. to design, build, test, and launch a high-powered rocket carrying a scientific or engineering payload. It is a hands-on, research-based, engineering activity and culminates each year with a final launch in Huntsville, Alabama home of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The activity offers multiple challenges reaching a broad audience colleges and universities as well as middle and high school aged students across the nation.[1]

    Culminating Event Dates: April 30 – May 4, 2025

    Culminating event location: Huntsville, AL

    Eligibility: Open to U.S. Students

    Grade Levels: Grades 6-12, College and University

    1. [1] https://www.nasa.gov/learning-resources/nasa-student-launch/ ↩︎

    • @[email protected]OP
      27 hours ago

      I do not live in the US so I unfortunately cannot join that competition. Not sure if my friends and I can commit ourselves to a project but we’ll try.

  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    If you want to improve significantly, go read someone else’s code and modify it. Try to fix a bug in a program you use, add a feature you want that doesn’t exist already, or even just do something simple for the sake of proving to yourself that you can do it – like compiling it from source and figuring out how to change some small snippet of text in a message box. Even if you don’t succeed, if you put in a serious effort attempting it, you will almost certainly learn a lot from trying.

    Edit: changed wording to try to be clearer

  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    Look at MIT and UC Berkeley’s CS curricula and start tackling things that you haven’t covered. They’re both available freely online and you might still be able to find video recordings of Cal’s lectures somewhere (they recorded every class for students who weren’t present or had difficulty understanding in real time until 2015 or so but were hit with an ADA accessibility lawsuit because they weren’t captioned or something.)

    • astrsk
      46 hours ago

      This is me wondering… is there anyone who curates and categorizes lists of open source projects actively looking for contributions? Possibly with an organization based on experience level? It’s often hard to tell what project are active enough that entry, intermediate, or experienced level help is needed and for what.

  • @[email protected]
    37 hours ago

    I like to pick a fun project, pick a language I don’t know / wanna learn better, and then just go for it. Don’t be discouraged if somebody’s already made it - nothing says your learning project has to be useful in the real world, tho it’s kinda nice if you think of something that can be. If your project seems intimidatingly hard, remember the programmer workflow of breaking it down into manageable pieces and tackling those. If it doesn’t seem hard enough to teach you anything, I sometimes like to write it without using any external code or libraries (or a minimum of them; if it’s something like a GUI program I’ll use direct vulkan bindings instead of like Qt). This is also one of the few areas I get some use out of LLMs, cuz bullying ChatGPT or a local equivalent into giving me huge and tailored lists of program ideas can be really helpful. Either way my main advice is just to pick something that interests you and have fun with it; things don’t have to be worthwhile to other people to be worthwhile to you.

  • @[email protected]
    37 hours ago

    Does your school have a robotics team or something along the lines of computing? That would be a good option. Also if you are still in high school and plan on going to college, you still have plenty of time to learn.

  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    You can try to write programs you think would be a challenge for you (but still doable at your skill level). Write some games, bots that solve simple games like Tic Tac Toe or mods for your favourite (moddable) games. If you own a Raspberry Pi you could play around with the DPIO. Your free time projects are usually nothing too exciting or world-changing and that’s perfectly fine, they don’t have to be; the worthwhile part about them will be the practice they’ll offer.

    Alternatively, you could try reading some theory, learn different types of data structures, sorting algorithms or pathfinding algorithms and their respective strengths and weaknesses. Or go deeper and prepare for higher Edu in CS by looking into the maths fundamentals, learn some linear algebra, discrete math, analysis or basic knot theory, it will help you a lot.

  • @[email protected]
    6 hours ago

    You can’t. You either go into work and learn to solve complex problems or pivot to something else. For me it was the latter, I’m IT brainlet now, but every time I come back to brushing up on programming there’s like no middle ground with projects, I don’t have the time or really energy to commit to building a 3D video game engine in C or an OS, and learning pointer arithmetic for multiple iterators all just to make a palindrome checker CLI feels lame and building a clone of Spotify but in some new webdev thing or the week to some tutorial is hard to be excited about.