For the record, the study they’re likely citing was the one that tested less than 15 kids, 3 or more of which did NOT have autism, and the then-doctor permanently crippled one of them in the process of testing for the digestive-neural autism link
(The entire study exists because he wanted to discredit a vaccine to sell his own)
Ah, following in Wakefield’s steps. Good to see the grifters and charlatans don’t change, but it is sad that people keep falling for it.
They’re likely citing Wakefield, he’s been having a resurgence in US media
There have been 5 studies that all seem to show a positive link.
But way way more reseach is needed.
Gut disorders are correlated with autism
Autism is not correlated with gut disorder
That is both the research and the current scientific consensus
The research shows a decrease in symptoms after the procedure and nothing more or less.
It doesn’t say anything about gut disorder or why they could be linked.
Positive link? Does that mean more autism symptoms?
What does a reduction in Autism “symptoms” even mean - We uninstall Arch?
No, you just stop telling everyone else about it.
“I un-installed Arch, btw”
Impressive and commendable, but irrelevant.
Maybe more susceptibility to advertisement?
Water no longer feels as splish-splashy
Can confirm. Water now feels ouch-bangey, with an occasional splat-sticky mixed in.
It could fix certain GI issues, which either autistic people are more sensitive to or are unable to communicate.
Uninstall Gentoo, duh
FYI fecal transplants are a thing and they address unhealthy microbiomes in the body. Someone else’s shit could literally save your life from a c diff infection.
For people with IBD or IBS, they’re practically the holy grail, if the initial reports are to be believed.
Trouble is that we don’t know enough about it. Especially how to find a good donor.
Sorry I’m late for work, boss. I made a spontaneous intrabraccael fecal donation on the way to work.
So we’re just abandoning the time tested “if it’s brown, send it down” protocol?
I mean… if we can’t trust that brown poop is good poop anymore, which way is up?
Nah, that remains, we’re just putting the autistic people downstream.
This cannot stand. The best poop must go to help the most worthy.
Once again, the science piles up behind my “we’re just LLMs running on the mecha suit controlled by bacteria” theory
Well neural networks (the construct LLMs use) is modelled on how neurons process information. Just in incredibly simplified form.
And I’m pretty sure most scientists agree that humans are actually a colony of many different species given how we rely on bacteria to live.
We are literally 10 times more bacteria than human cells in the human body.
“We.” Are you referring to people, or is that the bacteria self-identifying as plural?
Oh, the metaphor goes further. We’re not the pilot of the suit, we’re not the hardware, we’re not the OS of the suit, we’re the AI assistant
We speak for it with the other AIs, we get called up to handle things we don’t have learned behaviors for, we analyze and provide feedback - we give advice and it feels like we’re making decisions, but we’re not
we’re going on an adventure!
I appreciate your reference. :-)
And it sounds so wholesome. If you don’t know the origin
Research like this gives me hope for people like my severely autistic son who has been missing development milestone after development milestone so a fear of mine is that he might eventually have to live in a group home once he’s strong enough to overpower us. If a treatment like this can manage symptoms enough to allow him to live independently that would be literally life changing
It’s for gut issues like crohns not anything to do with emotional regulation or communication.
Group homes are as good as their staff, interview everyone there. Visit him often. Living independently is not always for the best.
Ehhh I should’ve figured info from a source like this would be woefully misrepresented
This shit is stupid
This shit is retarded
I’ve been reading research on the gut micro biome for years and all this stuff related to it’s effects on the brain and overall health. We joke, but I legit don’t think we’re too far from pro and pre biotic enemas becoming a regular treatment
and made you eat it, as a cure
I am hella indifferent to the idea of a poop sock.