That comment got me in the first half, not gonna lie
Yeah, 3) started to confuse me before I got it 😁
I’m the other way around, started reading the top and thought ‘what does an omelette have to do with a server.’
Next time you’re at a restaurant, you should say, “Sudo, can I have the lasagna as my main?”
“[name] is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.”
You’ll still end up yelling at them, now over the correct pronunciation of
.it’s pronounced
Jraphics integreated format?
That’s giraffics you philistine!
It’s Zhraifics you buffoon! Which means the file format is obviously pronounced: zhaif!
Super User Do, so soo doo.
Yeah, but that sounds dumb, so it’s soo doe.
sudo su. I am the manager now. Give me all the lasagna you have.
Sorry, user aviationeast is not allowed to execute ‘/bin/su’ as root on mintylasagna.
hold up, in what world is lasagna not a main?
man lasagna
Patron is not in sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
Sandwiches weren’t cutting it?
And you get no lasagna because of elevating the normal question to an existential question.
“Access Denied”
“YOU dare deny me!?”
Kate Moss: “sudo THIS!” gunshot
Try this:

Unfortunately those tokens to the exact file are temporary as you can see the one in your message has already expired. Discord is able to handle using the raw link and grabbing the video just fine but I’m sure it does some kind of mumbo jumbo magic in the background to make that work
Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation!
I hope I’m not the only one who says, “Bitch, I am the administrator,” at their servers.
Every single time Windows starts with some of its “you need to request permission from the administrator to access this folder” BS. Bitch, I am the administrator.
At first I was like 😡. But then I was like 😂
Yelling at a server with hard drives decreases their performance.
But disk-kun is doing his best, don’t scream at him! (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
I think I see the problem here.
Edit: /me looks at community name
… imma just head out.
Yelling only makes them slower…at lwast the drives.
Oh, I got that reference … and even if outdated, I still cannot import it in my headcanon. Just no.
1 out of 10 people will get the joke.
So half of people
So 1 out of 10 people is or has has dealings with a furry? :)
This incident doesn’t need to be reported … :)
Be careful yelling at servers, theres a frequency that wipes them.
I mean, are they live rats? Guess I’m either letting them run off under the table or asking for a to-go bag.