Clear sign of a confusing interface.
Imagine 20 years from now you find a post on an old thread and reply to yourself, not remembering the dumbass random throwaway username you used to post the thing you’re replying to.
Fun fact: This literally happened to me when I was 11 or 12 in a web forum about a game. I posted once about a problem I had, and then a year later I had the same problem again and replied something like “Oh yeah, I have the same problem” without anyone else commenting xD
Someone get her to Congress
I didn’t even understand the joke until I saw this 😅
That’s, that’s chaos theory.
A few weeks later she finds a note in her kitchen… “you are not alone”.
The next week a note on the fridge reads “They are watching you”.
Two days later an angrily scribbled note is found on the stairs “do not sell them your chairs!”
More notes randomly appear, sometimes in familiar handwriting other times in a wild angry scribble … “they are here at night” … “they are fondling your chairs in the darkness” … “I told you not to make a deal” … “you and your chairs will suffer”.
A week later Lorette Grace is admitted into hospital with severe CO poisoning.
^~(sounds familiar to anyone? ;-) )~^
Yeah, ive also noticed that you can’t enclose content in parentheses and then use carets to raise the whole thing. Bummer.
Interesting, it reads fine as small print on the Jerboa client.
Wait, it formats properly on Jerboa? That’s great! …Except that it means it’s another formatting issue for Eternity. Bummer.
Never read that thread on r/askalawyer… Or did I?
Close, a story like it is/was a classic on reddit, person started receiving/finding anonymous notes that over a few months spiraled downward…
Wish I had saved it or wrote down the title, was a fun read.
Sometimes I also ask myself questions. Like what have I done with my life. Never about the chairs I never had for sale though…
And you may ask yourself “How do I work this?”
And you may ask yourself “Where is that large automobile?”
And you may tell yourself “This is not my beautiful house!”
And you may tell yourself “This is not my beautiful wife!”
its like getting text messages from that friend you don’t remember making when you were blackout drunk last night
hey, the same shit happens to me! i thought i was the only one…
Is that… is that woman replying to herself more than a month later?
Could be multiple years even…
Heh, fair.
Oblivion NPC gets stuck in a loop. Next message is bound to be “I don’t know you and I don’t care to know you”
She should break in and steal her chairs, and then call the cops on herself.
Of course i know her
Did she ever get some chairs?
This is what Split was based on
Ed Balls