Day 21: Keypad Conundrum
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I get the feeling this solution is more complicated than necessary, which means I probably haven’t understood the problem properly. Anyway, dynamic programming saves the day again!
import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map qualified as Map type Pos = (Int, Int) data Keypad = Keypad (Map Char Pos) Pos makeKeypad :: [[Char]] -> Keypad makeKeypad rows = (\m -> Keypad m (m Map.! 'A')) $ Map.fromList [(c, (i, j)) | (i, r) <- zip [0 ..] rows, (j, c) <- zip [0 ..] r, c /= '_'] numericKeypad = makeKeypad ["789", "456", "123", "_0A"] directionalKeypad = makeKeypad ["_^A", "<v>"] movesToButton :: Keypad -> Pos -> Pos -> [[Char]] movesToButton (Keypad btns _) (i1, j1) (i2, j2) = let di = i2 - i1 dj = j2 - j1 v = replicate (abs di) $ if di > 0 then 'v' else '^' h = replicate (abs dj) $ if dj > 0 then '>' else '<' hv = guard ((i1, j2) `elem` btns) >> return (h ++ v) vh = guard ((i2, j1) `elem` btns) >> return (v ++ h) in (++ ['A']) <$> nub (hv ++ vh) sequenceMoves :: Keypad -> [Char] -> [[Char]] sequenceMoves keypad@(Keypad btns start) = (fmap concat . sequence) . (zipWith (movesToButton keypad) =<< (start :)) . map (btns Map.!) indirectLength :: Int -> [Char] -> Int indirectLength levels = go levels where Keypad btns start = directionalKeypad go l = sum . (zipWith (\p1 p2 -> lengths Map.! (l, p1, p2)) =<< (start :)) . map (btns Map.!) lengths = let ps = Map.elems btns in Map.fromList [((l, p1, p2), bestLength l p1 p2) | l <- [1 .. levels], p1 <- ps, p2 <- ps] bestLength l p1 p2 = minimum . map (if l == 1 then length else go (l - 1)) $ movesToButton directionalKeypad p1 p2 complexity :: Int -> String -> Int complexity bots code = bestLength code * read (init code) where bestLength = minimum . map (indirectLength bots) . sequenceMoves numericKeypad main = do input <- lines <$> readFile "input21" mapM_ (print . sum . flip map input . complexity) [2, 25]