Day 18: Ram Run
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Reused my logic from Day 16. For part two I manually changed the bytes (
on line 271) to narrow in on a solution faster, but this solution should solve it eventually.
Wasn’t there a pathfinding problem just recently?
Haskell with lambdas
import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.Bifunctor hiding (first, second) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe parse :: String -> [(Int, Int)] parse = map (join bimap read) . map (break (== ',') >>> second (drop 1)) . filter (/= "") . lines lowerBounds = (0, 0) exitPosition = (70, 70) initialBytes = 1024 adjacent (py, px) = Set.fromDistinctAscList [(py-1, px), (py, px-1), (py, px+1), (py+1, px)] data Cost = Wall | Explored Int deriving Show inBounds (py, px) | py < 0 = False | px < 0 = False | py > fst exitPosition = False | px > snd exitPosition = False | otherwise = True dijkstra :: Map Int (Set (Int, Int)) -> Map (Int, Int) Cost -> (Int, (Int, Int), Map (Int, Int) Cost) dijkstra queue walls | Map.null queue = (-1, (-1, -1), Map.empty) | minPos == exitPosition = (minKey, minPos, walls) | Maybe.isJust (walls Map.!? minPos) = dijkstra remainingQueue' walls | not . inBounds $ minPos = dijkstra remainingQueue' walls | otherwise = dijkstra neighborQueue updatedWalls where ((minKey, posSet), remainingQueue) = Maybe.fromJust . Map.minViewWithKey $ queue (minPos, remainingPosSet) = Maybe.fromJust . Set.minView $ posSet remainingQueue' = if not . Set.null $ remainingPosSet then Map.insert minKey remainingPosSet remainingQueue else remainingQueue neighborQueue = List.foldl (\ m n -> Map.insertWith (Set.union) neighborKey (Set.singleton n) m) remainingQueue' neighbors updatedWalls = Map.insert minPos (Explored minKey) walls neighborKey = minKey + 1 neighbors = adjacent minPos runDijkstra = flip zip (repeat Wall) >>> Map.fromList >>> dijkstra (Map.singleton 0 (Set.singleton lowerBounds)) fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a fst3 (a, _, _) = a part1 = take initialBytes >>> runDijkstra >>> fst3 part2 bs = repeat >>> zip [initialBytes..length bs] >>> map (uncurry take) >>> List.filter ((== -1) . fst3 . runDijkstra) >>> head >>> last $ bs main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . parse
using QuickGraph; using QuickGraph.Algorithms.ShortestPath; namespace aoc24; public class Day18 : Solver { private int width = 71, height = 71, bytes = 1024; private HashSet<(int, int)> fallen_bytes; private List<(int, int)> fallen_bytes_in_order; private record class Edge((int, int) Source, (int, int) Target) : IEdge<(int, int)>; private DelegateVertexAndEdgeListGraph<(int, int), Edge> MakeGraph() => new(GetAllVertices(), GetOutEdges); private readonly (int, int)[] directions = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]; private bool GetOutEdges((int, int) arg, out IEnumerable<Edge> result_enumerable) { List<Edge> result = []; foreach (var (dx, dy) in directions) { var (nx, ny) = (arg.Item1 + dx, arg.Item2 + dy); if (nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= width || ny >= height) continue; if (fallen_bytes.Contains((nx, ny))) continue; result.Add(new(arg, (nx, ny))); } result_enumerable = result; return true; } private IEnumerable<(int, int)> GetAllVertices() { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { yield return (i, j); } } } public void Presolve(string input) { fallen_bytes_in_order = [..input.Trim().Split("\n") .Select(line => line.Split(",")) .Select(pair => (int.Parse(pair[0]), int.Parse(pair[1])))]; fallen_bytes = [.. fallen_bytes_in_order.Take(bytes)]; } private double Solve() { var graph = MakeGraph(); var search = new AStarShortestPathAlgorithm<(int, int), Edge>(graph, _ => 1, vtx => vtx.Item1 + vtx.Item2); search.SetRootVertex((0, 0)); search.ExamineVertex += vertex => { if (vertex.Item1 == width - 1 && vertex.Item2 == width - 1) search.Abort(); }; search.Compute(); return search.Distances[(width - 1, height - 1)]; } public string SolveFirst() => Solve().ToString(); public string SolveSecond() { foreach (var b in fallen_bytes_in_order[bytes..]) { fallen_bytes.Add(b); if (Solve() > width*height) return $"{b.Item1},{b.Item2}"; } throw new Exception("solution not found"); } }