Day 18: Ram Run

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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    2 hours ago


    I knew keeping my search code from day 16 would come in handy, I just didn’t expect it to be so soon.

    For Part 2 it finds a path, then searches for the first block that will erm block that path, and re-runs the search after that block has dropped, repeating until blocked. Simple but okay.

    90 lines, half of which is my copied search method. Runs in a couple of seconds which isn’t great, but isn’t bad.

    import 'dart:math';
    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    var d4 = <Point<num>>[Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 0)];
    solve(List<String> lines, int count, Point end, bool inPart1) {
      var blocks = (lines
          .map((e) => e.split(',').map(int.parse).toList())
          .map((p) => Point<num>(p[0], p[1]))).toList();
      var blocksSofar = blocks.take(count).toSet();
      var start = Point(0, 0);
      Map<Point, num> fNext(Point here) => {
            for (var d in d4
                .map((d) => d + here)
                .where((e) =>
                    e.x.between(start.x, end.x) &&
                    e.y.between(start.y, end.y) &&
              d: 1
      int fHeur(Point here) => 1;
      bool fAtEnd(Point here) => here == end;
      var cost = aStarSearch<Point>(Point(0, 0), fNext, fHeur, fAtEnd);
      if (inPart1) return cost.first;
      while (cost.first > 0) {
        var path = cost.last.first.toSet();
        count = blocks.indexed().firstWhere((e) => path.contains(e.value)).index;
        blocksSofar = blocks.take(count + 1).toSet();
        cost = aStarSearch<Point>(Point(0, 0), fNext, fHeur, fAtEnd);
      var p = blocksSofar.last;
      return '${p.x},${p.y}';
    part1(lines, count, end) => solve(lines, count, end, true);
    part2(lines, count, end) => solve(lines, count, end, false);
    That search method
    /// Returns cost to destination, plus list of routes to destination.
    /// Does Dijkstra/A* search depending on whether heuristic returns 1 or
    /// something better.
    (num, List<List<T>>) aStarSearch<T>(T start, Map<T, num> Function(T) fNext,
        int Function(T) fHeur, bool Function(T) fAtEnd,
        {multiplePaths = false}) {
      var cameFrom = SetMultimap<T, T>.fromEntries([MapEntry(start, start)]);
      var ends = <T>{};
      var front = PriorityQueue<T>((a, b) => fHeur(a).compareTo(fHeur(b)))
      var cost = <T, num>{start: 0};
      while (front.isNotEmpty) {
        var here = front.removeFirst();
        if (fAtEnd(here)) {
        var ns = fNext(here);
        for (var n in ns.keys) {
          var nCost = cost[here]! + ns[n]!;
          if (!cost.containsKey(n) || nCost < cost[n]!) {
            cost[n] = nCost;
          if (multiplePaths && cost[n] == nCost) cameFrom[n].add(here);
      Iterable<List<T>> routes(T h) sync* {
        if (h == start) {
          yield [h];
        for (var p in cameFrom[h]) {
          yield* routes(p).map((e) => e + [h]);
      if (ends.isEmpty) return (-1, []);
      var minCost = => cost[e]!).min;
      ends = ends.where((e) => cost[e]! == minCost).toSet();
      return (minCost, ends.fold([], (s, t) => s..addAll(routes(t).toList())));
    3 hours ago


    I did an easy optimization for part 2, but it’s not too slow without.

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Ix
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map qualified as Map
    import Data.Maybe
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Set qualified as Set
    readInput :: String -> [(Int, Int)]
    readInput = map readCoords . lines
        readCoords l = let (a, _ : b) = break (== ',') l in (read a, read b)
    findRoute :: (Int, Int) -> Set (Int, Int) -> Maybe [(Int, Int)]
    findRoute goal blocked = go Set.empty (Map.singleton (0, 0) [])
        go seen paths
          | Map.null paths = Nothing
          | otherwise =
              (paths Map.!? goal)
                `mplus` let seen' = Set.union seen (Map.keysSet paths)
                            paths' =
                              (`Map.withoutKeys` seen')
                                . foldl' (flip $ uncurry Map.insert) Map.empty
                                . concatMap (\(p, path) -> (,p : path) <$> step p)
                                $ Map.assocs paths
                         in go seen' paths'
        step (x, y) = do
          (dx, dy) <- [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]
          let p' = (x + dx, y + dy)
          guard $ inRange ((0, 0), goal) p'
          guard $ p' `Set.notMember` blocked
          return p'
    dropAndFindRoutes goal skip bytes =
      let drops = drop skip $ zip bytes $ drop 1 $ scanl' (flip Set.insert) Set.empty bytes
       in zip (map fst drops) $ scanl' go (findRoute goal (snd $ head drops)) $ tail drops
        go route (p, blocked) = do
          r <- route
          if p `elem` r then findRoute goal blocked else route
    main = do
      input <- readInput <$> readFile "input18"
      let routes = dropAndFindRoutes (70, 70) 1024 input
      print $ length <$> (snd . head) routes
      print $ fst <$> find (isNothing . snd) routes
    2 hours ago


    Wasn’t there a pathfinding problem just recently?

    Edit: Optimization to avoid recalculating paths all the time

    Haskell with lambdas
    import Control.Arrow
    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Bifunctor hiding (first, second)
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
    parse :: String -> [(Int, Int)]
    parse = map (join bimap read) . map (break (== ',') >>> second (drop 1)) . filter (/= "") . lines
    lowerBounds = (0, 0)
    exitPosition = (70, 70)
    initialBytes = 1024
    adjacent (py, px) = Set.fromDistinctAscList [(py-1, px), (py, px-1), (py, px+1), (py+1, px)]
    data Cost = Wall | Explored Int
            deriving (Show, Eq)
    inBounds (py, px)
            | py < 0 = False
            | px < 0 = False
            | py > fst exitPosition = False
            | px > snd exitPosition = False
            | otherwise = True
    dijkstra :: Map Int (Set (Int, Int)) -> Map (Int, Int) Cost -> (Int, (Int, Int), Map (Int, Int) Cost)
    dijkstra queue walls
            | Map.null queue = (-1, (-1, -1), Map.empty)
            | minPos == exitPosition = (minKey, minPos, walls)
            | Maybe.isJust (walls Map.!? minPos) = dijkstra remainingQueue' walls
            | not . inBounds $ minPos = dijkstra remainingQueue' walls
            | otherwise = dijkstra neighborQueue updatedWalls
                    ((minKey, posSet), remainingQueue) = Maybe.fromJust . Map.minViewWithKey $ queue
                    (minPos, remainingPosSet) = Maybe.fromJust . Set.minView $ posSet
                    remainingQueue' = if not . Set.null $ remainingPosSet then Map.insert minKey remainingPosSet remainingQueue else remainingQueue
                    neighborQueue = List.foldl (\ m n -> Map.insertWith (Set.union) neighborKey (Set.singleton n) m) remainingQueue' neighbors
                    updatedWalls = Map.insert minPos (Explored minKey) walls
                    neighborKey = minKey + 1
                    neighbors = adjacent minPos
    isExplored :: Cost -> Bool
    isExplored Wall = False
    isExplored (Explored _) = True
    findPath :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Map (Int, Int) Cost -> [(Int, Int)]
    findPath n p ts
            | p == lowerBounds = [lowerBounds]
            | n == 0 = error "Out of steps when tracing backwards"
            | List.null neighbors = error "No matching neighbors when tracing backwards"
            | otherwise = p : findPath (pred n) (fst . head $ neighbors) ts
                    neighbors = List.filter ((== Explored (pred n)) . snd) . List.filter (isExplored . snd) . (join (,) >>> second (ts Map.!)) . List.filter inBounds . Set.toList . adjacent $ p
    runDijkstra = flip zip (repeat Wall)
            >>> Map.fromList
            >>> dijkstra (Map.singleton 0 (Set.singleton lowerBounds))
    fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a
    fst3 (a, _, _) = a
    thrd :: (a, b, c) -> c
    thrd (_, _, c) = c
    part1 = take initialBytes
            >>> runDijkstra
            >>> \ (n, _, _) -> n
    firstFailing :: [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]] -> (Int, Int)
    firstFailing path (bs:bss)
            | List.last bs `List.notElem` path = firstFailing path bss
            | c == (-1) = List.last bs
            | otherwise = firstFailing (findPath c p ts) bss
                    (c, p, ts) = runDijkstra bs
    part2 bs = repeat
            >>> zip [initialBytes..length bs]
            >>> map (uncurry take)
            >>> firstFailing path
            $ bs
                    (n, p, ts) = runDijkstra . take 1024 $ bs
                    path = findPath n p ts
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . parse
    6 hours ago


    using QuickGraph;
    using QuickGraph.Algorithms.ShortestPath;
    namespace aoc24;
    public class Day18 : Solver {
      private int width = 71, height = 71, bytes = 1024;
      private HashSet<(int, int)> fallen_bytes;
      private List<(int, int)> fallen_bytes_in_order;
      private record class Edge((int, int) Source, (int, int) Target) : IEdge<(int, int)>;
      private DelegateVertexAndEdgeListGraph<(int, int), Edge> MakeGraph() => new(GetAllVertices(), GetOutEdges);
      private readonly (int, int)[] directions = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)];
      private bool GetOutEdges((int, int) arg, out IEnumerable<Edge> result_enumerable) {
        List<Edge> result = [];
        foreach (var (dx, dy) in directions) {
          var (nx, ny) = (arg.Item1 + dx, arg.Item2 + dy);
          if (nx < 0 || ny < 0 || nx >= width || ny >= height) continue;
          if (fallen_bytes.Contains((nx, ny))) continue;
          result.Add(new(arg, (nx, ny)));
        result_enumerable = result;
        return true;
      private IEnumerable<(int, int)> GetAllVertices() {
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
            yield return (i, j);
      public void Presolve(string input) {
        fallen_bytes_in_order = [..input.Trim().Split("\n")
          .Select(line => line.Split(","))
          .Select(pair => (int.Parse(pair[0]), int.Parse(pair[1])))];
        fallen_bytes = [.. fallen_bytes_in_order.Take(bytes)];
      private double Solve() {
        var graph = MakeGraph();
        var search = new AStarShortestPathAlgorithm<(int, int), Edge>(graph, _ => 1, vtx => vtx.Item1 + vtx.Item2);
        search.SetRootVertex((0, 0));
        search.ExamineVertex += vertex => {
          if (vertex.Item1 == width - 1 && vertex.Item2 == width - 1) search.Abort();
        return search.Distances[(width - 1, height - 1)];
      public string SolveFirst() => Solve().ToString();
      public string SolveSecond() {
        foreach (var b in fallen_bytes_in_order[bytes..]) {
          if (Solve() > width*height) return $"{b.Item1},{b.Item2}";
        throw new Exception("solution not found");