Like this:
But replace “Hawaii” with your location.
We were in this scenario last year, when NK launched a missile towards Hokkaido, and we were on the west coast, just next to a nuclear reactor.
After getting the altert, we put on clothes, went downstairs to the sturdiest room, stuck on the TV to the NHK news, and waited. The missle plopped into the ocean off the coast, and we had tempura for lunch.
There’s really nothing you can do in these situations but stay calm and do the small, sensible things.
Modern nuclear reactors won’t meltdown if shot, just turn off so only gonna be more dangerous if they specifically target electricity infrastructure
If they are built and maintained correctly. And meltdown isn’t the only problem that could occur.
I don’t have much faith in a corrupt, self-regulated industry, with strong yakuza ties, to do things 100% the correct way, especially given everything we know about the industry post 2011. Knowing how much local political power the company has, I know they could literally get away with murder, as no politician or police would want to be on their bad side.
Don’t get me wrong, the missile was still the biggest threat, but I do believe the power plant isn’t necessarily safe. An engineering and/or scientific understanding of a modern power plant doesn’t mean shit if you don’t consider the political and capitalist systems the that underpin their construction and maintenance.
Modern nuclear reactors won’t meltdown if shot, just turn off so only gonna be more dangerous if they specifically target electricity infrastructure
Modern nuclear reactors won’t meltdown if shot
we hope. never having tested nearby strikes, there’s no way to know how resilient to catastrophe these things are, and even when over-engineered with an eye on safety in the worst conditions, fukushima illustrates that everything can go wrong in a cascade and still render them unsafe.
honestly, coastal nuclear power stations like diablo canyon and fukushima are going to be interacting with larger and more violent storms in the future, and tsunamis etc., perhaps there are better places for them.
Not really, modern Thorium reactors simply can’t meltdown, it’s no safety, simply not possible they are the Future
Not really, modern Thorium reactors simply can’t meltdown, it’s no safety, simply not possible they are the Future
Modern thorium reactors don’t exist on the power grid.
For now
For now
it may be physically impossible but until we test them with catastrophic conditions we won’t know. that said, their long history of fail-safe fail states and the extremely reduced physical constraints (lower pressure, lower temps, lower amounts of fissile material, lower enrichment, etc.,) make me think you’re right, but it’s gonna be hard to prove because we’re having such difficulty getting the larger industry to test the shit much less deploy it in any reasonable amount of time.
Not to make anyone nervous, but dropping a fuckass big missile on a pile of very secure and safe nuclear material will still scatter that material in a wide area, and wind will make it worse.
But no, making a modern nuclear suffer a meltdown is basically impossible
Sure, but a nuclear power plant could be a potential target. The nuclear warhead is the concern.
If someone drops a nuke I think you will have bigger problems than the lack of electricity
If someone drops a nuke I think you will have bigger problems than the lack of electricity
That’s exactly what I’m saying… If you live near a nuclear power plant, you’re a potential target. Cause the bomb doesn’t destroy the plant, it destroys the city it’s in and several towns around it.
The plant is a target because hitting the plant makes the power go out for the whole region, but your problem is the warhead. Meltdowns don’t factor in at any point.
What a dumb message. Of course this is not a drill. This is a phone. My drill doesn’t have the means to accept incoming messages.
This ain’t my dad! This is a cell phone!
Happy birthday to the ground!
At my current location, I’d expect it to be an error, since I’m about 1500 miles away from the nearest worthwhile target (Chilean Antartica Region).
Maybe you’re more important than you give yourself credit for.
In that case, the only immediately available shelter that would have any effect at all is the sweet embrace of a bottle of gin.
Take comfort in the knowledge that somebody out there with launch authority is thinking of you. Immolation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Please send penguin pics or else you’ll be wishing for a ballistic missile
Penguin tax:
LOVE this!!! Do you have rock hoppers or macaroni penguins near you? Love those two species.
No, only Magellan Penguins.
But they’re cute as hell!
My babies ❤️
Whaaaat. Is this even allowed!?
What are you gonna do, call the seals? (Please don’t)
I tried, but they just said “ORF, ORF, ORF!”. Seals don’t seem to understand English.
awww cuty pingwy
Remember that sailor you won that hand of poker against? The one who stalked away mad? Well he has a brother in the missile command…
Cool! how is the Antarctic? I live in the Arctic.
My wife’s cousin actually got this text while on vacation in Hawaii. Said he just sparked up a joint n hoped for the best. It worked, so maybe I’ll do the same.
Smoke them if you have them. Why freak out.
Kiss my wife, and my ass goodbye. There are no shelters here.
Did you have several ribs removed?
I do the same thing for a missile alert that I do for a tornado alert…
Film it from my front porch as it gets uncomfortably close, while my wife screams in the background for me to get back in the house.
Based Social Media User Sigma Grindset
The man sitting next to Ford was a bit sozzled by now. His eyes weaved their way up to Ford.
'I thought,’ he said ‘that if the world was going to end we were meant to lie down or put a paper bag over our head or something.’
‘If you like, yes,’ said Ford. ‘That’s what they told us in the army,’ said the man, and his eyes began the long trek back towards his whisky. ‘Will that help?’ asked the barman. ‘No,’ said Ford and gave him a friendly smile.He should’ve had his towel.
I’d immediately go into the basement and start memeing. I have redundant internet connections for these kinds of situations so I should still be able to post memes. I’m locally hosting a Mastodon instance so I can post even if the internet is down globally. I also have a TCP-over-HF setup so that I can post memes anywhere in the world without intermediate infrastructure. If humanity is completely destroyed, I would start memeing and rickrolling on cave walls for future generation
I am quite interested in that. How did you achieve it? Is there some license-free band? As far as I know encryption is not allowed for any ham radio transmissions. What’s the bandwidth? It seems packet radio on HF is 300 baud.
TCP-over-HF is very slow, even with a lot of compression and low resolution the max throughput is about 4 memes per hour. I want maximum distribution of my memes so I wouldn’t use any encryption.
How many kbits/s?
I mean, I’ve got a WAN connection and two Sim Cards connected to different mobile providers, but at some point they probably all depend on parts of the same infrastructure.
Maybe I should look into some distributed networking stuff…
I would know it’s fake because nobody is nuking our small country.
you never know when the goodtime oilbug will bite 🇺🇲
We don’t have any oil luckily.
Hope I get obliterated by a direct hit
Honestly. Never got preppers.
What world post nukes will be worth trying to live in? Best result instant vaporization.
It could be pretty fun up in the mountains, or in small towns that didn’t get hit with fallout.
Is the pre-nuke world really anything to write home about? A life of hunting, fishing, and murdering drunk russian soldiers with piano wire is honestly more appealing than working an office job.
Nothing. Everyone is going to get the same alert and freak the fuck out, clogging all the roads, making it impossible to get to a shelter.
I have 2 choices:
Center of my cinderblock house and hope for the best.
Submerged in the hot tub and hope for the best.
Option number C. Just pretend like nothing happened, probably a false alarm like last time.
Whats the worst that can happen?
In that case, hot tub. False alarm? Still got a soak in the hot tub. :)
Submerged in the neighbour’s wife/daughter/pool boy/donkey (delete as appropriate)?
Just another Tuesday for me
Update: oh hey, there’s one right now
Are you in Palestine?
In Ukraine
Glory to Ukraine!
Edit: and fuck Putin!
Glory to the heroes!
I’ll dodge.
Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.
“If you can dodge an ICBM, you can dodge a ball.”
“Serpentines… Serpentines… Serpentines…” 🏃
Catch it and yeet it back.
Meh, I’m in Scotland and the nearest even vaguely major city is 30 miles away, they could be setting off tsar bombas and I’d be fine from the several km of solid rock from various winding hills between me and the blast, probably wouldn’t even feel much of a pressure wave. Probably just start filling every container I can find with clean water.
Same but in France.
I live in an old house in a mountainous, sparsely populated area totally devoid of strategic ressources (Auvergne).
I’d probably go to my basement which is dug in the granite substrate and lined with stone walls at least half a meter thick.
The other option would be to go to the bottom of the neighbouring valley (at least 200m deep) and would be shielded by the surrounding terrain.
I choose this person’s basement
I’m not a guy but I’ll save you a spot by the veggie crate. It’s a bit damp though.
If they airbursted one of those on Edinburgh, people in Glasgow would get third degree burns.
It’s not gonna happen, but your comment got me thinking so I checked. AN602 is an egregious fucker.
So a quick check on this, For a 50 megaton airburst on that city 30 miles away (bit closer by the crow flies) I am within the third degree burn radius and the light blast damage radius, However some basic trig and an altitude map say I have no direct line of sight to the airburst assuming its detonated at an altitude of 1km, so I’m free and clear as far as third degree burns are concerned due to that being a product of the flash. As for light blast damage its likely somewhat lessened by the lack of line of sight and very bumpy intervening terrain, though my village is right along a major river and gives us a comparatively straight (by the standards of river valleys) run right to that city so window breaking is probably going to be pretty hit or miss depending on building orientation and local obstructions.
There’s also about 250m of elevation between Glasgow and Edinburgh which is fairly significant considering they’re 50km apart, a rough eyeball on an elevation map suggests that they each get at least partial obscurity from a nuke dropped on the other.
I think you might be better at this than me - I just glanced at like some kind of chump