Before you decide to ragepost in the comments about how terrible either of these guys are, please take a moment and look at how happy they are. Wouldn’t this be a nice outcome for a change?

  • @[email protected]
    1175 months ago

    I see nothing wrong here. Two ancient people living their best lives and staying the fuck out of politics.

  • kamenLady.
    1025 months ago

    It’s so strange to see Trump with those expressions of peace, comfort and friendship on his face. I think the AI was strong with this one.

    • @[email protected]
      325 months ago

      The funny thing is maybe putting him in jail for 5 or 6 years and stripping him of his fortune could be the one thing to give him the human elements he has been stripped of. Humility, responsibility, and understanding the value of others. Maybe after all that he could humble himself and actually experience these wonderful emotions. But fuck it, I’d rather just have a piano fall on his fat face.

      • @stembolts
        45 months ago

        The subtext of your comment that Trump could be a loving, gracious, accepting, and listening individual is endlessly fascinating to me. On those brief instances where I can convince my brain for just a moment that these images are genuine, I just feel happiness and hope.

        Sure, it’s imagination, but it feels so nice to imagine there is an alternative universe where Donald Trump and Joe Biden spent the weekend hiking, picnicking, baking pies, knitting, and talking through to common ground. No division. No anger. No fear. No lies.


        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          If there is such a universe then it is several orders of magnitude more likely there is a universe where tar covered flaming pianos fall on his face every day and it’s like groundhog day and he doesn’t know when it’s going to come crashing down but it always does. Twisted I know, but I’d portal to that one.

  • @[email protected]
    535 months ago

    Them in 5yrs living in the same assisted living facility for people with sever Alzheimer’s and dementia.

  • @[email protected]
    515 months ago

    This is is what today would have looked like on the timeline where Harambe lives and is celebrated for saving the childs life.

    • MacN'CheezusOP
      65 months ago

      That sounds like a pretty interesting AI prompt, actually.

  • @[email protected]
    505 months ago

    Is it wrong that I want this as a framed photo to sit over my fireplace? It’s so unsettlingly hilarious.

  • @[email protected]
    195 months ago

    Trump looks happier here than he ever did with Melania.

    I’m happy for them and wish them luck and love.

  • Optional
    175 months ago

    There are plenty of actual people that would fit here, but that demented sociopathic rapist fraud who can’t stop lying is not one of them. “Humanizing” him and otherwise making his crimes seem normal, by any method, hurts everyone.

    The fact that there is no confusion as to which one that is should tell everything. Would someone put Hitler in there? No, because that’s defeating the ostensible purpose of a “feel good” AI image of politicians. And that’s doubtful. Whether or not this was intentionally made to boost the “both sides” narrative or the “trump’s normal” narrative, or just plain trolling is irrelevant.

    • @[email protected]
      285 months ago

      I think you’re putting too much thought into this. No one thinks these obvious AI images are representative of real life. I doubt anyone is thinking “you know what? that Trump feller is alright!” based off of these images.

      • Optional
        25 months ago

        Thats how propaganda works. Most people don’t consciously think it.

        And let’s be crystal clear: propaganda absolutely works very well.

  • @victron
    155 months ago

    Are they roommates?

  • @[email protected]
    135 months ago

    Remember those wholesome PSAs that got Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama together on television talking together about something?

    I don’t even remember what it was. Hell I barely even remember the presidents. 41 might be been there. Obama might not.

    Point is, I doubt we’ll see any kind of a PSA featuring Trump, Biden, and Obama.

  • veroxii
    125 months ago

    There’s no way Trump is taller than Biden. Yes I know “officially” Trump is 6’3" but everyone knows that’s a BS number. Seen some analysis he’s 5’11" or so.

    • kamenLady.
      5 months ago

      Trump’s hands are also too big and he’s too lean in the baking photo. Biden’s hands turned a sausage fest in the top right photo. The usual AI sus properties.

      What i really find uncanny in those pics, is how good Trump’s expressions are, also his hair.

      Is “enhancing” AI generated images, doing some manual touch ups ( not upscaling or anything done by code ) afterwards, a thing?

      Ancient Aliens in the far future will likely ask these kinds of questions, when they find the small pockets of data left scattered around the world after our civilization demises. The data will confuse many future scientists.

      Edit: Biden’s hands look like the gun-hand from Videodrome on that top right pic. Now, that’s really wholesome!

      Long live the new flesh!

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Lol that’s what I noticed as well since everyone says to look at the hands. Trumps hands are also weird because the bones look like they connect before the wrist but not sure if some people have that feature or not.