• @[email protected]
    952 months ago

    Standard shitpost and then out of nowhere “Hello inject me with beans please”


  • @[email protected]
    692 months ago

    We’re struggling to deal with climate change and these selfish developers can think of nothing except building more factories. This is a global issue, we need a global solution: eschew factories and services for defining everything globally.

  • @[email protected]
    602 months ago

    I fucking hate Spring.

    The quickest way to get a team of 10 contractors to turn 100 lines of basic code from a decent engineer into 2k, with 50 janky vulnerable dependencies, that needs to be babied with customized ide’s and multi-minute+ build times and 60m long recorded meetings.

    Fuck Spring.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Wouldn’t want to write a webserver / database connection / scheduler / etc. from scratch. Spring Boot plus lombok turns 2k lines of code into 100.

      • @MajorHavoc
        192 months ago

        … Looks both ways…

        Python does the same in 10 lines of code.

        … Ducks under a table to avoid the ensuring flames …

      • @expr
        22 months ago

        Sure… That"s what libraries are for. No one hand-rolls that stuff. You can do all of that just fine (and, actually, in a lot less code, mostly because Java is so fucking verbose) without using the nightmare that is Spring.

    • @MajorHavoc
      142 months ago

      Fuck Spring.

      Actually, there’s a lot to be said for being able to configure your spleamtomoter without needing to reverse the polarity on the stack cache rotator arm.

      I’m kidding.

      Fuck Spring.

  • @Pyro
    392 months ago

    Hello inject me with beans please

    not again

    • @[email protected]
      332 months ago

      I’m gonna need a bell curve hooded figure meme template of this comment, this is comedy gold.

      • @[email protected]
        442 months ago


        Seriously though, spring configurations are written in XML and you create variables, call functions, and have control flow. Effectively turning XML into a horrible twisted shadow of a programming language.

        All in the name of “configurability” through dependency injection.

        • @lars
          102 months ago

          Spring moved away from XML ages ago. I work on a 6 year old Spring project and it has never had a single line of XML in it.

          • @MajorHavoc
            52 months ago

            I’m fond of saying that all great code earns it’s right to become good code by starting as trash…

            But I still think we should all quietly and politely let Spring die a simple dignified death, as soon as possible.

            Out of wildly morbid curiosity, do Maven and Ant still shit all over each other to make sure no one has any real idea what the build inputs and outputs are?

            I shouldn’t ask things I don’t really want to know, though. My inbox is gonna be full of Java apologists.

            • @lars
              2 months ago

              No idea, I’ve never used either of those tools.

              I think some people still use Maven, but I use Gradle in all of mine. Gradle build files are written in Kotlin instead of XML like Maven.

              • @MajorHavoc
                12 months ago

                No idea, I’ve never used either of those tools.

                That’s a relief to hear. They were quite bad. Or rather, the way most teams used them was quite bad.

                I’ve heard nice things about Gradle. Of course that was mainly from people with deep psychological scars after working with Ant and Maven…

        • @[email protected]
          52 months ago

          So if you take XML, pervert it beyond recognition, cut off it’s balls and one hand, then it’s somehow it’s fault that it sucks?

          • @[email protected]
            32 months ago

            They started from XML. There’s nowhere to go but up but spring managed to fuck even that up.


            Friends don’t let friends use Java 😜

      • @[email protected]
        122 months ago

        It was a markup language until someone decided to parse and execute it as a programming language. This person should be watched for other deranged behavior.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          I use XML as markup language, what kind of deranged person thought to turn it into a programming language? My problems with the Lua API led me down the rabbit hole of making my own VM and implementation, not looking at a markup languge, then go “what if I used this for scripting?”.

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            When they make XML do these things (or the way Github Actions does it with YAML), they’re essentially creating a representation of the AST that the compiler would make internally from a mini language. So there’s a few possibilities:

            • They don’t know how compilers work and reach for a tool they do know
            • They know, but figure the problem at hand doesn’t need the complexity of a mini language and start the project the quick and dirty way, and it gets out of hand as they add features
            • They may or may not know, but they do get caught up in the hype of some other tool (likely what happened with XSLT)
  • @Mikina
    312 months ago

    My favourite take on DI is this set of articles from like 12 years ago, written by a guy who has written the first DI framework for Unity, on which are the currently popular ones, such as Zenject, based on.

    The first two articles are pretty basic, explaining his reasoning and why it’s such a cool concept and way forward.

    Then, there’s this update:

    Followed by more articles about why he thinks it was a mistake, and he no longer recommends or uses DI in Unity in favor of manual dependency injection. And I kind of agree - his main reasoning is that it’s really easy for unnecessary dependencies to sneak up into your code-base, since it’s really easy to just write another [Inject] without a second thought and be done with it.

    However, with manual dependency injection through constructor parameters, you will take a step back when you’re adding 11th parameter to the constructor, and will take a moment to think whether there’s really no other better way. Of course, this should not be an relevant issue with experienced programmers, but it’s not as inherently obvious you’re doing something potentially wrong, when you just add another [Inject], when compared to adding another constructor parameter.

    • Doc Avid Mornington
      52 months ago

      Exactly. Dependency injection is good; if you need a framework to do it, you’re probably doing it wrong; if your framework is too magical, you’re probably not even doing it at all anymore.

  • @tatterdemalion
    242 months ago

    Say what you want about DI frameworks, but if I have to remove another fucking global variable so I can write a test, I’m going to cut a bitch.

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      Dependency injection is so much worse. Oh, hey, where’d this value come from? Giant blob of opaque reflection code.

      • Zagorath
        42 months ago

        It can be used in bad ways, but if it’s used in the right way you should never have the situation you just described.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          Same could be said of a global. There’s a time and a place for each.

          One thing I’ll say is I don’t remember us needing a team of senior+ devs to handle web app back in the day…

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          I’m not exactly sure what you mean. Doesn’t all dependency injection work the way I described?

          Without being familiar with the framework, you can’t trace your way from the class getting injected into to the configuration, even if you’re experienced with the language.

          • Zagorath
            22 months ago

            I don’t think so. When I’ve seen it done it’s usually not been random values injected (except when those values are secret keys which should absolutely not be stored in code to begin with), it’s usually injecting a service. Another class, usually with a name that makes it easy to trace down. Like if you’re building an OrderService, that might take as a dependency an IProductService, which would have injected into it the class ProductService (personally, I don’t like the Hungarian notation that C# uses, but it’s a convention and my preference for sticking to strong conventions for the sake of consistency outweighs my distaste for Hungarian notation). That’s easy to find, and in fact your IDE can probably take you straight to it from the OrderService’s constructor.

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              I’m using value in the loosest sense, like how all objects are values.

              So now if you have three implementations of IProductService, how do you know which one is configured?

              • Zagorath
                12 months ago

                It’s easy to imagine a hypothetical way that could lead to problems. But in all the code I’ve worked with, either that scenario is avoided entirely, or other context makes it absolutely clear which IProductService is being used.

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      Spring singleton beans are supposed to be stateless though, so they can’t be called variables. Maybe the DI aspect of Spring is less relevant today in the micro service era, but in the day Spring helped make layered monolith apps much cleaner.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Really? From my experience the opposite is the case. I work on a smallish team with 3 other developers and we also have a few spring services with < 100 classes and we constantly run into issues where making changes to a bean causes issues in another unrelated part of the codebase. I can’t imagine what a nightmare it would be with a larger codebase and more devs working on it.

  • @[email protected]
    122 months ago

    I think this might be the first of these I’ve seen where pretty much all the comments are just agreement.

  • @[email protected]
    92 months ago

    Can we talk about annotations which are broken when you upgrade spring boot ? You are asked to upgrade some old application to the newest version of spring boot, application that you discover on the spot, the application does not work anymore after the upgrade, and you have to go through 10 intermediate upgrade guides to discover what could possibly be wrong ?

    • AggressivelyPassive
      72 months ago

      Spring annotations in general. There’s a completely hidden bean context where every annotation seems to throw interceptors, filters, or some reflection crap into. Every stacktrace is 200 lines of garbage, every app somehow needs 500mb for just existing and if you add something with a very narrow scope, that suddenly causes something completely unrelated to stop working.

      Realistically, DI and all the Spring crap does not add anything but complexity.

      • Phunter
        22 months ago

        Our Spring service was so simple until we decided we needed annotations to handle the fetching of settings. Now we are corrupted with needless reflection.

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      52 months ago

      Holy shit mood, described to the tee.

      An application I’ve never heard or seen before that needs to be upgraded, and it breaks, so you now need to understand what the hell this application does so you can fix it properly.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        And the management not getting why it takes so long to « just update some version numbers in Pom.xml files »…

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Gradle, with it’s transitive dependency modifications is a huge pain in this area.

      It used to be that if a library ended up having a flaw then it would be flagged and we would get the dependency updated. These days security block the “security risk” and you have to replace your dependencies dependency. Fingers crossed you can get it to actually test all the code paths.

      If an second level project gets a flaw, and it’s used indirectly then we should really look at getting the import updated so that we know it works. If that import is abandoned then we should not be updating that second level dependency, either adopt and fix the first level dependency or look at an alternative.

  • @MajorHavoc
    82 months ago

    I’ll never plaster the back of my car with stickers that all proclaim the same things in ALL CAPS.

    But if I was going to…

    It would pretty much match this meme.

  • @Lmaydev
    62 months ago

    I love dependency injection personally.

    I managed to completely change how YARP routed requests by registering a single interface.

    The flexibility it provides is awesome. And it makes testing so much easier.