
  • @[email protected]
    1421 month ago

    The humor is way more redditty on lemmy. Which I realize sounds nonsensical, but a huge portion of lemmy users are former reddit users who both think reddit humor is funny and have like 10 years of reddit humor memes to draw on. The “early” (2012ish) reddit I’m remembering had less of that and a lot more of what current users would consider cringe, like f7u12 comics. And a lot more general weird nerd awkwardness… like the frozen soap post.

    • Altima NEO
      421 month ago

      A lot of early reddit humor was 4chan/9gag humor though.

      • @[email protected]
        131 month ago

        Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not saying that reddit was a bastion of original comedy. It just didn’t have what I would call reddit humor at that point in time because that took a decadeish to get to where it is now.

      • Khrux
        61 month ago

        I started regularly using Reddit in 2013 and r/funny was general low quality spam from there sites, with A LOT of reposts, basically all content was the same content on loop. r/adviceanimals was huge and was basically a mashup of shower thoughts, jokes, off my chest and general opinionated statements, and it was huge. r/f7u12 was big but already seen as declining and cringe.

        The humour here isn’t just Reddit style, the enormous amount of shitpost humour here is reflected in basically all “taking to chronically online strangers” community on the internet, from twitter to discord etc. I’d say shitpost humour outweighs all the other humour in this site.

        What Lemmy absolutely does have in common with old Reddit is the userbase being a bunch of trekie programmers. It used to be tech support on their office computers and now it’s software developers on their home Linux machines but the way people talk and act is really similar. In old Reddit days, it was so easy to assume that whoever you spoke to was in work that it was the normal assumption, and you’d see a massive uptick in porn on r/all when evening hit in America. Summer Reddit was a name given to the school kids who’d suddenly swarm the sites in the summer holidays during office hours, and the average age and humour had a noticeable shift.

        Lemmy now feels like a site of similar in their 30s but they don’t have 9-5 desk jobs where they browse Lemmy all day, so the hourly and daily trends don’t really align like they used to, now it’s all the classic trends at once as teenagers use Lemmy on their phones in school and work from home means people are shitposting and jerking off all day and night.

    • BassaForte
      291 month ago

      Rage comics aren’t cringe. If anything, a lot of modern memes are just reskins of rage comics.

      • @[email protected]
        171 month ago

        Rage comics at least took some thought to put together. I still think they’re pretty cringe but they’re way better than replacing the text on a tired meme template and calling it content

      • @[email protected]
        111 month ago

        Honestly miss rage comics, most of them were pretty cringe and reskinned 4chan greentext but there was a surprising amount of creativity and humor that could be put into them when people were doing more than just following a formula for imaginary Internet points.

        Thinking of things like the time someone did the entire Bohemian Rhapsody song in rage comic form.

    • Fubarberry
      131 month ago

      Reddit in 2010-2012 also had a lot of really insufferable atheists everywhere. Someone would say something like “thank god everyone’s ok” and get downvoted while a bunch of people replied stuff like “if god is responsible for them being ok, then he would also be responsible for the crash and shouldn’t be thanked at all”.

      • @[email protected]
        521 month ago

        As a queer trans dude who grew up in a deeply southern baptist community in the rural south, nobody is ever going to be able to make me care about atheists saying mean things about Christians online ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • Fubarberry
          191 month ago

          I maybe didn’t use the best example, but it was less about people actually being religious and instead if they used any sort of popular phrasing that had any slight religious element they would try to turn it into a religion debate.

          A better example is that someone might post a polish word, someone else would reply “bless you” acting like the polish word was a sneeze sound, and then the 14-year-old atheists would descend and start a debate.

          • @[email protected]
            181 month ago

            I definitely remember some of that and being annoyed by it; sorry for misunderstanding your first post, I’ve run into a lot of people who are weirdly defensive of how society being more overtly Christian back then was good, when it was absolute hell for some of us.

            • flicker
              51 month ago

              This is the best kind of people coming to an understanding.

          • @[email protected]
            51 month ago

            On one hand, it clearly showed me how much theist bullshit exists on both my culture and the internet anglicentric one.

            On the other hand, it makes me see very clearly how much I don’t care about the origins of culture instead of its immediate values.

              • @[email protected]
                21 month ago

                I don’t get the cynism, I never implied any of those things. My heart to you on dealing with the trauma, really.

                Most people on blahaj seem to have similar problems however and it makes for strange interactions, like this one here. I’m not sure how pointing out you probably were not thinking clearly in the comment above is bothering you so much. I mean, you’re even the one talking about PTSD I reckon, not I.

                Good luck with everything, hopefully you can read this before overzealous mods decide to delete it too.

      • magnetosphere
        41 month ago

        That sounds soooooo tiresome.

        Believe or don’t. I don’t care. Just don’t get on a soapbox about it.

      • Boozilla
        11 month ago

        I was probably one of those insufferable idiots for a while, as I was still new to atheism at the time. Now I don’t really waste energy on that stuff. Nobody cares. It’s just being annoying. Reminds me of another trend that’s happening today… but I’m not about to point that out.

        • flicker
          01 month ago

          Vagueposting is lame. Either say something or don’t. Don’t call attention ot what you’re not saying.

    • atocci
      121 month ago

      I can look at the earliest posts and comments on my account from 10 years ago and cringe at my past self. I’ll definitely be able to do the same with this account in the future haha

    • @[email protected]
      111 month ago

      Reddit as it became mainstream turned more into 9gag where everyone is just doing the same jokes for best results. Whenever you have some sort of score, you will have people optimizing for that.

      Because in Lemmy upvotes don’t matter so much, I notice that there’s less pressure from people to rehash and repost memes and jokes.

    • Corroded
      1 month ago

      Don’t forget about all the gore subreddits like /r/WatchPeopleDie

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        There was a subreddit where people took upskirt creep pics of random women, not models. If that’s happening somewhere on Lemmy I hope our instance is federated defederated with it. Porn is one thing but that was awful.

        Edit: Goddamn spell check makes me sound like a fucking scumbag

    • @[email protected]
      61 month ago

      Wow, I was there for the others but I wasn’t aware of an upskirt trend. If it’s what it sounds like, seems like a crime

  • @[email protected]
    561 month ago

    No, Reddit 10 years ago was the kind of place where people who knew things would correct people who didn’t.

    Pretty much all social media today, including Lemmy, are now places where people who don’t know things correct people who do.

    • @[email protected]
      121 month ago

      Are you sure it isn’t just a case of you having seen it a thousand time now and can spot bullshitters and couldn’t do it a decade ago?

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          It still works in highly technical areas.

          Or if you’re a machinist someone will tell you the right way to do something as soon as they see you have the material. By the time you have it in the machine 6 other guys will have told you the right way to do it in six wildly different ways. Someone will suggest Vaseline instead of coolant. Someone will start bitching about Haas. Someone will insist that it’s only possible with thru spindle coolant, regardless of depth. None of which matters because your code won’t post to the 40 year old 3 axis mill you’re using and the engineer gave you a print with impossible geometry anyway. GEE I DON’T KNOW TERRY DO YOU THINK THIS HUNK OF STEEL LOOKS LIKE YOUR PART YET

          Anyway my point is sometimes there’s more than one right answer, even if everyone says they have the one right answer.

          Sometimes technical specifications limit you to a specific set of right answers, but the right answers you get are for different set ups entirely.

          and sometimes, the circumstances surrounding your failure were given to you by the engineer in a state that was destined to fail, whether they knew it or not.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      The internet as a whole was so much better for this.

      Free speech and exchanging of idea and views was great. Most of my time on YouTube was spent looking at out and out discussions, back and forth, about religion. Which seeing as I went to a religious school I didn’t really have anyone to talk to that was very helpful for me.

      Now people come to a conclusion and stick with it. But they also get encouraged by people doing exactly the same upvoting their view and down voting others. Evidence doesn’t matter. Reddit and redditors used to encourage upvoting alternative opinions.

      People are going so far as to want certain views banned just because it isn’t their view. It’s scary how much people want to be restricted. Reddit used to be great for free speech but now its terrible. I was hoping Lemmy would, by it’s federated nature, be an exchange of different ideas and views but if anything it is a lot worse. (I actually find the mods to largely be okay. But the people are terrible, worse than reddit is at this moment it time)

      So no Lemmy is nothing like reddit of old at all. I’d love to go back to reddit from 10 years ago.

      • @[email protected]
        61 month ago

        Well said on all counts.

        Reddit was never perfect, but in my 12+ years there, it was never as bad as Lemmy has been the entire time I’ve been here.

        Basically I’m only still active here because Reddit’s mobile app is such trash and Lemmy is more convenient to browse from a phone.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          I was hoping that by being such a small and growing community I could help influence it’s growth.

          But watching how incorrect things about economy/business are upvoted, I’m getting sick of being down voted for having an economics degree and attempting to share some knowledge.

          • @[email protected]
            31 month ago

            For me its the growing extremist stances and ragebait articles, now that its got more users, the horrendous lack of moderation is starting to show

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          It’s a 50/50 chance that something I post gets downvoted to hell and it doesn’t seem to matter what I actually said.

          On the bright side, I’ve seen more posts calling it out lately, so maybe things can start to turn around.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        Yeah, my main sub I participated in back on Reddit was /r/AcademicBiblical (also went to a religious-ish school growing up).

        There’s nothing like that sub here, and honestly even the sub itself isn’t quite what it used to be when I pop back over to look in from time to time.

        The web is just a different sort of place from what it used to be.

  • @[email protected]
    511 month ago

    not really. earliest days of reddit didnt even have subreddits.

    lemmy cant be reddit 10 years ago, because the internet has changed in that time too

  • OurTragicUniverse
    1 month ago

    No. Not even slightly. Fifteen years ago reddit was still far bigger and more active than the fediverse.
    Here there’s barely any content today, back then I was regularly getting 30+ pages deep into reddit when I couldnt sleep most nights, and I wasn’t even close to the end of that days content.

    • whoareu
      81 month ago

      Yeah and here I can scroll through all the new content in less than an hour.

  • @[email protected]
    441 month ago

    No. I’d say the whole internet felt different 10+ years ago. Including this, what people are on here and how they behave. And I’d day the average intellect is different. But that could also be me growing up.

    • Not a replicant
      аҧсуа бызшәа
      11 month ago

      I really enjoyed various communities on usenet. But most of my favouites moved to FB and usenet is now a cesspit of spam. I learned a hell of lot from alt.solar.pv and alt.energy.renewable, and made some great connections via aus.motorcycles. But I wouldn’t bother going there today, even in one of the few remaining feeds.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      It’s different but the same. We used to get hit by the conservative bury brigades. Now, we get people actually trying to steer the narrative with somewhat thoughtful bad faith arguments.

      It’s far more insidious now, and takes vigilance to shut down.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        I don’t remember that many political arguments. At least not this way conservative<->progressive. I remember them mostly from the comment section of news articles and YouTube videos (since YT has been a thing) and of course Twitter. But less so from dedicated discussion places like forums and such. But my perspective is probably skewed. I wasn’t really part of early Reddit. And I’m not American and we have/had different discussions here. Well… Maybe I wasn’t that interested in political discussions on the internet when I was young(er). But the places I used to frequent were more focused on specific topics, technology and not about ideology (apart from free software ideology.)

        But trolling, flaming, baiting etc has been part of internet culture for a long time. I don’t remember how they called brigading before Reddit. I think that is a term I learned in the last few years.

  • @[email protected]
    331 month ago

    I feel like Lemmy has WAY more crazy political views, like extreme leftist and BoTh SiDeS people. That’s probably more of a symptom of Russian propoganda across the wider Internet that wasn’t as prevalent 10+ years ago.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      151 month ago

      We barely talked about politics at all back when the great Digg migration happened. People were interested in far more fun things back then.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        Hmmmm, I remember heaps of people being into Ron Paul because he wanted to legalise weed, and Bernie is a perennial favourite

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      This also depends on what instances your instance federates with though. You could go to an instance that defederates from the more politically extreme instances.

      • Dark Arc
        1 month ago

        I think it also depends on what communities you interact with.

        I got fed up with it in the Lemmy.world news community and unsubscribed. I’ve been much happier following that change.

        There are still some leftist and both sides hot takes I run into … but it’s a much more acceptable pacing now.

      • @[email protected]
        221 month ago

        Eh, if you go back far enough, there was a time when reddit had fewer users than the fediverse has now.

        • @[email protected]
          131 month ago

          I was on reddit 10 years ago. Different vibes than old reddit for sure. Still way less users on Lemmy.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Mm yes, reddit started with out with tens of thousands of users over night.

        I think the situation here on lemmy is pretty comparable to early reddit. People forget it started out as mostly a nerdy programmer centric site as well, and then grew from there. It’s a bit jarring to see people here insisting on artificially creating communities and pushing/guiliting people into posting more just to bring the numbers up. “the narwhal bacon’s at midnight” (although it was always cringe) started because reddit was a niche site less known than 4chan to begin with, so it was just a nonsensical dog whistle.

        Do I miss the focused subreddits around specific topics? Sure, but I also think they will come naturally with time if lemmy survives just as they did with reddit. And the whole reason we’re here today to begin with is because of an unsatiable hunger for growth.

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        And a lot less people posting “what’s something that used to be cool, but isn’t now?” posts every single day. It’s gotten to the point where I can usually guess what the top answer will be.

    • n0cteOP
      41 month ago

      I guess I meant more of community/user feel? Whenever I browse reddit (w/o account, don’t hurt me) the popular is full of AITA, AIO and such.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        What’s AIO?

        I’ve always hated AITA sooooo much. Everything is so fake and the idiot comments make me want to gouge my eyes out.

  • Corroded
    201 month ago

    I wonder how the shift from Reddit to Lemmy compares to the shift from Digg to Reddit.

  • Nougat
    191 month ago

    I am a much different person today than I was when I started at reddit so many years ago, so that might have something to do with my assessment, but –

    Federated social media today is like what reddit was maybe eight years ago. Fills a hole, bearable, occasionally really good, but still a lot of shitposting and propaganda. Ten, twelve and more years ago, reddit was a really good place. As above, maybe it’s because I was younger then, maybe it’s because the world has changed so very much in the meantime. I’m sure those play into it, but in any event, it was better then than the fediverse of today, content-wise.

  • @[email protected]
    171 month ago

    I’ve been on Reddit for 16 years and I’d say yes it’s very similar. Like Reddit back then it was very tech focused and quite liberal.

    I do think people are a bit more vicious online these days than they used to be and a bit more polarised.

    From a content perspective there used to be more blog content than tech news content, but it’s fairly similar. What I like about Lemmy is it’s far less commercial and the conversation is more genuine.

    However I don’t think Lemmy will become Reddit in 15 years, I think it may languish in eternal obscurity and I’m actually okay with that.

    Reddit exploded when Digg crumbled and the same could happen with Reddit crumbling but idk, there seems to be some stickiness to Internet websites these days.

    • @[email protected]
      101 month ago

      Regarding stickiness, perhaps it’s because the internet is ubiquitous now. Fifteen years ago, those of us on Fark and Digg and Reddit came to the internet for a lot of things. Notably, we kept in touch with friends that way (MySpace and Facebook) and in particular, we got our news that way. My parents were incredulous forever and still kinda are that I “don’t watch the evening news.” Now everyone uses it for everything. The big difference is that the early adopters are naturally more open to change because they adopted something that was a change. The rest of the population was slowly pushed into it. Now they don’t want to leave the sites that they’re used to (e.g. Reddit and Facebook) because they aren’t that open to change in the first place.

  • @[email protected]
    1630 days ago

    No, absolutely not. Lemmy is held together by “it’s not Reddit” while Reddit was “here’s this cool stuff!”

  • @[email protected]
    151 month ago

    Close…but no.

    Reddit was good for some fresh content, but a decade ago it was still a lot of bots and karma whoring taking over, reposts, and people falling over themselves to be the first to make the flippant quips that got all the upvotes on any topic. Reddit still did have all the nsfw/nsfl subs then, so there was still a little Wild West left in it.

    That said, Reddit very much still had a community feel to it a decade ago. IMO that’s completely gone in all but the niche subs that are there specifically for the community. You don’t get to have conversations there much anymore. It’s usually someone deriding you pretty quickly when they disagree, and the downvote button is the first thing hit.

    Lemmy is IMO still trying to settle on what it actually is. I think it’s better than Reddit was a decade ago because people are more inclined to converse than quip (though that very much does happen) but the low hanging fruit comment doesn’t always get the most upvotes, which is really nice. I enjoy that the fediverse is a group of connected communities rather than a bunch of communities all under one roof like Reddit - but I guess that’s the point, isn’t it?

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        I did miss the original dark humor of r/imgoingtohellforthis, before it turned into people just posting outright racist and homophobic garbage.