Day 15: Warehouse Woes
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Not very optimized code today. Basically just a recursive function
import fs from "fs"; type Point = {x: number, y: number}; enum Direction { UP = '^', DOWN = 'v', LEFT = '<', RIGHT = '>' } const input = fs.readFileSync("./15/input.txt", "utf-8").split(/[\r\n]{4,}/); const warehouse: string[][] = input[0] .split(/[\r\n]+/) .map(row => row.split("")); const movements: Direction[] = input[1] .split("") .map(char => char.trim()) .filter(Boolean) .map(char => char as Direction); // Part 1"Part 1: " + solve(warehouse, movements)); // Part 2 const secondWarehouse = => { const newRow: string[] = []; for (const char of row) { if (char === '#') { newRow.push('#', '#'); } else if (char === 'O') { newRow.push('[', ']'); } else if (char === '.') { newRow.push('.', '.'); } else { newRow.push('@', '.'); } } return newRow; });"Part 2: " + solve(secondWarehouse, movements)); function solve(warehouse: string[][], movements: Direction[]): number { let _warehouse = => [...row]); // Take a copy to avoid modifying the original const robotLocation: Point = findStartLocation(_warehouse); for (const move of movements) { // Under some very specific circumstances in part 2, tryMove returns false, but the grid has already been modified // "Fix" the issue ba taking a copy so we can easily revert all changes made // Slow AF of course but rest of this code isn't optimized either, so... const copy = => [...row]); if (tryMove(robotLocation, move, _warehouse)) { if (move === Direction.UP) { robotLocation.y--; } else if (move === Direction.DOWN) { robotLocation.y++; } else if (move === Direction.LEFT) { robotLocation.x--; } else { robotLocation.x++; } } else { _warehouse = copy; // Revert changes } } // GPS let result = 0; for (let y = 0; y < _warehouse.length; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < _warehouse[y].length; x++) { if (_warehouse[y][x] === "O" || _warehouse[y][x] === "[") { result += 100 * y + x; } } } return result; } function tryMove(from: Point, direction: Direction, warehouse: string[][], movingPair = false): boolean { const moveWhat = warehouse[from.y][from.x]; if (moveWhat === "#") { return false; } let to: Point; switch (direction) { case Direction.UP: to = {x: from.x, y: from.y - 1}; break; case Direction.DOWN: to = {x: from.x, y: from.y + 1}; break; case Direction.LEFT: to = {x: from.x - 1, y: from.y}; break; case Direction.RIGHT: to = {x: from.x + 1, y: from.y}; break; } const allowMove = warehouse[to.y][to.x] === "." || (direction === Direction.UP && tryMove({x: from.x, y: from.y - 1}, direction, warehouse)) || (direction === Direction.DOWN && tryMove({x: from.x, y: from.y + 1}, direction, warehouse)) || (direction === Direction.LEFT && tryMove({x: from.x - 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse)) || (direction === Direction.RIGHT && tryMove({x: from.x + 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse)); if (allowMove) { // Part 1 logic handles horizontal movement of larger boxes just fine. Needs special handling for vertical movement if (!movingPair && (direction === Direction.UP || direction === Direction.DOWN)) { if (moveWhat === "[" && !tryMove({x: from.x + 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse, true)) { return false; } if (moveWhat === "]" && !tryMove({x: from.x - 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse, true)) { return false; } } // Make the move warehouse[to.y][to.x] = moveWhat; warehouse[from.y][from.x] = "."; return true; } return false; } function findStartLocation(warehouse: string[][]): Point { for (let y = 0; y < warehouse.length; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < warehouse[y].length; x++) { if (warehouse[y][x] === "@") { return {x,y}; } } } throw new Error("Could not find start location!"); }
Very fiddly solution with lots of debugging required.
type Vec2 = tuple[x,y: int] Box = array[2, Vec2] Dir = enum U = "^" R = ">" D = "v" L = "<" proc convertPart2(grid: seq[string]): seq[string] = for y in 0..grid.high: result.add "" for x in 0..grid[0].high: result[^1] &= ( if grid[y][x] == 'O': "[]" elif grid[y][x] == '#': "##" else: "..") proc shiftLeft(grid: var seq[string], col: int, range: HSlice[int,int]) = for i in range.a ..< range.b: grid[col][i] = grid[col][i+1] grid[col][range.b] = '.' proc shiftRight(grid: var seq[string], col: int, range: HSlice[int,int]) = for i in countDown(range.b, range.a+1): grid[col][i] = grid[col][i-1] grid[col][range.a] = '.' proc box(pos: Vec2, grid: seq[string]): array[2, Vec2] = if grid[pos.y][pos.x] == '[': [pos, (pos.x+1, pos.y)] else: [(pos.x-1, pos.y), pos] proc step(grid: var seq[string], bot: var Vec2, dir: Dir) = var (x, y) = bot case dir of U: while (dec y; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard if grid[y][x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y-1][bot.x] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y-1][bot.x], grid[y][x]) dec bot.y of R: while (inc x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard if grid[y][x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y][bot.x+1] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y][bot.x+1], grid[y][x]) inc bot.x of L: while (dec x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard if grid[y][x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y][bot.x-1] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y][bot.x-1], grid[y][x]) dec bot.x of D: while (inc y; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard if grid[y][x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y+1][bot.x] == 'O': swap(grid[bot.y+1][bot.x], grid[y][x]) inc bot.y proc canMoveVert(box: Box, grid: seq[string], boxes: var HashSet[Box], dy: int): bool = boxes.incl box var left, right = false let (lbox, rbox) = (box[0], box[1]) let lbigBox = box((lbox.x, lbox.y+dy), grid) let rbigBox = box((rbox.x, lbox.y+dy), grid) if grid[lbox.y+dy][lbox.x] == '#' or grid[rbox.y+dy][rbox.x] == '#': return false elif grid[lbox.y+dy][lbox.x] == '.': left = true else: left = canMoveVert(box((lbox.x,lbox.y+dy), grid), grid, boxes, dy) if grid[rbox.y+dy][rbox.x] == '.': right = true elif lbigBox == rbigBox: right = left else: right = canMoveVert(box((rbox.x, rbox.y+dy), grid), grid, boxes, dy) left and right proc moveBoxes(grid: var seq[string], boxes: var HashSet[Box], d: Vec2) = for box in boxes: grid[box[0].y][box[0].x] = '.' grid[box[1].y][box[1].x] = '.' for box in boxes: grid[box[0].y+d.y][box[0].x+d.x] = '[' grid[box[1].y+d.y][box[1].x+d.x] = ']' boxes.clear() proc step2(grid: var seq[string], bot: var Vec2, dir: Dir) = case dir of U: if grid[bot.y-1][bot.x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y-1][bot.x] == '.': dec bot.y else: var boxes: HashSet[Box] if canMoveVert(box((x:bot.x, y:bot.y-1), grid), grid, boxes, -1): grid.moveBoxes(boxes, (0, -1)) dec bot.y of R: var (x, y) = bot while (inc x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard if grid[y][x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y][bot.x+1] == '[': grid.shiftRight(bot.y, bot.x+1..x) inc bot.x of L: var (x, y) = bot while (dec x; grid[y][x] != '#' and grid[y][x] != '.'): discard if grid[y][x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y][bot.x-1] == ']': grid.shiftLeft(bot.y, dec bot.x of D: if grid[bot.y+1][bot.x] == '#': return if grid[bot.y+1][bot.x] == '.': inc bot.y else: var boxes: HashSet[Box] if canMoveVert(box((x:bot.x, y:bot.y+1), grid), grid, boxes, 1): grid.moveBoxes(boxes, (0, 1)) inc bot.y proc solve(input: string): AOCSolution[int, int] = let chunks = input.split("\n\n") var grid = chunks[0].splitLines() let movements = chunks[1].splitLines().join().join() var robot: Vec2 for y in 0..grid.high: for x in 0..grid[0].high: if grid[y][x] == '@': grid[y][x] = '.' robot = (x,y) block p1: var grid = grid var robot = robot for m in movements: let dir = parseEnum[Dir]($m) step(grid, robot, dir) for y in 0..grid.high: for x in 0..grid[0].high: if grid[y][x] == 'O': result.part1 += 100 * y + x block p2: var grid = grid.convertPart2() var robot = (robot.x*2, robot.y) for m in movements: let dir = parseEnum[Dir]($m) step2(grid, robot, dir) #grid.inspect(robot) for y in 0..grid.high: for x in 0..grid[0].high: if grid[y][x] == '[': result.part2 += 100 * y + x
This was a fun one! I’m quite pleased with
, which could be easily extended to support arbitrary box shapes.Solution
import Control.Monad import Data.Bifunctor import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Set qualified as Set type C = (Int, Int) readInput :: String -> (Map C Char, [C]) readInput s = let (room, _ : moves) = break null $ lines s in ( Map.fromList [((i, j), c) | (i, l) <- zip [0 ..] room, (j, c) <- zip [0 ..] l], map dir $ concat moves ) where dir '^' = (-1, 0) dir 'v' = (1, 0) dir '<' = (0, -1) dir '>' = (0, 1) moveInto :: Int -> Set C -> C -> C -> Set C -> Maybe (Set C) moveInto boxWidth walls (di, dj) = go where go (i, j) boxes | (i, j) `Set.member` walls = Nothing | Just j' <- find (\j' -> (i, j') `Set.member` boxes) $ map (j -) [0 .. boxWidth - 1] = Set.insert (i + di, j' + dj) <$> foldM (flip go) (Set.delete (i, j') boxes) [(i + di, j' + z + dj) | z <- [0 .. boxWidth - 1]] | otherwise = Just boxes runMoves :: (Map C Char, [C]) -> Int -> Int runMoves (room, moves) scale = score $ snd $ foldl' move (start, boxes) moves where room' = Map.mapKeysMonotonic (second (* scale)) room Just start = fst <$> find ((== '@') . snd) (Map.assocs room') walls = let ps = Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (== '#') room' in Set.unions [Set.mapMonotonic (second (+ z)) ps | z <- [0 .. scale - 1]] boxes = Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (== 'O') room' move (pos@(i, j), boxes) dir@(di, dj) = let pos' = (i + di, j + dj) in maybe (pos, boxes) (pos',) $ moveInto scale walls dir pos' boxes score = sum . map (\(i, j) -> i * 100 + j) . Set.elems main = do input <- readInput <$> readFile "input15" mapM_ (print . runMoves input) [1, 2]