Day 22: Monkey Market

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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  • Zikeji
    3 months ago


    Re-familiarizing myself with Go. The solution to Part 2 is fairly simply, the whole packing of the sequence into a single integer to save on memory was an optimization I did afterwards based on looking at other solutions. I thought it was cool.

    package main
    import (
    type SequenceMap struct {
    	Data map[int32]int
    func PackSeq(numbers [4]int8) int32 {
    	var packed int32
    	for i, num := range numbers {
    		packed |= int32(num+9) << (i * 5)
    	return packed
    func UnpackSeq(packed int32) [4]int8 {
    	var numbers [4]int8
    	for i := range numbers {
    		numbers[i] = int8((packed>>(i*5))&0x1F) - 9
    	return numbers
    func NewSequenceMap() SequenceMap {
    	return SequenceMap{make(map[int32]int)}
    func (m *SequenceMap) Increment(seq [4]int8, val int) {
    	pSeq := PackSeq(seq)
    	acc, ok := m.Data[pSeq]
    	if ok {
    		m.Data[pSeq] = acc + val
    	} else {
    		m.Data[pSeq] = val
    func (m *SequenceMap) Has(seq [4]int8) bool {
    	pSeq := PackSeq(seq)
    	_, ok := m.Data[pSeq]
    	return ok
    type Generator struct {
    	Secret         int64
    	LastPrice      int8
    	ChangeSequence []int8
    func NewGenerator(Secret int64) Generator {
    	var ChangeSequence []int8
    	return Generator{Secret, int8(Secret % 10), ChangeSequence}
    func (g *Generator) Mix(value int64) *Generator {
    	g.Secret = g.Secret ^ value
    	return g
    func (g *Generator) Prune() *Generator {
    	g.Secret = g.Secret % 16777216
    	return g
    func (g *Generator) Next() {
    	g.Mix(g.Secret * 64).Prune().Mix(g.Secret / 32).Prune().Mix(g.Secret * 2048).Prune()
    	Price := int8(g.Secret % 10)
    	g.ChangeSequence = append(g.ChangeSequence, Price-g.LastPrice)
    	g.LastPrice = Price
    	if len(g.ChangeSequence) > 4 {
    		g.ChangeSequence = g.ChangeSequence[1:]
    func ParseInput() []int64 {
    	if fileInfo, _ := os.Stdin.Stat(); (fileInfo.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) != 0 {
    		fmt.Println("This program expects input from stdin.")
    	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    	var numbers []int64
    	for scanner.Scan() {
    		line := scanner.Text()
    		num, err := strconv.ParseInt(line, 10, 64)
    		if err != nil {
    			fmt.Printf("ERROR PARSING VALUE: %s\n", line)
    		numbers = append(numbers, num)
    	return numbers
    func main() {
    	numbers := ParseInput()
    	m := NewSequenceMap()
    	sum := int64(0)
    	for i := 0; i < len(numbers); i += 1 {
    		g := NewGenerator(numbers[i])
    		tM := NewSequenceMap()
    		for j := 0; j < 2000; j += 1 {
    			if len(g.ChangeSequence) == 4 {
    				if !tM.Has([4]int8(g.ChangeSequence)) {
    					tM.Increment([4]int8(g.ChangeSequence), 1)
    					if g.LastPrice > 0 {
    						m.Increment([4]int8(g.ChangeSequence), int(g.LastPrice))
    		sum += g.Secret
    	fmt.Printf("Part One: %d\n", sum)
    	var bestSeq [4]int8
    	bestPrice := 0
    	for pSeq, price := range m.Data {
    		if price > bestPrice {
    			bestPrice = price
    			bestSeq = UnpackSeq(pSeq)
    	fmt.Printf("Part Two: %d\n", bestPrice)
    	fmt.Printf("Best Sequence: %d\n", bestSeq)